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Licensing Agreement
The images supplied in this package are for the personal use of the end user only and are copyright of Image Club Graphics, a division of Adobe Systems Incorporated. You are licensed to use the copyrighted images for presentation, printed or display purposes. Image Club grants you the right to use, modify and publish the images in electronic form including but not limited to, world wide web page design, multimedia presentations and application software. However, the images may not be used in such a way that they are treated as an art library or resource and the images may not be used in a stand alone fashion. Images must be used in conjunction with other graphic elements such as type or other graphic elements, so that the original image is part of a entire design. When publishing online, the images cannot be downloadable unless they are embedded with other graphic elements or are part of an entire design.

Unauthorized duplication, reproduction, reselling or distribution of the copyrighted images in digital form is strictly prohibited. You may make one copy of the files for backup purposes only. Please note that by using the images, you have agreed to the terms of this licensing agreement. For more information, refer to the End User Licensing Agreement found on the software envelope or contact Image Club Customer Service.

Copyright © 1996 Image Club Graphics. All rights reserved.
Image Club Graphics is a cool, little division of Adobe Systems Incorporated.