As I lay in bed that night, I experienced many new and strange feelings. I was interested in my changing body and had seen each day the developments that were occurring, but I had not explored myself by touch except by the necessary touching of daily personal hygiene. As I lay there my right hand slowly moved up under my nightgown to touch my left breast. It was only a small swelling, but it had definitely begun to take shape. I touched the bottom curve and began circling around the perimeter of its rounded shape. With each revolution around my breast, I moved closer to the center and slowed down. As I felt the size increasing nearer to the center, I would pause and gently push. This pressure caused sensations that I had never experienced before. I continued to work my way to the center of my breast until I felt the areola of my nipple. My nipples were still small, like they had always been, but tonight I noticed something different. The areola was very tight and when I found the nipple, It was erect as if it were cold. I continued to play with the nipple fondling it with my fingers and pinching it between them. My excitement built rapidly and each new touch of my breast brought on sensations that I found exciting and wonderful. My right hand wandered over to my right breast and my left hand found its way to my left breast. I continued to caress both of my breasts and eventually had to stop to catch my breath. After I had recovered for a few minutes I realized that I was hot and decided to take my nightgown off. I took it off as well as my panties. I was somewhat sweaty from my activity, but I was quite surprised at the moisture that I found in my panties. I lay back down, but I couldn't stop thinking about this unusual moisture. I knew that I had not accidentally wet my panties and I never had experienced sweat between my legs like that. The more I thought about it the more curious I became. My right hand slowly started to work its way down my stomach to my pubis to satisfy my curiosity. As my hand reached my pubis, it touched the new blonde pubic hairs that I had recently developed. They reminded me of the recent changes that had been happening. My hand continued down but avoided touching 'that place' that you aren't supposed to touch. I touched my inner thighs, but they weren't very wet. My curiosity mounted until it was enough to cause my hand to slowly move up to rest on my genitals. They were almost dripping wet! As soon as my hand rested against my private area, A flood of wonderful sensations ran over my body. Almost instinctively my hand started to move back and forth, round and round on my mound. As I continued the sensations mounted until I reached a point that the flood of sensations was too great. I felt something deep inside me pounding as my entire body tightened. This feeling persisted for a minute or two and then I fell limp. My hand and sheets were soaked in liquid and I was quite excited. I had found a new joy that I would develop and enjoy for the rest of my life.