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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Wizard QuickStart Tutorial

Preview the result.

With your options all set, it's time to preview. Press the Preview button on the Wizard. If you have trouble previewing, the User Guide has more information to help you.

The Wizard will generate an HTML page containing an <APPLET> tag with the appropriate information. The HTML page is automatically loaded in your default Web browser from viewing. You should be viewing a Shout3D applet just like the one on this page.

If you're interested, view the HTML source code for the preview page through your browser to see the <APPLET> tag. Notice that the name of the scene file is now rotatingWindow.s3z. The Optimize scene option (set to "true" by default) converts .wrl and .s3d scene files into compressed .s3z versions, which are generally much smaller than the originals.


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