In Tropic ----------------- Tech info ========= Because some parts of this intro are synchronized to the music, the player must be running, whether you have or haven't got a GUS. If you haven't got a GUS, you must select a free base address for the player. The ULTRASND environment variable must be set to make the autodetection routine work. (If autodetection somehow fails to detect the GUS, you can use "no GUS" method to force the player to use a certain base address.) It's recommend to run ULTRINIT before executing the intro. For example, STMIK totally screws up this player routine.. (If you get tired to the tune and want to make a new mix of it, just load ST3, play some module and start the intro..) Lack of memory shouldn't be a promblem with this intro. But if you have got hundreds of TSRs running in the background it can cause some strange errors.. At least with a clean boot (DOS 6.2) intro should work perfectly. In addition the intro needs 25000 bytes of free disk space for a temporary swap file. (If something weird happens when executing the intro, you may find file 'x.' form your hard drive.. Just delete it.) The intro hasn't been tested with harddisk doublers. Other stuff =========== I would like to thank Feenix/Epical for his "easy 2 use" GUS-player routine (FPO-FeenixPlayer Object). Also thanks to Phantom/J!P and Feenix for their excellent help with my coding problems.. To contact me, call to KOTELO +358-17-1684040 (Sysop: Kapsu / Epical) and leave a message to 'Mikki' Thanks for reading! Mikki...