Two of my buddies and I were at the local Go-Go bar checking out the action after a long, hard day walking the steel in 95 degree weather. We were throwing down some cold ones watching this long, lanky blonde strutting her stuff. She had a great ass and legs but didn't have much in the way of tits. I motioned to her to come over and held up a dollar bill. She headed our way, dancing, never missing a beat, while giving us a sultry smile and running her tongue over her lips. When she reached me I started talking to her, asking her what her name was and all that idle chat bullshit. Her name was Jen, short for Jennifer she told me. She held her bikini type top away from her body allowing me to place the dollar bill inside it. As I put the dollar inside her top I rubbed my fingers over her nipple. She reached for my hand, pressed it to her tit, and then moved my hand away. She smiled sexily and danced away to another patron holding up a bill. As was usual, the conversation turned to how much we would like to fuck this dancer and all the usual talk that ensues after one of these "close encounters". After awhile, not feeling much pain, thanks to the Coors, I held up another dollar and Jen came over. I asked what time she got through and she said that she finished dancing at 11:00 p.m. I asked her if she wanted to go out after she got off and go for a drink or get something to eat. She, somewhat to my surprise, replied that she would like that and we could go right after she got off. Well, a couple of hours passed and it was finally 11 o'clock. She left the dance floor and went in the back room to change into her street clothes. When she came out I almost fell off the stool! She was wearing the tightest jeans that I had ever seen, six inch spiked heels, and what had to be the skimpiest halter top she could wear without getting arrested. Her jeans were so tight that the seam of the crotch was pulled up into her slit forcing her cunt lips to bulge invitingly on either side of the seam. My buddy nudged me with his elbow nodding his envious approval. By now my cock was standing up straight and as hard as the steel toe in my boot! She came over, smiled sexily, took me by the arm, and we were on our way. She said she didn't mind if my buddies came along which was a damned good thing since I had the only wheels! Her car was being repaired and she had taken a taxi to work. We grabbed a couple of six packs and ice on the way out and filled the cooler in my van. I asked Greg, one the guys I was with, to drive while Jen,Paul (my other buddy), and I got into the back of the van. Jen elected to sit on the floor so Paul and I sat on the couch (my van was fully customized). Greg started driving around while Paul and I talked to Jen about how long she had been dancing and silly shit like that, trying to get a feel for where her head was at. The soft red lights that were installed in the van shined softly on her face highlighting her high cheekbones and beautiful complexion. She was a good looking girl and the lights made her look even better. I slid off the couch and sat next to her. She was sipping a beer and talking about how nice the van was. When the conversation lulled she reached into her handbag and pulled out a baggie with grass and rolling papers in it. I normally don't get high and so I kind of sat there not saying anything. Paul, a real pothead, said "Allright, the girls got some smoke!" She looked up and smiled at me and then started rolling a joint. She lit up and took a couple of deep hits before passing it to me. Not wanting to seem like an asshole and not really giving a damn about smoking because I was "ripped" from the beers, I took a couple of hits and then passed it to Paul. "Good Shit" he said after taking a couple of hits. Greg hollered for the joint and we passed it to him and then back and forth until it was completely gone. Jen rolled another one and we all passed it back and forth, getting more and more stoned! Now I don't know good grass from bad grass, but I know I sure got fucked up that night! Greg finally parked the van deep in the woods, in one of our partying spots, and joined us in the back of the van. We got more comfortable, me sitting behind Jen with her sitting between my legs. As we all talked and laughed I reached up under Jens top and started fondling her tits. Her nipples quickly became hard and erect. She tilted her head back towards me, smiled, and kissed me lightly on the lips. All of us continued to carry on some meaningless conversation for awhile. Greg said that he had to take a piss and got out of the van. Paul had to relieve himself also and went with Greg, leaving Jen and I alone in the van. Jen threw her head back and as I kissed her she thrust her tongue beep into my mouth. As we kissed I ran my hand down her belly and unbuttoned her jeans. I slid the zipper down and she moaned softly. Our lips parted and she lifted her ass and slid her jeans off. She had no panties on underneath and in the dim light I could see that she had a shaven pussy! My rod was rigid and rock hard, actually aching now! She turned and started to unbutton my jeans. I raised my ass and slid them off. She pulled off my underwear releasing my aching cock and made a cooing noise before saying simply "Ooooo Baby"! I pulled my tee shirt off as she took off her halter top. These cute, pert tits stood out perfectly and invitingly. Paul and Greg, thankfully, had started a conversation outside and seemed to be engrossed in it. Jen pushed me down on my back and started to kiss my chest, slowly working her way down passed my stomach to my rock hard cock. I reached underneath her and started playing with her tits, gently kneading her hard nipples between my fingers. She finally reached my cock and ran her tongue around the swollen head. She was taking the head into her mouth and running her tongue around it. She would then take it out of her mouth and run her tongue around the head again. As she did this she gently massaged my balls. She ran her tongue up and down my six inch shaft and lightly bit the shaft of my cock. My balls were aching now and she finally took almost my whole cock in her mouth. I grabbed her hair and started shoving her head down, trying to ram the whole length of my tool down her throat. She placed her hand around the base of my cock to keep my thrusts from choking her as I continued to fuck her in the mouth. I kept thinking about that clean shaven cunt she had and pulled her head from my rod. I pulled her up towards me. She grabbed my cock, positioned herself over it, and slammed her glistening, shaved pussy down on me, impaling herself on my ramrod. I felt my balls tighten up as she sat on me, thrusting her body up and down on my ready to explode cock. As she fucked me I saw a figure standing by the back door of the van. It was Paul. He motioned to me if he could join in. Jen had her eyes closed savoring each thrust of my cock deep into her pussy and didn't know a thing. I reached up and guided Jen's lips to mine so that she would be bent over me with her beautifully rounded ass sticking up in the air. We thrust against each other while our tongues established a rythym of their own. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Paul, cock in hand, taking saliva from his mouth and putting it on the head of his cock. He slowly moved up behind Jen and started kissing her firm, well rounded buttocks. Startled, she tried to sit up. I held her behind her neck as I thrust my tongue deep into her mouth. Paul was kissing her ass and slowly worked down until his tongue was probing her pink, puckered orifice. She was enjoying Paul's tongue sliding in and out of her tight asshole because her thrusts upon my cock became faster and more erratic and she seemed close to having an orgasm. Suddenly she stopped thrusting and her body went rigid. I opened my eyes and saw Paul, now on his knees behind her, trying to force his cock up that tight, clamped up, asshole. Jen tried to sit up but her legs were folded beneath her and she couldn't get up. No longer kissing, I held her head next to mine as she started to cry out and beg "No, please don't, don't do that." "Owwwww" she cried out as Paul started to push past her backdoor and into the deep recesses of her bowels. "Please, please, it hurts, take it out, please take it out" she cried out as Paul continued to force his long hard cock up her ass. She started to whimper and make little sobbing noises even as I thrust my ramrod deep into her cunt. She let out a sudden cry as Paul, impatient now, rammed the full length of his shaft up Jen's tight ass. I felt Paul's cock slid against mine through the thin membrane separating Jen's ass from her cunt as he impaled her on his manhood. Jen's head lay next to me and she was sobbing. Paul and I, now caught up in this sex extravaganza, alternated our thrusts as we both shoved our meat deep into her. Jen stopped sobbing and started moaning softly. She lifted her head and gently started to part my lips with her tongue. She was getting the shit fucked out of her and was starting to love it. Our tongues met and I could feel my balls about to burst. Jen was starting to shudder, a climax building, when all of a sudden I see Greg on his knees in front of Jen! I broke away from the kiss and whispered into Jen's ear "we have another surprise for you". She looked up almost knowingly, pushed herself up on her arms, and took Greg's tool into her mouth. I imagined such things as this only in fantasies! Greg held her by the back of the head and was literally fucking her in the mouth. This was no ordinary blow job, Greg was fucking her mouth as hard as I was fucking her shaven pussy and Paul was shoving it up her ass! I could still feel Jen's body tremble, working towards orgasm. She suddenly pulled her mouth from Greg's cock and started to jerk him off as she breathlessly yelled out "Ohhh, fuck me, fuck me, shove it up my ass". My balls let loose their load and I felt the cum spew from my cock deep into the recesses of her cunt. Jen was moaning louder now, shuddering uncontrollably and cried out as she started to climax. Paul was really slamming into her now and saying something about her hot, tight, asshole and how he was gonna fill it with cum. Paul got off and shot his wad deep into Jen's bowels. Jen took Greg's cock back into her mouth and he shot his load, Jen swallowing every bit of his jism. All four of us were spent now. Paul slid his shaft out of her swollen asshole and sort of fell against the couch. Greg was sitting in the front seat of the van now and Jen was just kind of slumped over on top of me. I rolled over to the side and sat up to grab a beer. I took a few mouthfuls and offered it to Jen. She sipped on the can and sat silently. After a few minutes she asked me to take her home. I dropped off Paul and Greg on the way to Jen's house. Jen didn't speak at all during the ride home. I started feeling kind of bad for Jen, we really fucked over this poor girl. I guessed that she wasn't as wild as she seemed judging by the way she was dressed. When we got to her house I walked her to the door. She unlocked the door and had no intention of inviting me in. I asked if I could use the bathroom. I almost had to beg her. She reluctantly agreed to let me in. There were a couple of pairs of panty hose hanging in the bathroom and a real sexy negligee hanging on the back of the door. I saw a razor sitting on the side of the bathtub and started thinking about Jen's smooth, glistening cunt again. I could feel myself getting worked up again, wanting her to myself this time. I left the bathroom and found Jen sitting on the couch in a bathrobe. I tried to think of something to say to her but she abruptly asked me to just leave, she wanted to take a shower. Determined to have her again, I sat down next to her and asked how she felt. "Now how the fuck do you think I feel" she asked. More determined than ever, I reached over and pushed my hand under her bathrobe and let it rest on her thigh. She went to get up and I pulled her back down on the couch. I said "look, I'm sorry for what happened tonight. I know that my apology doesn't make it any different but we were all fucked up and got carried away". She stood up again and said that she just wanted to take a shower and for me to leave. She walked away and went into the bathroom locking the door behind her. I just sat there wondering if I should leave or try to get laid again. I got up and checked her refrigerator. She had a six pack in there so I grabbed a beer. I sat on the couch for about 10 minutes and heard the shower go off. A couple of minutes later Jen came out of the bathroom. She got real pissed off when she saw me still there and told me to get the fuck out of her house or I'd be sorry. She was wearing the same bathrobe and it had swung open, exposing her thighs almost to her crotch. I started getting more exited looking at her soft, milky white flesh. I was more determined than ever to have another go round with her. I got up and pulled her down onto the couch. She cried out in protest which was starting to excite me even more. I roughly pulled her robe up over her head and pulled in on her waist as I pushed down on her upper back positioning myself behind her. She was now in the "doggie" position and fighting like hell. I pulled the bathrobe all the way over her from behind so that it covered her head and flailing arms. She was lying on the side of her face, her arms entangled in the robe now. My arm was around her waist pulling upward so those round mellons were invitingly in the air. I could see her red, swollen asshole now. It was puffy and much redder than it normally would be. Looking at that tight, swollen little orifice made me get extremely excited. I spit on one of my fingers and shoved it against her swollen bud. She cried out in pain and tried to get up. I grabbed her roughly by the hair and forced her face into the cushion on the couch. I smacked her ass as hard as I could, stinging my own hand. She cried out and then started to sob. I backhanded her across the ass again and she started to cry. I spit into my hand and smeared it over the head of my now raging cock. I spit onto my fingers and shoved them against her swollen asshole to get it lubricated ready for my intrusion. Red welts had formed where I smacked her ass. Jen jumped when I shoved my fingers against the entrance of her anal entry and cried out painfully. This made me more exited and I roughly shoved the purple head of my cock against that unyielding passageway. I pulled her against me as I thrust forward and her sphincter gave in to the force of the weapon I yielded. I watched my cock, now fully lubricated with the mucus from her back door, slip easily back and forth inside her. Jen made little whimpering sounds while I thrust in and out of her. I leaned over her and slid two fingers into her shaved cunt while I roughly handled her small, firm tits with my other hand. I was getting ready to ejaculate into her deepest recesses. The thought of forcing my cock as far up inside her as I could when I was ready to cum excited me. I sat up to take a final look at my cock slipping easily in and out of her and could see trickles of blood from her abused asshole running down my cock. As the cum welled up in my balls I started slamming into Jen. She raised herself up on her hands and started to moan. As I shot my load I slammed my battering ram into Jen as far as I could. I held it there until the spastic contractions of my cumming cock subsided. Again I started slamming in and out of that swollen, bloody bung hole to milk the last drops of cum from my still rigid tool. Jen was moaning and moving to meet my thrusts. I reached to her cunt and started massaging her clit between my thumb and forefinger. Jen cried out blissfully as she reached orgasm. I withdrew my cock from her bloody, swollen asshole. I turned her over on her back and, starting from her neck, kissed her gently and slowly, reaching her nipples, I gently sucked and caressed them. Continuing downward I finally reached her sweet, shaven mound. I ran my tongue gently over her clit and took it into my mouth. I slowly slid my finger in and out of that sweet love tunnel as I continued to tongue her love button. I ran my hand over her firm little tits and she moaned softly. She started to tremble and I licked her clit faster. Her body started to writhe as she approached climax. She stiffend as she reached orgasm. She shudderd a few times and then laid quietly back on the couch. I put my tongue between her soft cunt lips and lapped up her love juices, savoring the fragrance and taste of her. She laid there quietly for a few minutes and then softly asked me to leave. I haven't seen Jen since that night. I've been told that she doesn't dance anymore. Maybe tonight I'll take a ride by her house.............