When the dawn of intergalatic Man rises, we shall be in memories of the Old Ones ÄÄÂÜÜ ÄÄ ÄÄ¿ÜÜ ÄÄÄÜ ÄÄÄÜÜ ÄÄÄÜÜ ÄÄÄÜÜ ÄÄÄÜÜ ÄÄÄÜÜ ÜÜ°°ÛÛ³ÛÛ °ÛÛ °ÛÛÀÛÛ °ÛÛ ÛÛ °ÛÛ ÛÛ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ÛÛÄÛß° ÛÛÄ °°°ÜÜ ßß °ÛÛ ÛÛ °ÛÛ °ÛÛ ÛÛ °ÛÛ ÛÛ °ÛÛÄßß° ÛÛÄÛß° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ÛÛ°°°° ßß °°°ßß ßß °ßß °ßß ßß °ßßÄßß °ßß°°°° ßß ßß° ßßÄßß° ßßÄßß° ßßÄßß°°° - infofile containing NO useful information - - 06/08/1994 - - text & ascii by Kristian "Cross" Lehtomaa - 1. CONTENTS What has been changed since last version (dated 11/06/1994): -new mindprobe ansi and slogan of the month! -almost everything has something added -opinions... was removed -more detailed descriptions of our members added -Mindprobe Fan Club was formed -Crescent joined and Mindprobe Amiga was formed -distsite application form This infofile was created, because everyone else has one of their own too. We in Mindprobe are mainstreamdudes and we follow the paths of the allmighty scenegods. The contents of this file are: 1. Contents you're watching it 2. Yesterdays of Mindprobe mindprobe's selfwritten highly exaggerated bullshit-history 3. Release list short list of our products 4. Memberlist little descriptions... 5. Contactions how to contact us 6. Distribution sites use your brains, dear Watson 7. Screetings just some guys we want to remember 2. YESTERDAYS OF MiNDPROBE (in the order these events happened) Mindprobe was formed in july of 1993, but there had been co-operation between Sysostar and Mainframe some time before that (does anyone remember depression?). Since then, the memberlist has been almost the same (Timo joined us in may of 1994). At first we started to make a demo, but no one of us had really idea what kind of product we should make: propositions came and went (I still have 2ü different logos in my harddrive). So a demo was never released. Well, we all live in northern Finland and we have much rainy and cold days, so a party would be something fun: idea of Abduction 1994 had been born. Quickly we started to find out exactly what we would do and when. Our first production, ABINTRO, was released in a hurry. It was ordinary intro with some effects and gfx in it with a chiptune as a soundtrack. Replay routine was still buggy, but if we wanted people to attend to Abduction, intro had to be released quickly. Abduction 1994 was a big success, at least in our own opinion. But as always, there are some scenedudes who think that Abdu94 was a failure. And this is our answer to you: TWAS NAE A FAELUIRE.(I think my Irish is getting better) We admit that there was _some_ problems with videoprojector, but it didn't matter, right? At the Abduction, we competed with Unknown, a dentro which came second. This product contained texturemapped cubes, gouraud and many other neat effects. Since Seppo's SB-routine was buggy (and it takes to much CPUpower), Unknown supported only GUS. Just before Assembly 94, Mindprobe expanded also to amiga-scene when Crescent, talented composer and coder joined and founded Mindprobe Amiga. He coded an production which is sumthing between minimusic- disk and intro and we released it at Assembly'94. We also competed in 64k-introcompo with Bees and Honey. 3. RELEASE LIST (really short shorter shortest version) abintro.zip Date: 17/04/1994 Size: 170 kb Supp: 386SX+, VGA, SB/GUS Mcne: PC-compatibles Type: Invitation intro to Abduction Party 1994 unknown.zip Date: 19/06/1994 Size: 500 kb Supp: 386SX+, VGA, GUS Mcne: PC-compatibles Type: A demo(dentro), came second at Abduction 1994 democompo b&h.zip Date: 06/08/1994 Size: 59 kb Supp: 386sx, VGA, GUS Mcne: PC-compatibles Type: Bees & Honey, ?th at the Assembly '94 introcompo List of modules released by Vinyl, Mixtec and Crescent while they have been part of Mindprobe. Modulename Year Songname Composed by ahoy.mod 1993 Ahoy Vinyl ahoyii.mod 1994 Ahoy -remix Vinyl andromed.mod 1993 Andromeda Vinyl babylon.s3m 1994 Babylon blessing Mixtec compomix.s3m 1994 Hein„talkoot Mixtec dune.s3m 1994 Dune Vinyl grtribe.mod 1993 Groovetribe Vinyl h2opipem.mod 1993 Waterpipemelody Vinyl lil'funk.s3m 1994 Lil' funk machine Vinyl mindflow.mod 1994 Mindflow Vinyl mp5space.mod 1993 MP5-spacecraft Vinyl mylove.mod 1993 Farewell my love Vinyl oivallus.s3m 1994 Pime„n v„ri: Oivallus Vinyl syd„ny”.s3m 1994 Kuun lapsi ja t„htien tyt„r Vinyl thelater.mod 1994 The Later divinence Crescent unknown.mod 1994 Tuntemattoman tunnari Vinyl viisariv.s3m 1994 Viisarivalssi Vinyl voodoo.mod 1993 4 a clock voodoo song Vinyl 4. MEMBERLIST (in no order but aplhaapbedtical order) Handle Name Age Experteese Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Mindprobe members Mainframe Ilkka Jauho 17 code (PC) active at PC Synapse Seppo Jauho 16 code (PC) active at PC Cross Kristian Lehtomaa 18 graphics and design active at PC Vinyl Aake Otsala 17 music active ar PC Crescent Harri Salokorpi 17 code (AM) and music active at Amiga Sysostar V-P Yliniemi 17 sysop active BBS sysop Mixtec Timo Ylir„is„nen 19 graphics and music active at Amiga&PC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Mindprobe Fan Club members JUSE Jussi Ruonamaa 17 chairman active in USA AxIoM Jari Ruokonen 17 secretary Scene-TV cameraman JUKE Jukka K„rki 18 confident of funds liverblaster pro 2 Immortal Samuli J„rvel„ 17 cheerleader under A.P.B. Sewer Metri Pentu 17 guinea pig MPFC AA-chairman Kamis Teemu S„rkel„ 17 part-time lemming diggin' his hole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mindprobe member-descriptions: Ilkka "Mainframe" Jauho is the one who mainly does nothing. Well, he can code, but what can one do to ones lazyness. Organizing nice parties is one of the Ilkka's specialties, and we are thankful for that. Seppo "Synapse" Jauho is Ilkka's 2-years-younger-littlebrother, but in talent of coding with assembler he is unsurpassed compared to his BIGbrother. Seppo is the youngest member of our group and is now studying mathematics at Korkalovaara's gymnasium. Kristian "Cross" Lehtomaa is the bigmouth mothafucker. He draws all those nice piccys and ansis. Kristian has always strong black'n'white opinions about everything and just cant keep'em with himself. Kristian is also behind the design in our newest productions. Aake "Vinyl" Otsala is the main musician in our group. Usually it is Aake who composes the tunes in our prods, because of the fact that Mixtec and Crescent are both kinda ambientlovers and Aake's funky tunes just are the one of the best ever made (at least in our opinion:). Harri "Crescent" Salokorpi handles the Amiga coding in our group. He also composes ambient music in his spare time (which he unfortunately doesn't have enough) Veli-Pekka Yliniemi, also called Sysostar, handles the net-pr and spreading our latest prods. He runs our WHQ Putrefaction of Perfection. Timo "Mixtec" Ylir„is„nen is our second graphician/musician, so he's quite artistic guy. Recently Timo has been investigating the secrets of 3DS, so he's the one behind all those objects and rendered piccies. Mindprobe Fan Club Mindprobe Fan Club consists of our close friend who are always partying and boozing with us. They are also our betatesters,betacritics and betaa-petis. All MPFC members have their own yellow MPFC t-shirt and they get our MPFC clubmag once in every month together with starposters and signatures (noooot). To put this in another way: they are our partyanimals. 5. CONTACTIONS with letter, phone or fax Ilkka & Seppo Jauho Harri Salokorpi Kristian Lehtomaa Urputie 17 98400 Isokyl„ Sudentie 4 A 8 96190 Rovaniemi Kemij„rvi 96500 Rovaniemi +358-(9)60-393902 (fax) +358-(9)692-880252 +358-(9)60-394690 organizing & pr amigaswapping PC-swapping Timo Ylir„is„nen A.M.Otsala V-P Yliniemi 98720 Suomulahti Vesikontie 12 Kieker”tie 4? Kemij„rvi 96500 Rovaniemi 96??0 Rovaniemi +358-(9)60-83343 +358-(9)60-391774 +358-(9)60-341194 netcontacts, bbs-stuff with modem, call Mindprobe WHQ ÜÄ¿Ü ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿Ü ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿Ü ÜÄ¿ÜÄ¿B °Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°Û°³Û°³°°°Û°³Û°³°°°Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°³Û°Û°³Û°³B Û ³Û ³Û Û ³Û ³Û Û ³Û Û Û Û ³Û ³ Û ³Û Û ³Û Û ³Û Û Û Û Û Û ³Û ³B ÛÄÙÛ ³Û ÛÂÙÛÄ ÛÄ ÛÄ´Û ³Û Û Û ³Û ³ Û ³ÛÄ ÛÄÙÛÄ ÛÂÙÛÄ ÛÄ Û ³Û Û Û ³Û ³S ß ßÄÙß ßÀÄßÄÙß ß ÙßÄÙß ß ßÄÙß Ù ßÄÙß ß ßÄÙßÀÄß ßÄÙßÄÙß ß ßÄÙß Ù MNP 2-5 V32Bis +358-(9)60-366233 6. DISTRIBUTION SITES Country Name Number SysOp Other Finland whq PoP +358 60 366 233 Sysostar Finland d.s Darkside +358 0 294 1594 CC WHQ Finland d.s Morning Star +358 51 363 4818 Betacarotine Admire memberboard Finland d.s Revolution +358 38 823 6582 Revel Progyon WHQ USA,Ohio usHQ Psalm 69 +1 513 530 9250 Khyron Acid If you are a BIG fan of ours and think that your BBS is neat too, why don't you fill the following form and send it to Putrefaction of Perfection. What do you get for being Mindprobe distsite? Well... err, ehm nuttin' Ah'guess, but MAYBE, just maybe, your BBS will get LOOOOOTS of new users because your BBS is mentioned in this infofile ...or probably not. --------->8-------->8-------->8-----cut here!----->8-------->8-------->8-------- First, the statistic information: BBS name: BBS nationality, (state), city: BBS phonumber(s): Modem speeds supported: BBS & Mailer Software: BBS net address(es): BBS megs: List networks you are in: SysOp real name: SysOp age: SysOp address: SysOp voice phone number: SysOp e-mail address: SysOp criminal record: SysOp alias/group: Then we would like known few things (answer truthfully): How many users do you have daily? Do you think your life is satisfying (yes/no)? How many megs do you have demos in you bbs? Wherefrom did you get this form? Have you ever killed a man (yes/no)? Will it rain tomorrow? Do believe in God? Is your wife a woman? When you are asleep, what do you do? Are you sure? How do you brainwash a lamer? Is your BBS functioning as a distsite for other groups (which)? And last, do you think that these questions were made for real? --------->8-------->8-------->8-----cut here!----->8-------->8-------->8-------- 7. SCREETINGS (in alphabetical order) Mindprobe screets Admire Capacala Complex PC (you'll have to clean up at abd95 ;) Crypton Fascination Gollum Inapt (still the second...) Progyon Sorrox Personal screets: Crescent/MP7 Every one in Fascination Taskmaster/Gollum Jussi JUSE Ruonamaa Dexter /PGN? MadZArt, Zak & Retaliator /Inapt AxIoM - Arsenal all MPFC members! GORE's sister Elli Alek/Escape Alliedsoft! Burger (with cheese) /Progyon PSB/Cadaver Enzyme/Inflow - Nuno/Quadriga Zandax/Damage Ellyn/CNF J-P Kinnunen - eof.