Package contents list

The following files are included in the MIDI2TEX  software package:

PC version

    MIDI2TEX.EXE:xxxxxx the executable
    MIDI2TEX.EXE: 		 the executable

EXAMPLE.MID: an example MIDI file
EXAMPLES.EXE: additional example MIDI files
MANUAL.TEX: the TEX manual you are reading right now
MIDI2TEX.BBL: the bibliography file
MIDI2TEX.PIC: the frontpage logo
ST version

    MIDI2TEX.EXE:xxxxxx the executable
    MIDI2TEX.TTP: 		 the executable

M2TSHELL.PRG: the GEM shell to call MIDI2TEX.TTP
EXAMPLES.ARC: additional example MIDI files
M2TSHELL.RSC: the resource file for the shell
EXAMPLE.MID: an example MIDI file
MANUAL.TEX: the TEX manual you are reading right now
MIDI2TEX.BBL: the bibliography file
MIDI2TEX.PIC: the frontpage logo