Art Cars: Revolutionary Movement
published by the Ineri Foundation

New Book Puts the Pedal to the Metal!

The 1997 Orange Show Art Car Weekend was the occasion for two major media events that will have a lasting impact on the growing recognition for this art form. The Sunday edition of the New York Times (4/20) carried a front page story of more than 1,500 words of description and celebration for this year's art car parade. There are now millions more people in the world who know what an art car is!

Just three days earlier, an important new book was published by the Ineri Foundation. Released on the evening of this year's Art Car Ball, "Art Cars: Revolutionary Movement" boldly asserts the importance of art cars as post-modernist art form. This new volume takes its place beside Harrod Blank's "Wild Wheels" film and book as the definitive documentation for the genre.

Featuring 193 beautiful images, most of them full page color photos, it is a book that everyone who loves art cars absolutely MUST HAVE!

"Art Cars: Revolutionary Movement" surveys the various forms and historical antecedents of the contemporary art car and includes a well illustrated overview of low-riders. It also features interviews with two of the most prolific American art car artists, Larry Fuente and David Best.

The book opens with a Dedication from Ann Harithas and a Manifesto added by Jim Harithas. The principal text was written by Claire Poole, and the volume was edited and carried to the printers on the shoulders of Maurice Roberts and his colleagues at the Ineri Foundation - Tom Isdale, David Rankin, and Erika Thorp.

The annual Houston art car parade provides the major focal point for the book's photographers. Otherwise known as the Orange Show Art Car Weekend, this event has become a yearly gathering for the art car community. It attracts more than 200 art cars from across the western hemisphere and media from all over the world. The Saturday afternoon parade draws around 100,000 fans when the sun is shining (60,000 in the pouring rain).

The next issue of Art Cars in Cyberspace will have an interview with "Mo" Roberts, who gives us a closer look at what it took to publish "Art Cars: Revolutionary Movement." In the meantime, you can order a copy of the book ($25 + shipping) by sending e-mail to Art Cars in Cyberspace.

But ya gotta hurry! The first edition nearly sold out the very first night!!

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Cover image from Art Cars Revolutionary Movement reproduced with the permission of the Ineri Foundaion.
Unless otherwise noted, all other images are copyrighted by the artists and/or by pi.sys.
Art Cars in Cyberspace © 1996 pi·sys

Last Update March 30, 1997