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Shout3D™ 2.0 - 3D Studio MAX Export Tutorial

Under the Hood

Open box.s3d in a text editor, like Wordpad. Notice first that the geometry is described as a polygonal mesh, with a list of the eight vertices. This is the same result as if you had collapsed the parametric Box to an Editable Mesh object before exporting. Shout3D supports a number of parametric objects, which can be added to a scene by hand, but the exporter does not preserve the parametric nature of MAX geometric primitives.

Note the translation field of the Transform node in text file. The value of (0,0,0) corresponds to the location of the pivot point in MAX.

Back in MAX, move the pivot point to the center of the Box, as in the image on the right. The Box does not move but the position of the object is now at (0,0,50). Confirm that this is so by opening the Move Transform Type-In by right-clicking on the Move tool in the MAX Main Toolbar.


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