BSCSplitter ActiveX Control Help

Description A BSCSplitter Control is used to create a divider between two other controls.
Version 2.00
Object Type BSCSplitter
Remarks Unlike most other splitter controls, BSCSplitter incorporates a "Quick-Close" facility.
This help file covers ONLY those properties of BSCSplitter which differ from the standard VB Controls.
About This control was developed by Byte-Sized Computing, if your questions are not answered in this help file, please send an e-mail to..
Distribution You are permitted to distribute BSCOutline with your applications royalty free. However you are NOT permitted to distribute the licence file or it's contents in any shape or form
Revision History
    January  1998: v2.0 - Major changes to the licensing.
    November 1997: v1.0 - First Full Release.
    November 1997: Beta release.
Unique Properties IsOpen SplitLeft SplitWidth SplitType
Unique Events None.

Quick Start
Below are the steps necessary to utilise BSCSplitter in your application.

  • Add a BSCSplitter Control to your form!
  • Add two further controls ONTOP of the BSCSplitter Control. These two controls become child windows of BSCSplitter.
  • Decide which of the two controls you want you want to be on the Left Hand side of the splitter bar and set it's TAG property to "Left" (Omiting the quotes!) Hint: if you want to control the layout of one pane yourself (As in the demo) then put a picture box as the window and move your other controls in the re-size event of the picture box.
  • Set the SplitWidth, SplitLeft and SplitType properties of the BSCSplitter control.
That's all there is to it!

IsOpen Property
Description Determines if the splitter is in the open state.
Remarks Applicable only for BSCSplitter control with the SplitType set to Special.

The IsOpen property settings are:
    True  - The splitter is currently open (Default).
    False - The splitter is currently closed.
Data Type Boolean

SplitWidth Property
Description Sets or Returns the width of the splitter bar.
Remarks The SplitWidth property settings are:
    Value - The width in pixels of the splitter bar. (Default = 8).
Data Type Integer

SplitLeft Property
Description Sets or Returns the width of the Left Hand pane.
Remarks The SplitLeft property settings are:
    Value - The width in pixels of the left hand pane (Default = 152).
Data Type Integer

SplitType Property
Description Sets or Returns the type of splitter bar.
Remarks The SplitType property settings are:
    Special  (True)  - The splitter responds to Mouse DoubleClicks 
                       and "Quick-Closes" the left pane. (Default).
    Standard (False) - The splitter ignores Mouse DoubleClicks.
Data Type Boolean (Enumerated)