The Message From The Cosmic Brothers, with full source code!-) Requires: 386, Local Bus VGA preferred 250kB base memory 2500kB of XMS memory (please use HIMEM.SYS) No V86 mode memory managers allowed. Gravis Ultrasound with 512k memory for music. Compile with TASM 4.0. Technical mega explanation: Plays different bunch of frames from COSMIC.DAT file which is just raw data, containing tiny 72*48*16 frames. Data is stored with two pixels in one byte (16 colors, remember?) Frames are scaled to 4x and smoothed with lousy (a+b)/2 smoothing. PS, Sorry but I couldnt find source code to "flatman", but there's .obj file included with the package... it aint anything special, just a routine to allocate some XMS and switching to pmode, enabling 4GB segments and then comes back to real mode. JMagic/Complex, March 1995