Explore the underwater caverns in search of Dr. Riptide's undersea lab. Keys/Buttons used: Arrow keys for direction. Space bar or button 1 to fire. Ctrl, Alt, or button 2 to enter caves or to control JASON sub. ESC for options. F10 for quick exit to DOS. Your ability can be enhanced by collecting Power-Ups. Here is a summary of a few of the Power-Ups available: Shield Power-Up adds to your shield but decreases fire power. Auto fire Power-Up makes your guns fire rapidly. Fire Power-Up gives you more powerful missiles. JASON submersible follows player. To enter the JASON submersible, use Ctrl, Alt or button 2 of the joystick. JASON can shoot small projectiles and collect coins only. The small size of JASON will be very useful in some situations! Scores for goodies are doubled if you get them while they are still in motion. Bonus points are awarded at the end of the round for remaining air and shield. Dr. Riptide awaits your arrival! Good Luck, S.N.A.T. 1138...