{This code is release freely to anyone that wants it. I couldn't care less what you do with it. It is being used in my demo so if I see it in yours i will find you and kill you. Nemesis 1994} program rain; var p:integer; function keypressed : boolean; assembler; asm mov ah,0bh; int 21h; and al,0feh; end; Procedure RotatePal; Var a:Word; Begin inc(p); port[968]:=35; a:=100; while port[$3da] and 8 <> 0 do; while port[$3da] and 8 = 0 do; while a>1 do begin port[969]:=1-((a+p) and 60); port[969]:=0; {If you want a better palette selection and more play then remove the above line and replace with the one below. It will allow you to get to the blues and greens and yellows but I made mine red so did not require those} {port[969]:=1-((a+p) and 60);} port[969]:=1-((a+p) and 65); dec(a); end; end; Procedure makerain; Var x,y,c,d:word; begin d:=1; randomize; for x:=0 to 320 do Begin c:=random(65); for y:=0 to 200 do Begin if c>64 then c:=1; mem[$a000:x+320*y]:=c+35; inc(c,d); end; d:=random(5)+1; end; end; begin asm mov ax,$0013 int 10h end; makerain; repeat RotatePal; until keypressed; asm mov ax,$0002 int 10h end; end. {Ok so it isn't the best method but it is small and fast and more than sufficent for displaying a graphic in on top of it.}