Screen Saver Installer

If WinZip® determines that the open Zip file contains one or more screen savers (.SCR extension), the Install button is enabled and you will be able to use it to install your screen saver. Simply click the button or choose Install from the Actions menu and follow the screen instructions. Note: if the Install button is disabled, see the notes below; the screen saver installer may be turned off.

After WinZip has extracted the necessary files to your Windows folder, it will run Microsoft's Display control panel application to complete your installation. Here you can try out the screen saver and possibly modify its settings. If you change your mind and don't want to install the new screen saver, simply select a different one from the installer's list before leaving the Display application. Note that clicking Cancel from the Display application does not cancel installation of the new screen saver--it has already been installed. Consult your Windows documentation or help for more information about the Display application.

If you use the WinZip Wizard, the Wizard will automatically lead you through screen saver installation when you select a Zip file that contains a screen saver.


Here are some additional notes regarding screen saver installation.