@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZPart two of the Brenda series. @END_FILE_ID.DIZ MRWADE65.STY BY MASTER WADE Raping Brenda-Part Two I sat on the bed next to Brenda and gazed over her ripe young body as she lay there bound and passed out. This was the first time I had seen her this close to naked, and she was every bit as beautiful as I had imagined her to be. I squeezed her tits through the black bra and ran my hands over her stockinged legs and on up to her crotch. Her panties were soaking wet and clung to her cunt lips as I ran my finger up and down the slit. I found myself wishing I had removed the bra and panties before binding her to the bed. Luckily the bra hooked in front and it was rather easy to unhook it and pull it out from under her. Her breasts were so perfect that I gasped when the material fell away from them. Even as she lay on her back they stood proud and firm, the dark circles of her areola tapering into nipples that begged to be sucked and bitten and pinched. Leaning over her I began licking at those nipples, flicking my tongue against them lightly and watching the grow harder and harder. With her still unaware of what was happening to her I continued to experiment with her tits, sucking on them, biting her nipples, pulling them out away from her chest, observing the effect that it seemed to have on her. Her nipples continued to grow longer and harder and the results were making my cock stiff inside my pants. Rising from the bed, I slipped out of my clothes before rejoining her on the bed. The crotch of her panties was now plainly stained with a dark circle of fuck juice, and using my pocketknife, I cut them away from her. They were literally running with her juice and with a wicked grin I rubbed them across her face, coating her cheeks and nose and mouth with her own fucking fluids. I had to stifle a laugh when Brenda's nose twitched as if she were sniffing at the new smell her unconcious body was being subjected to. A small smile came across her lips as if she was very pleased by the aroma of the juices now covering her nostrils and upper lip. Sliding my hand down her belly to the now naked cunt that still leaked the aromatic fluids, I slid my fingers between her soft lips and gathered more juice to spread on her face. I continued coating the young secretary's face until her forehead, chin, neck and even her ears had been given a thick covering of cunt juice. Once that was accomplished, I began concentrating on her upper lip and nostrils once more. It pleased me to think about her senses being filled by the smell of her own fuck, especially after the many times I had pressed my own face into her soaked panties in frustration. Every trip to her middle fuck hole found it even wetter than before, and after I finally tired of covering her head with her juice I coated both of her tits, her hands and the insides of her thighs. The entire room was now filled with the smell of slut cunt and my dick was so hard and full of cum that I couldn't stand it any longer. Straddling Brenda's chest I knelt over her, my cock pointed at her mouth and jerked the thick meat with my juice covered hand until I spewed a huge load of fuck onto her sleeping face. Huge gobs of white cum landed all over her nose and lips and chin and ran down her cheeks and neck. When I had milked it all out I rubbed the head against her tits to clean it and lay beside her, my head on her outstretched arm and my now limp dick dripping the remains of its cum onto her thigh. I slept there next to her until her struggling body brought me out of my reverie. She wasn't fully awake yet when I rose to look at her face, but was just beginning to come to. When her eyes opened and she awoke enough to realize that she was tied and naked, she began to struggle even more violently and began asking where I had taken her and what I had done to her. "Untie me this minute!! What do you think you're doing? How did I get here...where are we??", she hissed. "Just calm down Brenda. You're in a motel, and you'll stay tied as long as I want you to be tied. I've been playing with you ever since I had to take you away from the party, and I'm going to play with you until I get tired of playing with you. I'm going to fuck you too, once for every time you've made me hard and made me need to screw you. You've got it all coming, you little tramp, and you're going to get what you deserve! If you can't keep quiet, I will have to gag you, but if you'll just shut up and be a good little slut, I'll not hurt you and you'll be freed much more quickly." "You filthy bastard!! This is kidnapping, you son of a bitch!! You can't keep me here against my will!! I'll see you go to prison for this!!" I wadded up the juice soaked panties I had cut away from her earlier and stuffed them in her cursing mouth. She continued to try to yell at me, but all that came out was muffled moans that wouldn't be heard outside the room. I entertained myself by rubbing her hard clit with my index finger while she mumbled into the panties and pulled at the pillow cases that bound her. Finally she realized it was fruitless to continue trying to talk, and eventually even her struggles against the bonds ceased. I could tell that it angered her that she was so aroused by the finger that kept rubbing her, but also that she was growing increasingly more aroused the longer I rubbed her there. Kneeling between her legs I held open her cunt lips and began licking her, concentrating on her clit and flicking it with the tip of my tongue. Her hips began moving in small circles as I licked her, and before long the movements had become short, strong hunches upward as she tried to press her cunt against my mouth. I continued licking her and sucking at her clit until she was right on the verge of exploding into her climax and then stopped, and moved back beside her once more, stopping all contact with her still rising and falling hips. "You need to come, don't you Brenda?", I asked teasingly. "Poor little baby has a wet pussy and needs to be fucked so bad. You're cute when you need to be fucked like you do right now. Usually when you need to be fucked this bad you don't have any problem getting a dick, but this isn't one of those usual times, is it, Brenda?" She glared at me with hate in her eyes and struggled at the bonds once again, spitting curses into the panties that still filled her mouth. "You could have this cock, you know", I said to her, kneeling beside her and holding my semi-erect penis in front of her face. "You could have it deep inside your trembling little cunt. Its already shot a load of hot white cum onto your face, and it could be shooting another load into your needy pussy. But you're not really a cock fucker, are you Brenda? You're just a cock teaser. And little cock teasers only get cocks when they finally are willing to admit that they need them more than anything. We'll just see how long it takes for you to reach that point." Laying back beside her again I began rubbing her clit with my thumb and slowly working my middle finger into her hole. As angry as she was she couldn't stop her body from responding once again to the hand that was playing with her pussy, and her hips once more began circling fucking movements, trying to get more and more of my hand up inside it. I played her like a musical instrument, creating a chorus of rising passion inside her until she was close to coming and then taking my hand away and rubbing more of her juice on her lips and nostrils while the decreschendo of her passion took place inside her. Then the fingers would be put back inside her and her heat would build once more. I kept this little game up for over an hour, smiling as the amount of time I could keep my fingers inside her without bringing her to an orgasm grew shorter and shorter. Her hips rose and fell continuously now and she seemed to even eagerly anticipate the rubbing of her fuck onto her lip. I could see her nostrils flare when my hand approached, as if she wanted to suck the hot smell of sex deep into her lungs. The shorter the period of time became when I could keep my fingers in her drippy hole, the wetter her nose and upper lip stayed, until toward the end there was enough fuck there that I could scoop up large gobs of it and press it into her nostrils. Suddenly she seemed to start choking on either the fuck she had inhaled or the saliva and juices accumulating in her mouth and I quickly pulled the soaked underwear from her mouth. She gasped and coughed, gulping at the fresh air that she could now inhale through her open mouth. When she finally recovered I started to re-insert the panties into her mouth when she quietly begged for me to wait. "Please don't put them back. I'll be quiet, I promise. I see you're going to have your way with me, so I'll cooperate, really I will. Please don't put the panties back in my mouth!" "Ok, I'll leave them out for now. But if you curse me even once, or make any attempt to scream out for help, you'll pay for it. Do you understand?", I said intimidatingly. "Yes, I understand, and I promise you won't have any more trouble out of me. I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me." "Maybe I don't want to fuck you. Jack fucks you. Who knows who else fucks you", I replied. "But you have to fuck me", she said, desperation filling her voice. "I've never been this hot before. I'll do anything you say, just fuck me. Stick your dick in me and fuck me. Pleassse!!" "Well, maybe if you are real good I'll leave the door open when I leave and send some guys over to fuck you. There are usually some guys at that black bar around the corner, maybe some of them would like some white pussy." "No.....I want YOUR cock inside me. I know I've teased you terribly, but you must know its because I find you so attractive. Please, oh, please fuck me!" I started putting fingers back into her hole once again and idly played with the nipple nearest me with the other hand as she continued to beg for my dick. "Look...you don't even have to keep me tied up. I'll stay here with you as long as you like. You can fuck me as often as you want. Just please let me feel your cock deep inside me. Please let me come." Her hips were bucking once more. "You sure do get wet, you little slut. The whole room reeks of your fuck juice. Did you like having it pushed up inside your nose?" Brenda's face turned a deep crimson at the lewd words I spat at her. "At first I didn't. But really it made me so hot. I love the smell of cunt juice. Now, fuck me, please." "Maybe you'd like some more of your juice. Do you want to lick my fingers?", I asked, teasingly. "Yes, please feed me some of my fuck. Make me eat my juice. Anything, just fuck me." The collapsing walls of her trembling cunt made a loud sloshy noise as I slid the three fingers out of it and moved them to her mouth. She opened it eagerly and ran her tongue out to meet the entering fingers. There was no play-acting here, she really did want to suck her own fuck into her mouth. She cleaned her jism off of my hand eagerly, and when she was done I stuck them back into her ready to be filled hole. "Oh, you do like that, don't you Brenda? Do you have a girlfriend that gives you cunt juice to eat? Are you a little bi- slut, Brenda?" "Yes, my room-mate is my girlfriend and she lets me eat her alot. She knows all about you and she'll tell you how much I have wanted to fuck you. I was just afraid that Jack would find out. Please stick your cock in me." "I thought you might have a girlfriend, especially since you never get calls from other men at work. Maybe instead of fucking you I'll just invite your girlfriend over and fuck her while you watch. Would you like that, Brenda?" "Please don't do that to me. You can fuck her anytime you want to, and I'll be glad to watch if you want me to...but God!!, I need your dick in me so bad!! Please screw me, dick me!!!" "You can have another finger I guess. Do you want another finger, Brenda?" "Yessssss...Please put more in....anything...but I want your dick. Show it to me, let me see it again." I knelt beside her once more as I inserted the fourth finger into her trembling cunt and with my free hand rubbed my cock head against her cheek. She turned her head to the side, attempting to take it into her mouth, but I pulled it away. "You want to suck my dick too, do you Brenda? Are you a cock- sucking little slut, Brenda? A cunt eating cock sucking slut?" "Yes, thats what I am. Please give me your hard dick. Stick it in any of my holes, just give me dick. I need it soooo much!!" Her hips were hunching wildly now and sweat was running from her body as she begged for dick. Her heated passion and her admissions were beginning to get the best of me and I finally relented and moved between her open legs, removing my fingers from her hole. Taking my shaft in my hand I rubbed the big head of my dick against her clit as I continued to talk to her. "Here's dick for you Brenda. Here's hot fuck meat to fill your needy fuck hole. You are a cunt juice and cum covered slut who has begged for my dick until you are finally going to get it. Fuck it well and take it all if you ever want to have it inside you again." Placing the head at the entrance to her cavernous cunt I slammed my hips forward, shoving the whole length of my stiff dick deeply into her pussy. I felt the head hit her cervix and she cried out with need and alarm. "Ohhhhhh God!!! Thats it!! Screw it all the way into my belly! Fuck me! Yes! Fuck me harrrrrrd!!!!" I slammed into her, ramming her with the dick she had teased so many times in the past. Her head jerked back by the force of my thrusts and her eyes opened widely each time it filled her to the max. My pubic bone was bashing into hers with each thrust of my hips and my balls slapped at her wet ass loudly. She began grunting like an animal, her head moving from side to side as she took the fucking she so richly deserved. I could actually feel her climax moving through her body as I fucked her. Her legs tensed and her stomach rippled as her cunt spasmed against my cock. Her head rose from the bed and she stared at me with her eyes opened widely and her mouth open as if in a silent scream. My second load of fuck erupted from my heavy balls and coursed through my dick, pouring out of the end and coating her spasming walls. She fell back against the bed, gasping and whimpering as I spewed the last of my cum into her. Removing my well satisfied dick from her and laying beside her I took her face into my hands and kissed her softly on the mouth. She returned my kiss warmly, still breathing hard. We lay there together quietly as the juice from our coupling dried on our skin. We both knew now that everything had changed. It was no longer necessary for me to keep her tied, and there would be no more teasing without a satisfying resolution. The walls that had kept us apart in the past had been shattered and lay scattered around the bed in which we lay. Continued in Part Three.....