$Unique_ID{QAD00258} $Pretitle{} $Title{Genus Dasypus.--Linn.} $Subject{Genus Dasypus. --Linn.; Dasypus; } $Journal{Quadrupeds of North America: Volume III} $Volume{Vol. 3:220} $Genus{Dasypus} $Species{} $Common_Name{} $Log{} Portions copyright (c) Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992 A U D U B O N ' S M A M M A L S By John James Audubon, F. R. S., &c. &c. AND The Rev. John Bachman, D. D., &c. &c. ------------------------------------------- VOL. III. -------------------------------- GENUS DASYPUS.--LINN. DENTAL FORMULA. 0 2 0-0 Incisive - or -; Canine ---; Molars varying in the several species from 0 4 0-0 28 to 68; these teeth cylindrical, separate, and without enamel on the inner side. Head, long; mouth, small; tongue, partially extensible. Body, altogether covered with a shell, or plate armour. Four or five toes to the fore-feet, five toes to the hind-feet. Toes, armed with long nails for digging; mammae, two or four. Tail, rather long, round. Stomach, simple; intestines, without caeca. Habit, living in woods, on ants, roots, and putrid animals; rolling themselves up for protection; confined to the warmer parts of America. Nine species belonging to this genus have been described by authors. The genus requires a revision, and the species will no doubt, from the rage which exists at present for making new genera, be greatly subdivided. The generic appellation is derived from [dasus], dasus, rough, and [pous], pous, a foot.