CHAPTER 1 DOING IT CANDY'S WAY THE EXAM By Master Blaster ________________________________________________________________ I walk you into an empty doctor's waiting room and tell you to wait and that you will be told what to do then I leave. You sit nervously in the waiting room. These kinds of places never made you feel very comfortable anyway and you are anxiously won- dering what you will be asked to do. A few minutes later, a nurse comes out into the waiting room. She is tall with dark hair, a good figure, definitely the no-nonsense type. She tells you to follow her and immediately turns around and walks back down the corridor of the office. You follow her down the short hall- way and into an examining room. She turns around and tells you to remove all your clothing including your watch and jewelry and to put on the gown then she leaves the room. Feeling some apprehen- sion, you follow her instructions. The gown is the standard hos- pital issue. It is worn with the opening at the back and comes down to mid thigh. There is only one tie at the back at the neck. You tie the one tie and as you raise your hands to do so, feel the back of the gown part to expose your bottom. You feel par- ticularly vulnerable. You wait for what seems like forever (about 5 minutes) for someone to come in. You spend the time looking around. It is pretty much like any examining room. The stirrups at the end of the table cause a little chill to go up your spine and the instruments on the counter cause you to shud- der. Finally the nurse returns. She stands directly in front of you for a moment looking you up and down then she says, "Clasp your hands behind your head." You do so, feeling once again the gown parting behind you. She then reaches down and grasping the hem of the gown, pulls it up to the level of your neck. You are completely exposed to her. She holds the gown up for a long moment and then drops it. "Follow me", she says. She turns and walks out, past the waiting room and into the main corridor beyond. She holds the door open for you to follow. She walks down the hallway and presses the elevator button. You are now REALLY nervous. "What if someone sees me in this gown?! What if someone in on the elevator?! Where is she taking me?!", you think. The elevator opens and blissfully, there is no one there. The nurse takes you down to the 14th floor and along a similar corridor. You enter another doctor's office and walk past his waiting room and into his office. The nurse motions you inside. She closes the door behind you. Inside the dimly lit office you see four men. They are all approximately 35 years old. Behind the desk in obviously the doctor. He is wearing the standard white coat and seems to be in charge. The other men are all well dressed and as you look around you see me sitting in a corner. You are acutely aware that your only garment is the flimsy hosp- tal gown.+ Your palms feels moist as you watch the four men looking at you. You notice also in this brief moment, that you are moist elsewhere too. The doctor points to a side door and tells you to enter. You do so, and find another examining room much like the one you undressed in. The doctor follows you in and starts with a standard examination of your heart, lungs etc. Then he tells you to remove your gown. He takes it from you and hangs it on a hook on the door. He has you sit on the edge of the examining table and touches your breasts. His hands are dry and cool as they touch your warm body. He squeezes each breast carefully and then squeezes the nipples. "I want you to tell me which gives you more pleasure, pulling on your nipples gently like this or pulling on them very hard like this." "Very hard", you say. The doctor lets go of your nipples and without saying anything else leaves the room. Your nipples are tingling. A moment later the nurse returns. "Lie down on the table.", she says. You lie back against the cold paper of the table. The nurse opens one of the drawers and pulls out several leather straps. Your heart jumps. The nurse fastens one strap to each wrist. The leather straps are sturdy with felt lining and a metal clip on the outside. The nurse continues, attaching leather straps to your ankles and to your thighs just above the knee. "Slide down to the end of the table.", she says. You know now exactly what position you will be put in. The nurse places your feet in the metal stirrups and adjusts them for maximum exposure. She then fastens your knees so they are held wide apart. Your ankle straps are attached to the stirrups so there is no possibility of your getting up before you are released. Moving to the head of the table, she takes your hands and attaches them to a clip there. You are now exposed totally. The nurse then lowers the section of the table that is between your legs. You feel her gaze on your pussy and you are embarrassed to feel how wet you now are. The nurse reaches down and you feel her grasp the sensitive lips of your pussy with her long finger- nails. She pulls them gently but firmly apart to uncover your last defense. She sees how wet you are and smiles, "You'll enjoy this, I think". She then goes to the door of the doctor's office and says, "She's ready for you now doctor." The doctor enters after a moment and looks down at your naked body. You are so hot, you can't help your hips moving a little bit. The doctor moves to a drawer and takes out two strange looking devices that look like large paper clips. "My job is to prepare you.", says the doctor. He takes the two clips and attaches one to each nipple already hard with excitement. They pinch the nipples feeling almost exactly like the pinching of your nipples by the doctor a several minutes before. He then sits down between your legs. He pulls gently at your pubic hair and says, "This will have to go, but not this time." You hear him putting on his gloves and then a moment later you feel his fingers at the lips of your pussy. The touch is electric. You let out a little moan and your hips jump at the touch. The doctor then slides two fin- gers deep into your pussy while the thumb of his other hand touches your clitoris. He keeps moving those fingers back and forth and every time you feel about to come he stops. After sev- eral minutes of this, he pulls away. You are aware of the heat from each nipple still entrapped in the clips. Now a well lubri- cated finger slides slowly into your bottom. He moves it in and out. You can't help gasping when he goes particularly deep. After another couple of moments he stands up. He looks at you and smiles, "I think an enema is in order here." You feel a blush hit your face. You have never had an enema but what you know of them doesn't seem pleasant. The doctor removes the nipple clips and leaves the room. You feel your own juices seep- ing down your bottom. After a couple of minutes, the door opens again and a boy perhaps 17 or 18 years old walks in wearing a white lab coat. He looks at you and immediately blushes, "I'm here to give you your treatment.", he mumbles and moves to the end of the table. You watch him fill a large red rubber bag with water and place it on the hook of a stand. You are mortified to think that this young boy is looking at your naked body stretched out on the table and that there is nothing you can do about it. You turn your head away from him. A moment later you feel the thin finger of the boy lubricating your bottom again. He contin- ues for a while and then stops. You feel the end of the rather thick enema nozzle pushing into your ass. The nozzle is pushed into you until a good seven inches is lodged in your behind. You see the boy reach up to the knob and then you feel the warm water slowly entering your bowels. This continues until you have had the full quart of water and your stomach has slowly expanded to allow it. During these few minutes, the boy has not been idle. He has continued to move the nozzle slowly in and out, twisting it back and forth. The nerves in your bottom are tingling. Finally the container is empty. As the nozzle is removed a plug about 3 inches long and 1 inch thick is pushed into place. "This will keep it in.", says the boy as he leaves the room. You stom- ach is tight with the pressure of the water. Fortunately you don't have to wait long before the nurse and doctor return. They remove your restraint and with one of them on either side of you, you are led, totally naked, out of the room to the washroom down the hallway. With great relief you feel the plug removed and the water expelled. After cleaning up, the nurse attaches your wrists behind your back and leads you back into the doctor's office. The men are still there and they eye you appreciatively as you are brought to the side of the room. A rope dangles from a hook in the ceiling and the nurse quickly attaches your hands to it. You are now standing facing the four men. As the doctor describes the events of the past half-hour, you feel your face blush and you feel the eyes of the men examining you piece by piece. When the doctor is finished describing your 'prepara- tion', the men begin to comment on your body, "The breasts are firm.", says one, "What was the sensitivity of the nipples?". The doctor says, "They responded well to hard pinching and she started to get wet as soon as the clamps were attached." Another asks how tight your ass was. "Wonderful", says the doctor, "I think she might like it better there than in her pussy." "Her pubic hair should be shaved.", says the third man. "Yes,", says the doctor, "but we agreed that we wouldn't do that on the first session." The doctor comes over to you and turns you around so you are facing the wall. The men comment on the shape and firm- ness of your bottom. Your ankles are now fastened to hooks in the floor so they are about two and a-half feet apart. Your nipples just touch the wall in front of you. It feels strange to feel the cool wall touching them. You feel the lips of your pussy being held apart as a small dildo is inserted there. As soon as it has been inserted to its fullest, someone turns it on and it begins to vibrate. You are unable to contain a moan as you body starts to squirm. As you turn your head to the side, you see one of the men holding a wide leather strap. It looks like a two inch brown belt without a buckle. Without further ado, he swings it down on our bottom. You feel a hot sharp pain and then another as he strikes again. He gives you six more and your bottom is feeling very warm. You are not in pain, but the heat of the spanking is travelling right through your body. The vibrator is removed and you are taken down from the wall and placed bent over the desk. Your hands are attached to the sides and your ankles are spread wide apart. The doctor moves around to in front of you and unzips himself. You see his hard dick approaching your mouth and you eagerly open your mouth to accept it. Meanwhile, a large cock is slowly pushing itself into your hot, wet pussy. As both men begin to fuck you simultaneously, you surrender yourself totally to the sensations. It is not long before the man at your pussy comes and is replaced by the next. The doctor withdraws from your mouth and comes. You stick out your tongue to catch a few drops. The man behind you has begun lubricating your bottom and you are sure you know why. While everyone watches, one of the men slowly sticks his cock into your ass and begins pumping with full strokes. You moan uncontrol- lably and a minute later you feel his come shooting into you. This final sensation is too much for your over-extended nerves and you finally come and continue your orgasm for a couple of minutes. When you are done, the men remove your bonds. They have you stand, facing them once more. One of them stands up. He looks directly at you and says, "These are the rules by which you will abide from now on: First, you are no longer permitted to wear a bra or panties at any time. Second, your clothes must be such that access to your body is always permitted. Third, you will obey the instructions of anyone in this group. Forth, you will visit here at least once per month to continue your train- ing. Do you agree to all of these conditions?" You can't believe it is your voice that you hear saying "Yes, sir." I stand up and say "Follow me." and then walk out of the room. You follow quietly. We walk down the hallway and through the empty waiting room. I open the door and you follow me, naked, into the corridor. All the way back to the office where you clothes are you are amazed that you make no attempt to cover yourself. When we enter the examining room where it all started, I say, "Get up on the table." You do so and without my asking, put your feet in the stirrups and stretch your hands above your head. I look at you for a long moment and then I say, "You were very hot tonight." Dropping my pants, I enter you slowly and together we come to another mind-blowing orgasm.