-ai (Include archive filenames) switch

Specifies additional include archive filenames and wildcards.

Multiple include switches are supported.



<recurse_type> ::= r[- | 0]
<file_ref> ::= @{listfile} | !{wildcard}



Specifies how wildcards and file names specified in this switch must be used. If this option is not assigned, recursion will be not used. For more details see specification of the -r (Recurse) switch.

<recurse_type> ::= r[- | 0]

Specifies filenames and wildcards or list file that specify processed files.

<file_ref> ::= @{listfile} | !{wildcard}
Option Description
{listfile} Specifies name of list file. See List file description.
{wildcard} Specifies wildcard or filename.


7z t -an -air!*.7z

tests *.7z archives in current directory and all it's subdirectories.

Commands that can be used with this switch

a (Add), d (Delete), e (Extract), l (List), t (Test), u (Update), x (Extract with full paths)

See also

Switches: -ax (Exclude archives) -an (Disable parsing of archive_name)