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It can be freely distributed as long as the files or the contents of the archive are not modified in any way. No money can be charged for this demo. We grant exclusive rights for CD-ROM distribution of this demo to the organizers of Assembly'94, and demand a 3.2% royalty from the net revenue, as stated in the ASM94_2.TXT info file. Disclaimer: you run this demo at your own responsibility. The authors can not be held liable for any damage arising from the use of this software. FILES INCLUDED ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй After unpacking the archive, you should have the following files: FILE_ID.DIZ, 576 bytes - BBS file description VERSES.EXE, 1030549 bytes - Demo executable EMF.NFO, 6400 bytes - EMF info file VERSES.NFO, 8429 bytes - This file Any other files that might be included in the archive are not needed to run this demo. You may as well delete them. MACHINE REQUIREMENTS ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй To run this demo, you need a machine with at least - a 386sx CPU; 486 or faster recommended - a VGA card; VLB or PCI recommended - a hard disk; RAM disk recommended - a Gravis Ultrasound card for music - 400 kB of free base memory - 1 MB of free high memory TECHNICAL STUFF ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй This demo is running under a slightly customized version of PMODE v2.4 by Tran -- thanks! Also, everything in this demo is coded in pure assembly language, and optimized for the i486. As an advice for all the coders out there pondering whether to use protected mode or to stick with real mode -- go for it! Even though you lose all your debugging facilities and have to build a lot of your basic routines from scratch, the effort very quickly pays off. The demo has been tested on six different machines in addition to those that it was developed on, each with various configurations, and it seems to work perfectly save for one exception: QEMM v7.0 or higher will screw up the demo! We do not know why - might have something to do with the pmode header - nor do we have the time to find out. You'll just have to remove QEMM before running the demo. If it still doesn't work, well, about the only advice we have to offer is that you try different boot configs, a clean boot among them. Why no Sound Blaster support? Well, the reason is that none of us had neither the time nor the motivation to code a Sound Blaster player in protected mode. Of course, we still have the real mode player that we used in Eclipse, but we felt that mixing real and protected mode code isn't good coding practice and might cause a number of mysterious bugs. Thus, we decided that no player at all is better than a buggy player that screws up the demo. But if you like to experiment, you might want to load up your favorite stand- alone SB module player, jump to DOS shell, and run VERSES without sound. I've tried this a few times just out of curiosity, and the demo seemed to work fine. A far more recommended option is to get a Gravis Ultrasound, though. Btw, a last minute note: if you want to run the demo without sound even if you have a Gravis Ultrasound installed, just remove the ULTRASND environment variable by typing "SET ULTRASND=" at the DOS prompt. Also, if the music stops playing after the first note or so, try executing ULTRINIT before running the demo. CREDITS ФФФФФФФй Saracen: - emf "design-logo" (gfx) - presentation texts (gfx) - ifs morpher (bg gfx) - voxel cave (code & gfx) - bitmap rotation (code) - ripple effect (code) - "dotfade" (code) - "Bill Gates" writer (gfx) - greetings part (code & gfx) - "timeless" kaleidoscope (code) - julia morpher (code) - credits part (code & gfx) - frontend routines (code) The Grim Reaper: - gouraud routines (code) - "design star" (code) - ifs morpher (code) - diagonal dotfade (code) - Bill Gates "whirl" (code) - emf gouraud logo (gfx) Devastator: - mosaic (code) - polygon ball (code) - frontend routines (code) - file routines (code) - music routines (code) Saint: - presentation texts (code) - Bill Gates writer (code) - Bill Gates mutation (code) - music routines (code) Whalebone: - "Double Trouble" (music) - ripple picture (gfx) - emf end logo (gfx) Shaman&Kerberos: - "verses" logo (gfx) Vortex: - gouraud objects (gfx) GREETINGS ФФФФФФФФФй Access Denied Admire Anarchy Avalanche Cascada VRS Clones Complex Crypton Darkzone Dust Epical Extreme Future Crew Gollum Grif Iguana Impact Infiny Imp/Cda Legend Design Majic 12 Mental Design Noice Phantom Prime Radiance Renaissance Sonic PC Speed Surprise! Prods. TET Tran Triton Unexpected Virtual Dreams Xography FINAL WORDS ФФФФФФФФФФФй We'd like to thank the following people for various reasons: - Tran (for PMODE v2.24) - Quark/Anarchy (for letting us use his computer at Asm'94) - Mika Lietzen (for the EMF banner & our party T-shirts) - Erkka Samsten (for his big & ineffective loudspeakers) - Bill Gates (for the highly mutatable face) - The people at Assembly'94 (for voting us) PS. Whalebone, our graphics artist and musician, is leaving for the army, and we'll be having trouble in getting quality artwork for our upcoming releases unless we get someone to replace him. If you, the reader, feel that you could contribute to our future productions in the form of high quality music or graphics, please contact us! If you also happen to live in southern Finland, all the better.