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Placing .asf files on a Windows Media server

To stream .asf files after you create them, you must place them on a Windows Media server or an HTTP server. It is suggested that you place them on a Windows Media server because only there do you receive all the ASF functionality. Although an HTTP server can stream .asf files, it cannot duplicate all the functionality of a Windows Media server.

To create Web-page links to the .asf files, it is suggested that you place your .asf files in the Windows Media server content directory. For example, SystemDrive\ASFRoot is the default content directory on a Windows Media server. The Windows Media server searches its content directory for the .asf file to stream when it receives a request. To determine which directory on the Windows Media server is the content directory, open Windows Media Administrator and click Unicast Publishing Points; the content directory path is listed next to the <Home> publishing point. For more information on using Windows Media Administrator, publishing points and the placement of .asf files for streaming, see the Windows Media documentation installed with Windows Media Services.

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