To play this Photo CD Portfolio disc on your computer, you will be using the KODAK Photo CD Player software. Included on this disc, in the PLAYER folder/directory, are Photo CD Player software versions compatible with both MACINTOSH computers and PC compatibles running MICROSOFT WINDOWS 3.x. Instructions for using the KODAK Photo CD Player software on PC Compatibles/Microsoft Windows computers are included below. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - IBM PC AT or compatible 80386 or 80486 - VGA display or better (minimum 256 color for acceptable display) - DOS 3.3 or higher - MICROSOFT WINDOWS System 3.0 or higher The MICROSOFT Windows compatible version of the KODAK Photo CD Player software can be run right from this Photo CD Portfolio disc. Follow the steps below to launch the Photo CD Player software: 1) Start MICROSOFT Windows 2) Load the Now You Can disc into a Photo CD compatible CD ROM drive. 3) OPEN the Windows File Manager and BROWSE the directories of the CD ROM disc 4) Open the PLAYER directory and the WIN directory. 5) Located in the WIN directory is PLAYER.EXE, double clicking on the file icon will launch the Player. (The Player software can also be launched using the RUN command from the Program Manager and typing the path on the command line of the RUN dialog box, x:\PLAYER\WIN\PLAYER.EXE, where x is the drive letter of your CD ROM drive.) AUDIO: The Photo CD Portfolio format supports full CD quality audio. A sound card is not necessary to hear the audio of a Photo CD Portfolio. The audio will playback through either the headphone jack or the audio out jacks on the CD ROM drive itself. If you are using a CD ROM drive with the audio output connected to a sound card, the audio will also playback through speakers connected to the audio out port of your sound card. *** IMPORTANT NOTES *** The MCI CD AUDIO driver, included with MICROSOFT Windows, must be installed to enable audio playback. To verify if this driver is installed: open CONTROL PANELS and click on the DRIVERS ICON. Scroll through the installed driver list to verify if the MCI CD AUDIO driver is installed. If necessary install it by clicking on ADD and scrolling the driver list. Select to add the MCI CD AUDIO. Follow the on screen prompts and insert the appropriate MICROSOFT Windows System disc. Restart Windows and the audio will now play. In some cases when the Player software is running in the smaller size window the right side of the control bar will appear to be cut off. This is caused because the Windows default font you are using is too large. The situation can be remedied by clicking on the SIZE button to enlarge the Player display window or by loading a small font video driver. Performance of the Player will be increased by running Windows in STANDARD mode. To run in Standard mode, start Windows by typing, "WIN /S" at a DOS prompt. If you have more than 1 CD ROM drive on your system, the Player software will only use the first logical CD drive. For example, if you have 2 CD drives recognized as drive E and F, the player software will only play a Portfolio disc from drive E.