insurance professor ..........

The Insurance Professor (TM)

Auto Insurance Quiz


Take the Professor's Quiz! Mark your answers in the right-hand column, then press the "grade my quiz" button at the bottom. Along with your grade, the professor will link you to a page with valuable information, including the top ten ways to save on auto insurance.

The premiums you pay for auto insurance probably will be reduced for(A) a non-smoker
(B) electing a higher deductible
(C) maintaining good credit
(D) all of the above
If you are at fault in an accident, which of your policy's coverages will pay for the other person's injuries and/or damage to their vehicle?(A) Collision
(B) Rental Reimbursement
(C) Liability
(D) Comprehensive
If you or your passengers are injured in an accident and the other driver is at fault but has no insurance, which of your policy's coverages will pay for your injuries?(A) Liability
(B) Comprehensive
(C) Uninsured Motorist
(D) Collision
When an accident damages your vehicle and it is your fault, which of your policy's coverages pays for the repair or replacement of your vehicle?(A) Comprehensive
(B) No Fault
(C) Collision
(D) Rental Reimbursement
Comprehensive Coverage pays for(A) Towing
(B) Rental Reimbursement
(C) Repair or replacement for all causes other than collision
(D) Washing and Waxing
If you install a 10 disc CD player in the trunk of your car and the car is stolen, will your policy pay for its replacment?(A) No
(B) Yes
(C) Only if your Agent listed it on your policy
(D) Maybe
Which of your policy's coverages would pay for you or your passengers' injuries if the other driver's coverages are not sufficent to cover all expenses?(A) Uninsured Motorist
(B) Excess Liability
(C) Comprehensive
(D) Underinsured Motorist
Which of the following coverages are subject to a deductible?(A) Towing
(B) Collision and Comprehensive
(C) Uninsured Motorist
(D) All
If you are in an accident that is your fault and it costs $1,500 to repair your vehicle, and your deductible is $500, how much will you pay?(A) $750
(B) $500
(C) $2000
(D) $1000
Rental Reimbursement coverage pays for rental charges when:(A) You are on vacation
(B) Your vehicle is being repaired or replaced as the result of an accident
(C) Your mechanic is on vacation
(D) Your car is in for routine service
Which of your coverages will pay to start your car if the battery is dead?(A) Comprehensive
(B) Under Insured
(C) Liability
(D) Towing and Roadside Service

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