

AFI's Rates compared to the National Average mortgage rates reported by The Bank Rate Monitor over a five month period.

At American Finance we understand that you can chose the lender who provides your mortgage. We want to help you make the best possible decisions for you and your family. The best choice is not always clear, everyone you ask may provide you with different advice, but you can count on only yourself to make decisions which are in your own best interest. That is why our lending service is designed to empower our customers through knowledge. Only a company that truly believes in providing obvious better value to it’s customers would take this approach; because, at American Finance we believe that an informed consumer making a decision in his/her own self interest will naturally choose American Finance.

American Finance is able to provide better value because we are accessible when you need us, convenient to do business with, provide unparalleled service and less expensive than our competitors. We are able to do all this because we have re-invented the way a mortgage company operates. Our central facility serves the entire country. This means that all of the critical operations necessary to process, approve and fund your loan are performed under one roof by an incomparable staff of professionals. When you need to talk to someone there’s only one toll free number to dial and you’ll have the information you need. Our employees work for salary not commissions so the information they provide you is naturally more reliable than what you get from a commissioned salesperson. When you want to contact us you can call and talk to a human, use our online services on AOL and the Internet, e-mail, fax, or mail. Whatever the method you choose were standing by ready to assist you. Finally, our systems and technology are among the most advanced in the financial services industry. In combination with technology, centralization and access to the capital markets our cost of lending is far below that of our competitors, which means we can charge lower interest rates, points and fees on our mortgages. So please, continue through our site here on American Online, it’s here to help you make good decision for yourself, and don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-562-5674 or drop an e-mail to question@loanshop.com with any questions. At American Finance you have a friend in the business.

As Seen In:

Low overhead makes it possible to offer some Internet services at below-market prices...applicants can get the lowest rate in the USA on a standard loan, low fees and a credit decision in 48 hours. (USA Today - August 4, 1996)

After two years on the Internet, American Finance and Investment, by most accounts, is one of the few lenders successfully conducting business in the virtual marketplace. AFI has labored to keep its overhead down, doing without branch offices and choosing salaried mortgage counselors over commissioned loan officers...Consequently, discount fees 1.5 percentage points below competition (Washington Post - December 4, 1995)

One of the pioneers in Internet mortgages is American Finance and Investment. Though based in Fairfax, VA, American Finance originates mortgages all over the nation...it is possible to save an average of $1500 in points and fees on a $135,000 loan. (Chicago Tribune Syndicated News - April 7, 1996)

American Finance and Investment is a pioneer at a time when many mortgage lenders are trying \to assess how the explosive growth of the Internet will affect their business...offering potential home buyers the chance to complete a full mortgage application on their computer screens, submit it with a click of the mouse, and receive an approval within hours. (The Journal Newspapers - August 30, 1996)

American Finance and Investment, Inc., which made its first mortgage via the Internet in May 1994, is widely regarded as the Internet’s biggest mortgage success to date. (Mortgage Technology Magazine - Winter 1996)

American Finance and Investment...launched its Internet effort last summer as part of a company-wide reorganization to go directly to consumers via a variety of electronic media ...Similar to the commercial services, the network would be secure enough to allow sensitive information to be safely transmitted. (Real Estate Finance Today - May 29, 1995)

AFI enthusiastically anticipates widespread consumer acceptance of this new route to home loans, and says that mortgages over the Internet appear to be higher in quality and far cheaper to make than loans via traditional channels...the savings are such that AFI could recently quote a rate of 7.75% while its closest competitor was charging 8.125% on a comparable mortgage (National Mortgage News - May 8, 1995)

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