Error Occurred While Processing Request

Error Diagnostic Information

An error has occurred while processing the expression:

#company# is not "" or #city# is not "" or #state# is not " The error occurred on (or near) line 13 of the template file D:\Websites\imtnbike\htdocs\trails\brews\search.cfm

     9: <cfquery name="search" datasource="D_SQL_IMTNBIKE_MAIN">
    10: select * from micro 
    11: <cfif #company# is not "" or #city# is not "" or #state# is not ""> 
    12:     where 
    13:    <cfif #state# is not "">
    14:       state = '#state#'  <cfif  #city# is not "" or #company# is not ""> and </cfif>

Error resolving parameter company

Cold Fusion was unable to determine the value of the parameter. This problem is very likely due to the fact that either:

  1. You have misspelled the parameter, or
  2. You have not specified a QUERY attribute for a CFOUTPUT or CFTABLE tag.

Date/Time: 07/24/97 00:51:32
Browser: WebSnake
Remote Address:
HTTP Referer:
Template: D:\Websites\imtnbike\htdocs\trails\brews\search.cfm
Query String: state=Nebraska%26company=%26city=