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Taxes! Most Americans cringe at the thought of paying taxes. Worse, is the high demand the Internal Revenue Code places on citizens to prepare their tax returns and calculate the correct tax. Understanding the tax code has been likened to the dream of trying to escape danger and being unable to move your feet. Accordingly most taxpayers have a fairly high level of frustration when in comes to tax matters in general and the Internal Revenue Service in specific.

There is a very special group of taxpayers: the self-employed small business owner. The tax return of the self-employed contains schedules and forms not required by other working Americans and in many respects is more complicated and expensive to prepare. Further, the small business owner typically does not have the financial resources to retain tax accountants for detailed transaction review, planning and return preparation.

This information resource in intended to bridge that gap for the self-employed individual. It is not intended to replace the role of the tax professional in your business matters. As always, it is recommended that you consult with your own business professionals for your specific facts and circumstances.

TaxTalk is a resource library of the typical kinds of tax issues that arise for the self-employed taxpayer. To use TaxTalk, click on the category of information you need below:

MEMBERS, you can send a question to TaxTalk by clicking here and you will receive an email answer within 24 hours.

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