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Shout3D™ 2.0 - User Guide

Downloading and Installing Shout3D

The instructions on this page will help you download Shout3D and install it on your system. This document contains three sections:

System Requirements:

To view and run Shout3D applets, the only requirement is a web browser containing a Java 1.1 Virtual machine. Any version 4.0 or above of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator fills this requirement.

The Shout3D Wizard is an authoring tool, and its requirements are higher on some platforms than those required for Shout3D playback. Note that once the content is authored and published, anyone can view it using a version 4.0 browser or above.

To author and publish with the Shout3DWizard, the requirements are as follows:

Windows systems:

In order to launch the Shout3DWizard by double-clicking the executable Shout3DWizard.exe, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 4.0 or higher, with the virtual machine option installed. The virtual machine is not always installed by default in IE 5.0 (upgrades from lower versions may leave this component out, but new machines will have it). If you have installed IE 5.0 and the wizard will not launch, click here for instructions on how to upgrade your version of IE 5.0 to include the virtual machine.  If it still does not work, you may need to run the Wizard from a command line directly in a Java runtime environment. Click here and follow the instructions for "other users".

If you do not want to install Microsoft IE, you can still use the Shout3D Wizard, but you will not be able to double-click the executable to launch it. You must run the Wizard from a command line directly in a Java runtime environment. Click here and follow the instructions for "other users".

Macintosh systems:

MRJ 2.0 or higher is required.

Other systems:

Java JDK version 1.1.4 or above is required.


Is the file S3D_2E1.exe (for windows systems) or S3D_2E1.zip (for other systems) on your computer? If not, you can download it off the web. Go to the page www.shout3d.com and click the link on the top of the page that says "Products" or "Trials." From there, follow the instructions on the web site.


Installation consists of unpacking a directory of files onto your computer. The default location for this directory is c:\Shout3d_2.0, but any location will do. Windows users will follow a slightly different process from other users, but the result will be the same.

Windows systems:

Double-click the executable S3D_2E1.exe to install the software. If you've downloaded the zip file instead, follow the instructions below for other user users.

Macintosh systems:

Drag the file S3D_2E1.sit onto the Stuffit Expander application. The Stuffit Expander will place all the files into a new directory on your desktop named "Shout3d_2.0 Folder."

Other systems:

Unzip the file S3D_2E1.zip into the directory c:\Shout3d_2.0 using any standard zip file unpacking program such as WinZip. Make sure, if there are options, to retain the directory structure that is used in the zip file. For WinZip users, these means that the box marked "Use Folder Names" should be checked.

How to add the Virtual Machine to Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0

Some Windows users may receive errors attempting to launch the Shout3DWizard.exe file by double-clicking, even though Microsoft IE 5.0 is installed. This problem is caused because Microsoft IE 5.0 does not install the Virtual Machine by default. To remedy this, follow these steps:

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