MRWADE36.STY BY MASTER WADE Karen, Kidnapped: Part Two I don't know what I expected would happen the following day, but if I had been expecting to be released I would have been sadly disppointed. The biker's had a slut to use now and they had no intentions of letting her go before the weekend was up. When I awoke for the final time I found that Anita or someone had covered Karen with a blanket and had even provided her with a pillow for her head. I was relieved to see that. I had slept fitfully, what with all the coming and going during the night, in addition to the awkwardness of being tied in a sitting position there on the old bus seat. Donnie was the first of the group to enter the garage after I awakened. He was his friendly, cheerful self. "Well, you fuckin bastard...did you like the way we used your whore last night? I hope so, you turdfaced shit, cause you ain't seen nothing yet. Oh, and by the way. I can't keep Anita away from the whore, she loves good pussy too much for that. But you keep your fuckin eyes off of her, you understand?" He kicked my left leg with the end of his pointed cowboy boot as he asked the question, causing me to grimace with the pain that ran through my body. When he had finished greeting me, Donnie moved over to Karen and woke her by stripping the blanket from her. Untying her ankle from the post, he pulled her to a standing position and handed her a tiny sequined g string which he told her to put on, and a pair of extremely high high heels that also were covered with the shiny dots. While she was putting on the shoes, Anita walked in with a glass and a couple of pills which she made Karen swallow. I had no idea what they were giving her, but I knew for sure I wouldn't want either of them giving me pills. When she was clad in the skimpy outfit they had chosen for her they pushed her to her knees in the middle of the floor. No sooner had she knelt than the others walked in, rubbing the sleepers from their eyes. Most of them were still clad in the same clothes they had worn the night before, but a couple of the women were wearing only panties, their naked breasts swaying as they walked down the short flight of steps into the garge from what I took to be the main building through the door to my left. They sat in the floor around Karen or pulled up pop crates, as if they were ready for a show of somekind. That was exactly what they were there for, and exactly what Donnie had promised them. He walked to the center of the room and pulling Karen's head up by her hair, spoke to the group. "Our little whore was a good fuck last night, wasn't she, gang?" The group cheered their pleasure with Karen's performance of the previous evening. "This morning the little whore is going to show us how she can dance." Looking down at Karen he spit out his intructions to her. "You will dance for us, you hot pussied little pile of shit, and you'll dance as dirty as the cheapest dancer in Las understand?" Karen nodded quietly. "I want you to wiggle that sexy little cock-loving ass of yours, and show us every little part of your slut body. Crawl on the floor when you dance, walk around and strut your naked whore body. Make cocks hard and pussies wet. If you do, we'll all fuck you. If you don't we'll all fuck you too, but believe me, you want to dance just as good as you possibly can. Take my word for it." Donnie moved over to the newest of the cars in the garage and turned on the radio inside it, turning the volume up so that it could be heard throughout the garage. "Ok, bitch, do your thing!", he hissed. Karen began to move her body to the beat. The pills they had given her were beginning to take effect now, and she was feeling more in the mood for showing off than she might have otherwise. She swayed sexily to the music, her small but lovely breasts being waved in front of the staring men and women as she moved hotly. She spread her legs open in the floor and bent backward, hunching her hips up into the air as if she were fucking a man's dick. The sequined g-string was pulled tight against her crotch, and as she continued to dance her lips became more and more obvious through the shiny fabric as they swelled from her growing excitement. As her back bent further and further backward, Karen began to move her legs out from under her ass and soon she was swinging them up in the air, splayed wide open, her cunt and ass covered only by the thin strips of fabric between her legs. She reached forward with her right hand and patted her cunt gently and lewdly, eliciting cries of pleasure from the group. Her legs bent further backward until her knees were nearly beside her head, her ass sticking up lewdly into the air as if she were inviting the men to come stick their big dicks into her open and hungry slit. Smoothly and gracefully she rolled over onto one side and then onto her belly, raising her ass in the air as she did so. Her legs opened wider and her hips began to move in circles, the fabric of the tiny g-string being pulled up into her cunt as she wiggled. Cocks were now being pulled out into the air and covered either with hands or the mouths of the sluts next to them. Frankly, I was surprised at the professionalism of Karen's dancing. I didn't know she could move as she was moving, but I loved watching her. I would see her do that again, I hoped. In the middle of her performance, Karen suddenly stopped and stayed in one position in the floor, her legs open wide and her ass sticking high up into the air. I wondered what was up, but then I saw her reaching back between her legs and pulling the g-string to the side. With it out of the way she began to insert her own fingers into her cunt and began fingering herself to the delight of those watching. The more she fingered the more her hips bucked up and down in the age old fucking movement and soon she was coming in front of everyone, shamelessly fucking herself with her own fingers. Anita walked up to her and handed her a dildo, which Karen gladly took and began working up into her wet fuck hole. She was either extremely hot, or the pills that Anita had given her were really having some effect on her. She fucked herself shamelessly with the long thick fake cock, seeming to love the attention and the dirty and nasty lewd comments that filled the room. One of the women who had come into the garage clad only in a small pair of panties was sucking on a bottle of wine, and when she had emptied it she moved behind Karen and pulled the dildo from her cunt. In its place she put the head of the wine bottle, working it into her cunt slowly, inserting more of it as Karen's hips began to move indicating her acceptance and enjoyment of the bottle in her cunt. Pretty soon she was fucking it in and out of the pretty little bi slut with much enthusiasm, but no more than Karen was indicating by the movements of her hips as she fucked her slut cunt back on the intruding bottle. The woman worked the wine bottle deeper and deeper into Karen, stretching her fuck hole wider and wider as she fed more and more of the tapered neck into her. She appeared to have at least half of the wine bottle inside her and suddenly a strong orgasm overtook her and she reached back between her beautiful legs and grabbed the wine bottle herself, hunching it wildly and pumping it into herself amid loud moans and gasps of pleasure. When her orgasm was over she fell to the floor on her belly, and Anita moved to her and helped her to a sitting position once again. She had another glass of water and more pills, and Karen took them submissively, somehow aware that they were allowing her to do things she had never done before. Encourage by Donnie to continue dancing, or else, Karen resumed her dance, standing now and moving around the circle of people, wiggling her ass and cunt in the faces of those who admired her so openly. Occasionally someone would reach out and caress her body, and Karen would always stop in front of them when they did, throwing her head back and loving the feeling of their hands on her body. Suddenly the music stopped, and Donnie announced, "Feeding time for the little bi slut! Spread the table for our little cunt eating whore, girls!" Evidently he had instructed the women in what to do at his command, because they all bared their pussies and lay in the floor with their legs spread open wide, offering their cunt's to Karen for her to lick. Lick them she did, falling to the floor on her knees and moving from one spread opened woman biker to the next, moving her tongue through their lips and cunt hair until her face was covered with pussy juice and the women were hunching their hips hotly into the air, begging her to make them come with her lips and tongue. If there was ever any doubt in my mind that Karen loves to lick pussies, it ended that day. I knew she did, but I had never witnessed her lick as many hot slut cunts in a row as those she worked on that day. And I've never seen her swallow their juice as hard or seem to need it as badly as she did. She was still wanting more juice to take into her mouth when she had made all the naked women cum twice each. "Please give me more cunt juice!', she begged Donnie. "I love to eat fuck. Please, make them give me more, or bring me some more pussies to eat. I need it. Gawd, I need it!", she whimpered. The gang loved her begging, but the women were frankly worn out. Sensing the opportunity to take advantage of her submissiveness, Donnie stripped the soaking wet g-string from her trembling bottom and tied Karen to an old car seat that he had pulled over from one side of the garage. Her arms were tied tightly to the springs on the sides and her legs were tied open to allow anyone easy access to her holes. I felt sure that I would witness another gang bang, knowing that the men had found her dance exciting and would be eager to pound their meat into her hungry slut cunt. Karen continued to moan softly, begging continually for more cunt juice. Anita walked up to Karen just as Donnie had completed his task of tying her securely and gave Karen a shot from a hypodermic needle. The cunt juice covered whore was already so hot she couldn't think straight, but somehow they weren't satisfied with her current level of slutishness, and obviously expected this new shot to make her even more insatiable. I don't know what was in the shot that they gave Karen, but whatever it was made her a constantly hungry slut. Only moments after they had administered the shot she began to beg for something to fill her, and the men once again began to lay on her and pump their dicks into her pussy, spilling their hot white cum into her hole once again. This time, rather than simply taking turns, the men shared her trembling body, some of them sitting on her face and letting her stick her tongue deep into their assholes and some of them filling her mouth with thick hunks of male fuck flesh. Karen was never a passive participant. Whenever one of the men would withdraw his cock from her mouth the begging would begin all over again until another dick had replaced it. She began begging to be untied so that she could use her hands to please her lovers as well, and smiling at her hot words and desire to please, Donnie untied her hands and allowed her her wish. As soon as her hands were free, the cum-filled slut began to use them to caress the men who plunged their dicks in and out of her body. She caressed their balls, played with their asses, and for a long period of time had a cock in each hand, jerking them while she was taking the dicks from other men in her holes. Eventually, Donnie decided her legs didn't need to be tied either, and freed them from their bonds. Once they were free the men began to hold her ankles up in the air, spreading her legs open widely as they fucked her. They bent them back toward her head, exposing her asshole and began filling it as well as her cunt as they continued to fuck her over and over again. "Yessss, my ASS!!", Karen cried out. "More cock in my ASS!!" Oh, fuck me!! Fuck my whore body...More, more, more!!", she yelled. Using her mouth and hands as regenerating tools the horny men continued to fuck Karen until they had worn themselves completely out. They had not even come close to wearing her out, and when they had tired of their little plaything she was still lying there on the old car seat rubbing her clit hotly and moaning and begging for more fuck meat in her holes. As I looked at her lying there I could see cum still streaming from her ass and cunt and puddling on the seat to the extent that it ran down the sides of it and began to puddle on the dirty concrete garage floor. Anita then appeared and gave Karen yet another shot. This time it was evidently one to calm her down, because moments after the shot had been administered, Karen grew weak and was soon sleeping, still lying spreadeagled on the old car seat completely naked, the cum still leaking from her holes. Soon, the room was empty once again except for Karen and I. I wondered just how long they would continue to use Karen and what would happen when they finally tired of us. I was sore from being tied in the same position for so long and needed desperately to be freed from my bonds. The constant exposure to Karen's extreme sluttishess had been extremely painful for me. On several occasions I had ejaculated with no physical stimulation at all and my pants were soaked from my own cum. I longed to fuck her myself, and not only her but the other women who I had been forced to watch strut their naked bodies in front of me.