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Saving Face His: Past Tips

Put your best foot forward...

Athlete's foot isn't always easy to avoid in the locker room. Some gyms provide step-on devices that spray an anti-fungus solution onto your feet. Although this may help, you are still at risk if you walk around barefoot in likely infectious areas. Here are a few tips that you can follow to avoid getting athlete's foot:

  • Wear rubber foot sandals in and out of the gym shower, and wear some type of foot coverings throughout the locker room area.
  • After a workout, wash and dry your feet thoroughly. Then apply talcum powder to your feet and sprinkle some inside your shoes, too. The talcum powder absorbs moisture and eliminates the damp environment where fungus thrives.
  • Make sure that you change into a clean pair of socks after exercising. Let your sneakers air out, too; don't leave them packed inside your athletic bag.

If you are already suffering from athlete's foot, check your local pharmacy for topical sprays or ointments. Put your best foot forward, but watch where you step!

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