= Solstice Homepage = =Efficiency =

Energy Wise Options for State and Local Governments

2nd Edition

By Michael Totten and Nita Settina
Written with: Jack Gold, Thomas Gray, Katherine Tammaro



Chapter I: Energy Efficiency

Chapter II: Land Use and Transportation

Chapter III: Waste Reduction: Reuse, Recover and Recycle

Chapter IV: Renewable Energy

Addendum: Federal Energy Policy Update


About the Authors

This document is made available in electronic form under the permission of the Center for Policy Alternatives. All rights reserved.

January 1993

Center for Policy Alternatives
1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 710
Washington, DC 20009

ISBN: 0-89788-116-8 (Hardcopy price: $15.00)

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URL: http://solstice.crest.org/efficiency/energywise_options/index.html