cand&gun.txt CANDY AND THE GUNNER... I had this really good friend named Dave who also had a friend named Rusty. Well, Rusty had this really knockout girlfriend named Candy. Dave is a real bullshitter and I didn't believe half of the wild stories he told, so I just ignored his comments about how wild Candy got when she got drunk. He told me how Rusty was the type of guy that only wanted it about once or twice a week and Candy wanted it once or twice an hour. Since she was a "good little girl" she couldn't really cheat on Rusty, but if you got her drunk, she would do anything and not feel guilty about it. One day Dave told me he was going to prove to me how wild Candy really was. He had arranged for us to meet her at the local Pizza Hut for pizza and beer. When she met us I noticed that the dress she was wearing was really unusual in that it was made almost exactly like a raincoat, buttons down the front with a belt around the middle. I also noticed a lot of cleavage and her shapely claves encased in fishnet stockings. We sat down and ordered our pizza and two pitchers of beer. When the beer arrived, Candy said that she didn't want to drink any because she didn't like the taste. Well, after our pizza arrived Candy gave in and poured herself a glass of beer. When we were done with the pizza, we were also done with the beer and Candy had only had one. We soon ordered two more pitchers and convinced Candy that the only way for her to drink with us was to "chug" each glass so she wouldn't taste it so much. After "chugging" about six or seven glasses of beer, Candy was being as sweet as her name. She had unbuttoned two of the lower buttons on her dress so that she could move her legs enough to play footsie under the table with me. As we were leaving, Dave was getting in the driver's side of the car and I was waiting for him to unlock the passenger door when Candy called out to me. She was standing in the center of the parking lot and when I turned she opened up her dress and showed me a braless cutout corsett with garters and stockings. Her nipples were about the size of a quarter and looked like Hershey's Kisses in the cool evening air. Her bush was a light strawberry blonde that looked like the hair was very thin or recently trimmed. About then I realized that we were in the middle of a city with about 100,000 people in it and it was still daylight at 8 P.M. Dave unlocked the door and we got into the car. Nothing else happened that night, but Candy and I became drinking buddies for several months. One evening about 4 months later Candy called me and invited me and my bottle of rum over to her apartment for margaritas. I quickly showered, dressed, hit the liquor store and was at her apartment in about 20 minutes. When I got there I thought something was up because Rusty was working night shift and Candy's roommate was out for the rest of the night with her new beau. Candy made the mistake of letting me make the margaritas and I loaded about a cup of rum into each one of the drinks. After our third round Candy was feeling real loose. Our casual conversation suddenly turned sexy when candy asked if I had liked her lingere that night at Pizza Hut. I said that I loved lingere but had trouble finding women who were into it as much as I was. When Candy heard that I loved lingere she offered to give me a fashion show of her lingere collection. I quickly agreed and she disappeared into the bedroom to change. The first outfit she came out in really knocked my socks off. It was a basic white bra with frilly lace accross the top edge of the cups. The lace was cut just low enough to expose the top half of each perky brown nipple. She was wearing white garters that rode perfectly across her slender, full hips with four long, lacy straps leading down to her white stockings. The stockings were the sheer white kind that sparkle in the light and she was moving around alot to produce the best possible effect with the little light available. She was wearing white lace panties that were no more that two triangles of cloth held together by lace straps. The front panel was transparent enough that I could see her light bush and a hint of pussy lips. She really knew what she was doing because she had put her panites on over the garters so she could take off her panties without removing the garters. The fashion show didn't get any further then because Candy sat down next to me and started necking. Being fully clothed and in the arms of this green-eyed, red-haired beauty while she was only clad in her underwear was more than I could stand. I got up and started to undress when Candy said "Let me do that for you." Candy undresses me but made it a point not to touch me. She laid back on the couch and handed me a vibrator that had magically appeared in her hand. "Do me with this," she said. I took the vibrator from her and turned it on, adjusting the speed to a very slow, humming speed. I started out on her nipples and when they got good and hard I pushed the cups of her bra down to expose them to my tongue. With one nipple in my mouth and my left hand on the other, my right hand moved the vibrator around her crotch and upper legs. After about five minutes of playing this way I started to move the vibrator into her cunt. I slowly tickled the outer lips of her pussy with the tip of the vibrator and watched as her pussy unfolded like a lovely flower. The vibrator was already slick with her pussy juices that were leaking out of her like a lake draining so I pushed it slowly up into her pussy. I kept pushing until all eight vibrating inches were burried in her cunt. We moved into a sixty-nine position so she could suck my cock and I could lick on her clit while I diddled her with the vibrator. I finally removed the vibrator from her pussy and decided to get down to some serious cunt lapping. I shoved two fingers of my left hand up into her pussy and started to dig around until I found the magic spot. Once I had done this I sucked her clit into my mouth and pushed up on the spot. Candy started squealing and bucking like she was being electricuted and pussy juice coated my face and my arm down to the elbow. Suddenly Candy stopped thrashing about and just lay there breathing rapidly and deeply. Without any warning at all Candy pissed all over the couch but didn't seem to notice or to wake up. After about five minutes Candy woke up and was really embarassed about peeing on the couch. Apparently she was totally knocked out by the series of multiple orgasms. When she got her composure back she said, "You can do anything you like." When I heard this I was ecstatic. I first shoved my hard dick, I still hadn't come yet, up her juicy cunt and then shoved a finger up her asshole. After ten minutes of slow fucking and several orgasms by Candy I lifted her legs over my shoulders. From this position I withdrew my cock in a long slow stroke that made a popping sound when it finally came out. Candy whimpered for me to put it back in her when I pulled out but I had other ideas. I put my cunt juice slickened dick right up to her anus and began to push. Candy was obviously no stranger to anal sex because she relaxed and shoved right back until my balls hit her ass. Then she started bucking and I started pushing. This time the strokes were long, hard, and fast. Candy grabbed the vibrator off the floor and pushed it into her cunt with such savage force that I thought that she might hurt herself. The vibrations were too much for Candy and she came twice real close together then I was ready to come. Candy stopped me and told me to come in her mouth so I withdrew my dick and, with her legs around my thighs, shoved it into her mouth. With Candy sucking on the head of my dick, one hand playing with my balls, and one finger of her other hand up my asshole I came what seemed like gallons. Candy drank it all down like a pro and then complimented me on my lovemaking. I saw Candy regularly and more kinkily for several more months and then she finally made a commitment to be true to Rusty and as far as I know she hasn't broken it. She always knows that if she wants anything in the way of sex she can call me.