CHAPTER 21 DOING IT CANDY'S WAY CHEERING UP A FRIEND By Master Blaster ____________________________________________________________ Your best friend, Donna, has just broken up with her boy friend she was dating for 3 years. She is really broken up over the mess, so you and Linda decide some hard HOT! sex is just the thing that will help her out of her blues. You tell her to meet you in the lobby of the Marriot about 7:30 with Linda. You tell her that one of the guys there wants to ravish her body, but you can't tell her who I am. As I am not the hottest hunk in the place, you tell her she is to remain blindfolded and tied throughout the whole ordeal. You also explain that you and Linda will remain in the room, so nothing too kinky will take place. As you three sit together and look over the field of cock hounds, I am at the bar talking with an old lady friend, so she will not suspect me as the one. You and Linda have her almost convinced that it is the tall muscular stud, that all the girls are eyeing. When he looks and gives you all an innocent smile, she agrees to go up to my room, as long as you two stay with her. I continue to sit at the bar, and talk with my friend for another ten min- utes or so. You come back down to the bar and give me a sign, signalling that you have her ready. I then excuse myself and walk up to the room with you. Upon entering the room I see she is tied spread eagle, face up and covered with a bed sheet. The room is a suite, and you take a seat next to Linda on the sofa. "So this is the little wench" I say, jerking the sheet back and exposing a very lovely body. "Hmmmmmm" I say as I slide a finger between her pussy lips. "Wet already, you must already know what is going to happen." She takes in a quick breath, and bites her lower lip, trying not to smile. I know she thinks I am the "Tom Selick" looking stud, that smiled earlier. Since she is very blindfolded, perhaps it would be best if she continued to think that, since it is her fantasy, and her blues we are trying to cure. I call you over to the bed and show you that her knees are not tied. (This REALLY does a lot to open a pussy as the hip position is changed, try it sometime.) I have left a number of scarves so you tie one to each knee, then through the rope under the bed to pull them apart without being painful or leaving marks. You look down and see how wet she is as I pull the rope tight, and listen to her give a low stifled moan of pleasure. She feels she is being opened for all to see. I then whisper something in your ear, and start unzipping my pants. As I pull off my shirt, I notice that both you and Linda are eagerly watch- ing the bulge in my bikini shorts. I am a bit embarrassed as my cock springs up as they fall, but what must be, must be. I notice Linda licking her lips as I climb onto the bed with Donna, teasing her face with it. I occasionally let her get a tongue or a set of lips on it, but just enough to tease. I then hear a knock at the door and turn to see you are the one knocking as I instructed you in my whisper. I say for Linda to let them in. Donna gasps, as she hears Linda getting up and open the door. "No" she says as she hears two people sitting down, not knowing one is only you. I then take an other scarf and use it as a gag, to keep her quiet. I feel her struggle against her bonds as I get off the bed and insert my middle fin- ger in her cunt, to check her out. She may be a bit embarrassed by an audience, but her body is betraying her as it is showing her to be incredibly turned on. WOW is she ever hot! I bring her to the brink of an orgasm, then quit, increasing her frustra- ion. You continue the knocking game with Linda several more times, until she is convinced there are a room full of people there watching her. I then make the announcement that they (just you and Linda) are here for an instructional view on the shaving of pubic hair. Donna screams into the scarf, and tries to tell me "No" but I pay no never mind. She is far too wet to not be enjoying this, and does not have to feel guilty later because it was not her fault, it was mine. I then take out one of the motel towels and place it over one of the bed pillows, sliding it under her hips. I notice Donna moving her hips up to help me, so she isn't too embarrassed to want me to stop. I can't belive how wet she is as I take the sizzers and trim her bush. The knees being pulled help, but I notice she is pushing her pussy out as far as she can. As I am cutting I am letting my arm and wrist "Accidently" brush her little love button, sending moans from her gaged mouth. I con- tinue to say things like, "Be sure and get the hair around the lips trimmed close, this prevents the razor from getting clogged too soon during the shave," and "Leave about three quarters of an inch if you intend on a heart shaped patch above the slit, so the shape will be distinct." Donna seems to be getting into the swing of things, thinking that see is really on exhibit. Her breathing is getting more and more rapid and her nipples are as erect as any I have ever seen. I then get up and place a wash cloth under the hot water for several seconds, then replace it with another. I place the warm cloth on her stubble, pressing it in, making sure all the hair, (and her clit) get the full effect of the warm water. I leave it there for about a minute, then swap it with the one in the hot water. Donna lets out a definite moan as this one is a great deal warmer than the first, and with the natural heat and moisture, she is wanting my cock to put out both fires. I swap the wash cloths several more times, (mostly as a tease) before applying some of the Edge Medicated Gel to her crouch. This is the stuff you have to rub and make into foam, and I always make good use of rubbing a girls crouch. "Try and shave the hair off in the direction it grows out of the skin," I say, still fooling Donna. I make sure to place a finger or two on her clit as I gently pull the skin shaving off all the hair. After I have finished I wipe down the area with the wash cloth, then I use my tongue to run over the entire area, making sure there is no stubble anywhere. Donna is now pleading for some relief, pulling hard on her bonds, shoving her naked pussy into my face and tongue. I draw back, as I she is close to crying for some relief. I take some mercy on her and take some champagne in my mouth and then lower my face, tongue extended, and dance it over her pubic mound. Slowly I dance it down to the lips of her pussy, then, finally start flicking her clit. She screams into the gag as her orgasm nears. I then lower my lips to that spe- cial little love button, drawing it into my mouth, and the fiz- zing champagne. That is all she can take as her body stiffens, her breathing momentarily stops, and her toes are curling for all they're worth. She seems to have passed out! With in a few sec- onds she is coming around, very groggy she seems to not know what is going on as I release her gag. WOW!, she says, half embar- rassed, then saying she never came that hard before. She is blushing, which adds creditability to what she is saying. Your not finished yet I say. I take some Ky. and lube her ass, then lay down between her knees. Placing my palms together I interlock my two ring fin- gers, then slide my two little fingers up her ass. Once inside I start slowly rotating them as if I was drawing a circle. My two middle slide into her cunt, drawing them back and forth, sorta like they were doing push-ups, expanding and contracting. My index fingers are used to hold open her lips and my thumbs pro- vide support for my chin, as my tongue snakes all around her clit. She is moaning loudly as her tits rise and fall as her breathing becomes more and more erratic. I take and slide an ice cube into my mouth, then without warning, I use my tongue to push it into her cunt. She does a small shriek, and starts to cum again. I start to withdraw to tease her more when I feel both you and Linda shoving my head forward, forcing me to make her cum. Donna lets a scream go as she is carried over the top by my licking. I am pulled up and my hands are tied behind me by both you and Linda. Linda then places an erection ring around the base of my hard cock. "We don't want you to loose such a magni- ficent hard on before we 'ALL' get a turn at enjoying it," she says. "Maybe more than once each," you say, "that thing REALLY works." You push me forward as Linda guides me hard cock into Donna's waiting love chamber. I must admit that I do feel sexy being controlled by a couple of very beautiful and sexy girls, and as for now I really don't need the ring, but as the night wears on.... As I slowly slide into Donna, I feel the heat of her cunt as I enter, feeling it totally engulfing me, milking me, deeper and deeper you force me on in. I see Donna biting her lip as I my orgasm is rapidly approaching. I start to thrust my hips forward pulling on Donna's restraints, making her feel more and more helpless and at someone else's control. She cumms hard as she never really came down from the last one. I am pulled back and thrown down on the bed as Linda has already stripped, and swings a leg over me sliding me inside her with no warm-up. Hell, she is so hot from watching Donna and myself, she just wants to be fucked by a hard slick cock. You pull off your cloths, and sit on my face, as Linda continues ridding my cock. I hear her cum as I continue licking out your juices. When she is done, you and she switch places. I enjoy the tightness of your pussy as you slowly lower yourself, enjoying every millimeter of my cock, milking, squeezing, swallowing me with your love hole. Mean- while, Linda is demanding that my tongue fulfill her continuing needs. I lick and suck her little love button, ass you approach a long awaited orgasm. Your cries come as a welcome to me, as both Linda and Donna's were more a fuck, yours is more an art work. Even as the ring prevents me from filling you with cum, I feel a sense of deep satisfaction and enjoyment knowing that we did it together, not to each other. I hear Linda squeal with delight as you dismount, letting her see my still hard cock sal- uting her. She quickly drops her cunt onto it, saying you were right the ring works, it really works! "Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck my hot cunt," she yells as she starts her eruption. I guess my tong did a little to warm her up. "Ieeeeeee Yesssssss!" she yells as she bounces up and down on me cumming even harder than her first. She has made me very sensitive, as she dismounts. She pulls me up and squeezes it, pulling me forward and back into Donna. I am so sensitive, I actually hurt as I slide into Donna but I still have the erection ring on, and am still tied, so I have no real choice in the matter as Donna shoves her cunt for- ward fucking me for all she is worth. Linda slaps my ass and said "More enthusiastic." I did my best but the pain was a bit distracting. When she finally came Linda untied me, and I left. Monday, you tell me both Donna and Linda had a super time and, have a better out look on life. They both still have the same selfish attitude, but that cant be fixed by a series of fucks.