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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Workflow Tutorial

Moving it to the Web

If your project works correctly running off your hard drive, it should work correctly when downloaded from a Web server. Publishing to the Web is basically a matter of uploading all the necessary files, in the proper directory structure, to your Web server.

The Shout3D Wizard will help to get organized for uploading, but it also performs some important optimizing functions. The Wizard will compress your scene file (whether in .wrl or .s3d format) into .s3z format. The result is no longer readable in a text editor, but the reduced file size will save user download time.

The Wizard can also perform a different and very important form of optimization. Users must download all of the Shout3D Java class files needed to run your project. These files are typically very small, but they can take a while to download if they are transferred individually. By collecting the necessary class files in an archive (a .zip file), download times are greatly reduced because these is only a single download transaction.

Your Shout3D installation comes with a standard archive named This archive contains Java classes that are commonly required by a broad range of projects. If you use this archive, users will typically have to download some additional files individually. But the Wizard will let you create a custom archive for each project that contains precisely the classes needed for that project. This is the most efficient way to package your content for the Internet.


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