
These programs will automatically post your current IP to an html page of your choice when you go online. This is perfect for dialup users who always have a different IP everytime you connect to the 'net.

Auto-IP Publisher Download Now!

  • Version Number: 1.93j
  • Revision Date: December 10, 1997
  • File Name: autoip.exe
  • Byte Size: 1,608,282
  • License: Shareware
  • HomePage: http://netnet.net/~smiller/autoip
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: IP publisher that will insert your IP address into an already existing html file. This allows the user to create very complex pages with your current IP address in them. Links can be created to allow the viewer to jump directly to the users current location. Includes a REPEAT function, which causes it to emulate network traffic, keeping your connection alive. If you get disconnected for some reason, and are using an application to automatically reconnect you, Auto-IP Publisher will detect your new IP address (while in REPEAT mode ONLY) and write your new address to the html page. Also includes the options to send a "goodbye" message when you close the software,automatic startup, update to multiple files, auto-minimize to a tray icon on startup, and can execute other applications.
    4.5 Cows

*DynamIP Download Now!

  • Version Number: 3.30 Beta 1
  • Revision Date: December 12, 1997
  • File Name: DynamIPv330b1.zip
  • Byte Size: 2,962,562
  • License: Freeware
  • HomePage: http://DynamIP.home.ml.org/
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: Free multi-functional Internet Utility with that can post your dynamic IP address to web pages, monitor up to 5 POP e-mail accounts, synchronize your PC clock with any NTP server, use IPchat to chat with other DynamIP users and establish point-to-point connections with MS NetMeeting, use WEBchat to exchange messages with people, who visit your home page, scan user-defined IP addresses for other DynamIP users and web servers. Also supports DIPS - A free service that allows you to host a website from your local machine.
    5 Cows

Here Download Now!

  • Version Number: 1.1 Official Release
  • Revision Date: December 7, 1995
  • File Name: here11.zip
  • Byte Size: 98,148
  • License: Shareware
  • HomePage: http://www.cris.com/~beers/here/
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: Here allows you to post your ever-changing dynamic PPP address to a finger or web page for others to view. Includes built-in finger and web clients for checking the address postings of others.
    4.5 Cows

MYIP Download Now!

  • Version Number: 3.0
  • Revision Date: November 14, 1997
  • File Name: myipv3_0.zip
  • Byte Size: 2,266,780
  • License: Freeware
  • HomePage: http://members.visi.net/~icdoctor/myipframe.htm
  • NT Compatible: No
  • Description: MYIP is a freeware program that will post your Internet Address in dot notation ( to your Internet Service Providers (ISP) web server (i.e. where your web pages are located) via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Also contains a feature called KeepAlive that will keep you from being disconnected by your ISP.
    5 Cows

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