II. Submitting your application for a mortgage



We’ll make it easy to apply for a loan. Whether you have already signed a contract to purchase a home or if you would like to have a pre approved loan before you submit offers, we can help. You can call us and a mortgage counselor can take your application over the phone in just a few minutes, you can use our online loan application at our Web Site, or we can fax or mail you our simple three page mortgage application kit to fill out at your leisure.

When you submit your application by phone, online, fax or mail you will have the option to either lock-in the current interest rate and points for periods ranging from 30 days to 6 months or you may elect to float the interest rate with the market and lock-in at later date. If you elect to lock-in, the interest rate and points on your loan will be fixed for the period of the lock-in regardless of changes to interest rates in the market either up or down. If you elect to float, the interest rate on your loan will be determined by the rates available when you do choose to lock-in and could be either higher or lower than the rates available on the day you apply. We do not advocate either strategy as better than the other. We recommend careful consideration and consultation with a mortgage counselor in making this decision. Remember, nobody knows what the future holds with any degree of certainty.

When you apply for your mortgage we will ask you to pay an application fee of $355.00. You may make this payment with a major credit card or by check. When you close on your mortgage this fee will be credited toward the costs of the transaction.

That’s it, your done for now, the wheels of our machine are now turning toward the settlement of your new mortgage which can occur in as little as thirty days at the office of the settlement agent you choose.



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