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Windows Media Author

Windows Media Author was co-developed by Microsoft and Digital Renaissance, Inc. For more information about Digital Renaissance, Inc. and their products, see the Digital Renaissance, Inc. Web site.

Windows Media Author is a flexible tool used to create .asf files out of existing image and sound files. A common use for Windows Media Author is creating illustrated audio files. Unlike other such tools that convert an existing file or live source into .asf files, Windows Media Author combines several types of media into one .asf file. Windows Media Author supplies predefined bit rates of 28.8 kilobits per second (Kbps) and 56 Kbps. Windows Media Author can also use codecs to compress image and audio files, making it easier to condense various media files so they fit in the target bandwidth. Windows Media Author does not let you build an .asf file that is too big for your target bandwidth.

Use Windows Media Author to combine source files, such as images and audio, with URLs and script commands. With this combination of media, you can create dynamic, fully interactive audio-visual files that can take a user to a site anywhere on the Internet or an intranet.

Windows Media Author cannot accept stored or live video as a source. To convert existing files (such as .avi, .wav, .mov or .mp3 files) to .asf files without changing the amount of compression, use VidToASF or WavToASF. To use live video to create .asf files use Windows Media Encoder. Windows Media Encoder is also used when you have existing files (such as .avi, .wav, .mov or .mp3 files) that are not compressed or that you want to use a different codec to compress the content to create an .asf file that will fit a specific target bandwidth.

For instructions on how to use Windows Media Author to create .asf files, see Windows Media Author Help.


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