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Internet 101: Staff Training

Staff Train: Making it Happen

All too often, organizations buy equipment that ends up collecting dust. Why? Because the one technical person who ordered all of the equipment left for another job and no one else was trained. Don't make this error -- much of the benefit of going online is communication and the more people who know how to use the system, the better it is for everyone.

One person on your staff will need to be in charge of any online computer system. This person should be able to handle the basics of keeping the system running. Ideally, this person can set up the office and the system. At a minimum, this would be someone who is planning on learning a lot.

In the long run, all staff members are going to need hands-on training. This can be provided by a local computer consultant, a volunteer or there are a variety of businesses that offer training sessions. After getting all the equipment in place, schedule the staff training. This way, people can test and use what they have just learned. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, email us at to find out when our next training class is.

As a first step, seek out volunteers, board members and others who are internet -savvy. You may be surprised to learn that there are 'techies' hidden within your own organization. Then, set up one computer with a modem. Build some excitement and then go on to developing a plan on expanding the system.

A Quick Example of Why Training is Important
A man gets an email account and puts it on his business card. He checks his email once per week. People sending him email wait a day or so for an email reply and then simply call him (or fax him). At the end of the first week, he has a few email messages, but most are out of date. The next week fewer people email him and pretty soon he finds that he's not getting any email at all. He declares to his staff that email "simply doesn't work for me".

Something as simple knowing how often to check their email (everyday!!!!) is critical. In this case, this man needed more training - not on how to use the email program, but on how people use email in general.

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