A Purely Ficticious Tale [for anyone concerned, the "you" in this story is a male; if you want it to be a female, you'll have to write your own story] ...as you leave the campus after your final exam, you are grabbed from behind, gagged and blindfolded. Two strong men tell you that you won't be harmed as they lead you to a car and push you into the back seat, handcuffing your wrists in front of you. Your mind is racing, you cannot imagine what is happening to you. The car drives for a short while, then once again the men drag you from the car and lead you inside a house. You welcome the warmth of the house and the sweet, intoxicating scent in the air. They take you to a room and strap you into a soft chair, leather straps holding your ankles, wrists and neck. You remain blindfolded, but the gag is removed, and you ask with a quiver in your voice "What are you going to do to me?". A voice that you have never heard, a voice that purrs, vibrating warmly through your body, responds "Nothing that you won't enjoy...". The voice suddenly appears at your left ear, its hot damp breath penetrating you "Relax...enjoy." A warm tongue reaches out to flick your earlobe, followed by moist lips that enclose your earlobe and suck gently, causing your breathing to quicken. The voice purrs and whispers in your ear as it continues to suckle hungrily, mesmerizing you. The lips now move slowly, lavishing tiny kisses behind your ear and down the back of your neck, causing you to strain against the leather binding. The lips are gone, and lithe fingers have found the buttons of your shirt, popping off the buttons to reveal your chest; long fingernails dig themselves into the toned flesh of your pecs, scratching a trail down to your waist. Suddenly the hot mouth is at your right nipple sucking it, then biting it sharply as you gasp at the pain. The mouth continues to hungrily lick and suck at your nipples, making them even more tender, bringing you a perverse sense of pleasure. As your breath catches in your throat, the mouth stops its motions and moves quickly to your mouth, filling you with its hot, strong tongue, bloodying your lip with the force. The mouth now becomes gentle, rubbing its full lips on yours; you taste its sweet breath mingled with your own blood. The tongue tenderly licks your lips, savoring every drop of blood it cleans from you, before it moves to the taut muscles of your stomach and licks its way to the top of your pants. The owner of the voice and the mouth that has sweetly tortured you now kneels between your legs, her mouth still enjoying the flesh of your stomach as her hands run eagerly up your tight thighs, grasping at the muscles. She continues to rub your legs as with her mouth she unbuttons and unzips your pants; you begin to tremble, knowing that she is totally in control. That doesn't stop you from lifting your buttocks slightly as she pulls your pants and briefs down to your knees, leaving you exposed and at her mercy. You cannot hide the fact that you have been excited by this mysterious woman, without ever seeing her, as your cock stands stiff before her eyes. You exhale with relief as she slides her tongue the length of your shaft, swirling it under your balls and back up to the head. She continues to tease you this way, with small kisses and licks on your quivering rod; you want so badly to fuck her mouth, but your hands are strapped and she will give you only what she wants to. With one hand she grabs your balls, rolling the weighty sacs in her palm as she continues to lap at your dick. She slowly increases the pressure of her hand around your balls, causing them to throb and tighten until she releases her hand and quickly replaces it with her wet mouth. She holds you hotly in her mouth, her tongue caressing the smooth underside of your scrotum as your blood leaves the rest of your body and fills your groin, making you dizzy with pleasure. Your rigid cock rests on her cheek as she bathes your balls in her sweet saliva, her mouth totally filled with you. Her soft moans send waves through your groin that seem to melt away the rest of your body. You want to touch her, pull her deeper into you; but she has pulled away and you are helpless to do anything about it. You are aching with unfinished desire, you cannot even finish yourself off. Again that mellifluous voice in your ear: "...you taste wonderful. Are you enjoying yourself?" You hesitate to answer, and as the words are caught in your throat your stiff cock is enveloped in herburning mouth, the swollen head pressing down her throat, the veins nearly bursting with blood as she pulls her tight moist lips up the length of your rod, her tongue twisting around the head. Your body tightens, the ache building as she plunges down your shaft again, burying you in her throat; your hips thrust, you gasp and quiver then cry out as a flood is released from your raging cock into her hungry mouth. She stays with your cock as it spasms and jerks, drinking in every drop of your musky semen. She releases your cock, pressing her mouth against yours, her tongue sharing your own semen with you as you weakly return her kiss, the tension having exhausted your body. ...You are still reeling from your orgasm when you feel the unknown woman climb onto the chair with you, kneeling, straddling your lap. She delicately strokes your face, tracing her fingers across your blindfold to your cheeks then down to your lips and up the curve of your jaw. She runs her hands through your hair, holding firmly the back of your head as she presses her full breasts to your face. You are nearly smothered in the warm soft flesh that completely frames your face; you breathe in deeply, drinking in her sweet smell. You wish your arms were free; that you could pull her to you, burying yourself deeper in the soft mounds of her breasts while caressing the small of her back and slipping your hands down over the curves of her ass. But she is the only one touching herself now, pushing her breasts inwards against your cheeks, now sliding her left nipple across your lips. Your tongue darts out but misses the first pass until she brings the nipple again to your lips and your tongue reaches out to greet it. You swirl your tongue across the hardening nipple, but this is not enough attention for her as she presses firmly against you, filling your mouth with her delicious breast. You suckle hungrily at her as she purrs in delight, now placing her unattended breast in your lips for the same wonderful treatment. Not being able to see or touch her, the only sensations you have are her silky skin pressed against your face, the taste of her breast in your mouth, and your cock once again responding to the actions of this enigmatic female form. She feels your dick grow as it touches her inner thigh; her breathing quickens as you work hungrily at her breast, biting the taut nipples. She begins to rub her body against your torso, grasping the back of your head to pull you even closer as her purrs become deep moans and you suck even more furiously, excited by her obvious arrousal. Suddenly her breast slips out of your mouth as she slides down your body and engulfs your raging cock with the hot tight glove of her pussy, taking you fully with one thrust. Now she is perfectly still, pulling in deep breaths as the walls of her cunt ripple against your engorged manhood, building the pressure in your groin. So slowly she begins to move, slipping her wet pussy up and down the length of your shaft, resting each time at the bottom to enjoy having herself filled completely with you. Her tempo builds as she begins to rock furiously against your rod, plunging you again and again into her velvety depths until you both are gasping for breath, her moans escaping from between clenched teeth as her fingers dig into your shoulders and neck. Her moans escalate into high squeals as her pussy pulsates around your cock, forcing your life fluid deep into her. She thrashes wildly on your lap, your hot jet of come pushing her into a body-wracking orgasm. Your own body quakes as the last drops of semen spurt from your jerking cock into her. Her breasts heave against your chest as she struggles to catch her breath and regain her composure. Finally her body is calm and she places light kisses all over your face as she reaches behind to undo your blindfold.....