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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Wizard QuickStart Tutorial

Launching the Wizard

The Shout3D Wizard is a small Java application to help you preview and publish Shout3D content. When you launch the Wizard, you see this small panel. You�ll also get an auxiliary window that displays text messages as you use the Wizard.

Windows and MAC users can launch the Shout3D Wizard with the mouse. Just find the file named Shout3DWizard.exe in the Shout3d_wizard folder in your Shout3D installation, and double�click on the name. You�ll probably want to create a shortcut to this file for your desktop. Other users must start the Wizard from a command line, as they would any Java application.

If you have trouble launching the Wizard, or want more information, see the User Guide.


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