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Healthy whole grains...

Whole grains provide us with dietary fiber and are a vital ingredient in a well-balanced diet. Recently, scientists have discovered other healthy elements within whole grains. Much attention has been given to antioxidants, which have been shown to protect the body against cell damage caused by free radicals. (Free radicals are particles within the body that chemically react with oxygen, destroying lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.) Antioxidants intercept and react with free radicals to lessen their adverse impact on the body. Scientists are finding that whole grains are important sources of many nutrients with antioxidant properties, including selenium and vitamin E.

The USDA recommends that we include a minimum of three servings of whole grains each day. Unfortunately, most of us don't come close to meeting the recommended guideline. The next time you go shopping, check food labels for the term "whole grain," or look for the word "whole" in front of words like wheat, oats, rice, corn, or barley. Remember, brown rice is the only whole grain rice, and most pasta is not whole grain. Take the time to shop for whole grain products. The benefits are well worth it!

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