No Theme Association

WinZip® was unable to find an association for theme definition files (.Theme extension) in your system registry and can't continue installing your desktop theme. This is generally caused by improper or missing installation of theme support on your system.

Windows 95 supports desktop themes only if the Plus! package or an equivalent is installed. If you have Plus! available, start the Plus! installation procedure and check the "Themes" checkbox. No other Plus! components need to be installed or reinstalled. Complete the installation procedure as directed and then try installing your theme again.

Windows 98 and Windows Me include the equivalent of the theme support provided by the Windows 95 Plus! package. If theme support is not working on your system, you may not have elected to install theme support when you installed Windows. You can easily install it now as follows: click Start and choose Settings and then Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, double click Add/Remove Programs. Choose the Windows Setup tab in the resulting dialog, then check the box labeled Desktop themes and click Apply. You will need your original Windows installation CD.

Windows NT 4.0 supports desktop themes only if add-on support from the NT Resource Kit or an equivalent is installed. If you have the NT Resource Kit, insert the CD, click Desktop Themes, and follow the instructions. Then try installing your theme again.

Windows 2000: please read about desktop themes and Windows 2000.

Windows XP: supports desktop themes with no additional installation required.

If you are using Windows 95 and do not have Plus!, or if you are using NT 4.0 and do not have the NT Resource Kit, you may still be able to install desktop themes by obtaining a freeware or shareware replacement. A number of these are available and can be found by searching the Internet. Please read about third-party theme installers if you are interested or if you are already using a third-party product and you received this message.