Diagnostic Tools Section


Diagnostic Tools are simply applications that help you monitor and test your Internet connection.

TracePlus/Winsock Download Now!

  • Version Number: 3.10.015
  • Revision Date: September 21, 1997
  • File Name: tpwins32.zip
  • Byte Size: 970,019
  • Type: Shareware
  • Homepage: http://www.sstinc.com
  • NT Compatible: Unknown
  • Description: TracePlus/Winsock 2.10 shows you the interaction between your application and the Winsock API WITH NO MODIFICATIONS to your existing program. New version 2.00 adds enhanced function parameter displays, tracing capability for WSAAsync***() messages, and performance analysis of the API functions. Integral open socket dialog shows what sockets are open, and their associated connection information. New Import/Export feature supports viewing of trace logs and performance information from remote PCs.
    4.5 Cows

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