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Windows Media Publish to ASF

Windows Media Publish to ASF for Microsoft PowerPoint 97 is a useful tool for converting PowerPoint presentations into .asf files.

Converting a PowerPoint presentation to .asf format makes it more widely available and makes it possible for users to access your presentation conveniently from any network location. Once you convert your presentation to .asf format, you can play it from:

If you intend to stream your presentation from a Web page, you must create an .asx file. This text file transfers control of the data stream from the HTTP browser to Microsoft Windows Media Player, so that the data can be streamed. Consult your system administrator about placing your ASF presentation on an Internet or intranet server.

If you intend to stream your presentation from a Windows Media server, you have several options. For more information on how to store and stream the presentation from a Windows Media server, see the documentation installed with Windows Media Services or see your Windows Media system administrator.

Since Windows Media Player is extensible, you can embed your ASF presentations in applications written in Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C++, or C and link your presentation to ActiveX controls. This lets you activate ASF streaming presentations from custom Web pages in a variety of ways.

For more information on using Windows Media Publish to ASF, see Publish to ASF Help.

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