
I am Bennie Thayer, president and chief executive officer of the National Association for the Self-Employed, the NASE.

The NASE is the largest small-business organization of its kind, representing the smallest of small businesses. I am also a small-business person, having operated small businesses for more than 30 years. What this means is, I understand.

I understand the joy and satisfaction, and I understand the frustration and disappointment. I understand what it is like when things are not going as you expected and what it is like when you feel that no one is listening.

But, I am listening.

I am listening to your concerns about how the government treats the small-business person and I am working hard to make it work better for all of us. I listen to your concerns about needing help and work with a dedicated team to bring you more information to enable you to work better and smarter. I listen when you say you are alone and don't have the same access as the "big guys" and have brought the resources of large companies to you, at your place of business, when you need them.

Welcome to the NASE -- we care. I hope you enjoy our new online home and find value and help in the information we have compiled. Please visit often.

If you have any questions or would like more information about anything on our site, please let us know. We understand. We listen. We care.