Installing LHA

Here are step-by-step instructions for installing LHA, an optional external program required to work with LZH files.

  1. LHA is distributed as a self-extracting archive called LHA213.EXE. First download LHA213.EXE from your favorite online service.
  2. Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to create the folder C:\LHA. You can use a different folder but then you will need to substitute that folder name in the following instructions.
  3. Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to copy LHA213.EXE from your download folder to the C:\LHA folder.
  4. Double click on LHA213.EXE to run it. This will cause the files in LHA213.EXE to "self-extract" into the C:\LHA folder. Then go back and delete C:\LHA\LHA213.EXE, as it is not needed for day-to-day work with LHA and WinZip®.
  5. Start WinZip. Pull down the Options menu and select Configuration, then click the Program Locations tab.
  6. In the LHA field of the Program Locations tab of the Configuration dialog box, type


    and press the OK button.

That's all there is to installing LHA. You can now access .LZH files (created by LHA) the same way you access Zip files.