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Image Club Graphics, Adobe, Acrobat, Myriad, PageMaker, Illustrator, PageMill, SiteMill, Photoshop, Schmutz, WebMorsels, the Image Club Graphics logo and the "Art Bites for Web Sites" phrase are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated and may be registered in some jurisdictions. Specular and TextureScape are trademarks of Specular International Limited. Apple, HyperCard, Macintosh and Quadra are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Incorporated. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape Communications, Netscape, Netscape Navigator and the Netscape Communications logo are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation.

Copyright © 1996 Image Club Graphics, a division of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. This document and the information provided herein is copyright material. No part of this document may be duplicated or reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written consent of the publisher, Image Club Graphics.

Copyright © 1996 Image Club Graphics. All rights reserved.
Image Club Graphics is a cool, little division of Adobe Systems Incorporated.