STORY # 32 THE MASTER CHRIS COLLECTION SHARON AND HER MISTRESS ________________________________________________________________ It had been almost a month since Sharon' first "Interview" and now here, she was in a crowded airport terminal waiting for someone she had never met in what was probably going to be the most exciting experience in her young life. Six weeks ago, she never would have dreamed she would be here, doing something like this. The famous "Interview" with her new Master had changed all of that. Sharon knew that day had started a new course for her life that would alter it forever. She had willingly asked to be "trained" by her Master and he had certainly obliged. Now she was here at the airport at his request. Late yesterday afternoon, her Master had called her. "Sharon.", he said, "It is time for the next phase of your training. Tomorrow I want you to go to the airport and meet someone. The person you will meet is a woman approximately 35 years old. She will know what you look like. She is an experienced Mistress and will be training you for the weekend. Her flight lands at 6pm from Chicago. Do not be late." "Yes, Sir" Sharon had replied. Her heart was racing a mile-a-minute as she put down the phone. What would it be like to be dominated by a woman? Would she like it? The thought both scared her and excited her. Sharon had been punished before by the other submissives of her Master but this was completely different. In the morning Sharon's Master called again and gave her specific instructions on what she was to wear all day. Sharon dressed in the light blue dress as instructed and felt more exposed and vulnerable than ever as she went to work. As usual, her Master had permitted neither panties nor bra and Sharon's nipples were well defined in the dress. It was only because her pussy hair was completely shaved that her pussy was also not visible beneath the thin fabric. Sharon got more and more nervous as the end of the day approached. She got into her car at 5 and drove to the airport. Now, here she was, waiting in a crowded arrivals lobby for a woman she did not know who was going to be able to completely dominate her for the whole weekend! Sharon's palms were wet as she scrutinized everyone who got off the plane. There were several severe looking women who went by. As each one caught her eye, Sharon's heart leapt a beat. 'Is this the person?', she wondered. All of them went directly by her, however. A couple came out the gateway doors and Sharon was caught by the woman's striking appearance. She was tall, blond, and had a beautiful figure. Her long tanned legs were visible halfway up her thighs because she was wearing a very tight, very hot leather dress. The whole look was striking and Sharon found herself wistfully wishing that this woman was to be her mistress. Of, course, she was with someone, so it couldn't be her. But if only... The couple walked right up the corridor, with the woman holding onto the arm of the handsome man with her. As they got to where Sharon was, the woman paused. She looked right at Sharon and Sharon found herself lowering her eyes, unable to meet her gaze. "You're Sharon." said the woman. Sharon's eyes flew open. "Look David, this is the little slave I was telling you about." Sharon's face turned a deep red. The embarrassment of being described to this stranger so openly was intense. The man's eyes mentally undressed the submissive girl as the tall woman took her arm. "Come along Sharon.", she said. "David, I think she'll be perfect, don't you?" The man smiled at them both. Sharon's heart was racing. 'Was she to be dominated by both of these strangers?' The blond woman was holding tightly onto her arm as they went toward the exit. At the baggage claim area, David went to get the bags. The tall woman sat at one of the chairs in the area and had Sharon stand right in front of her. She looked Sharon up and down and then said, "My name is Dawn. You may call me Mistress Dawn or Mistress. We shall be getting to know one another very intimately this weekend. Your Master has asked me to train you and train you I shall. Come closer to me. Sharon shuffled a little closer until her knees were touching the knees of Mistress Dawn. "Open your legs.", she said. Sharon nervously looked around as she opened her legs about 12 inches. "Wider Sharon.", said her Mistress. Sharon opened her feet a little wider. "Now clasp your hands behind your back." Sharon obeyed. Mistress Dawn had her stand that way for what seemed an eternity for Sharon but was probably only 1 or 2 minutes. Finally David, came back with the bags and Sharon figured that they would now leave. "Just a moment David.", said the tall blond. Sharon watched as her Mistress moved forward and slid her hand right up Sharon's dress! Sharon was mortified! She looked around hoping that no one could see but of course she was in plain view. Mistress Dawn put her hand right on Sharon's shaved slit and slid 2 fingers deep into her already wet pussy. The fingers withdrew and Mistress Dawn held them up to Sharon. They were glistening wet. "You're a hot slut little Sharon." said the older woman, "Lick them clean." Sharon dutifully opened her lips and sucked on the long thin fingers. This simple act turned Sharon on more than anything she had ever done. The older woman smiled. "Sit down.", she said. Sharon took her place on the seat. Mistress Dawn took her bag from David who was wide eyed and obviously turned on by this display. Mistress Dawn handed Sharon something from her bag and said, "Put these on." Sharon looked down to see that they were 4 leather straps. She looked up questioningly at her Mistress, "Here?", she said in a squeaky voice "Here.", said her Mistress. Sharon nervously put on the wrist and ankle cuffs. Anyone who even looked at her now would know exactly what she was; the slave of her Mistress. David carried the bags to Sharon's car and Sharon was certain that they would both get in, but the Mistress Dawn stopped him. "Thank you David. I hope we'll get to meet again." Sharon was a little relieved as just the two women now left the airport on their way to the hotel where Mistress Dawn was staying. When they arrived, Sharon started to get the bags out of the car. "No, Sharon, the hotel staff will do that, come with me." They both went into the hotel and Sharon noticed the looks of the bell-hop as he saw her leather cuffs. Her face was hot and flushed as she joined her mistress at the registration desk. Registering in the room took only a moment and Sharon and Mistress Dawn were on their way up the elevator. In the elevator, Sharon was told to turn to face her Mistress. The tall blond opened Sharon's dress front almost to her navel. At the least movement now, Sharon's breasts would be visible. Then Sharon's wrists were locked behind her. Sharon was hoping that there would be no one on the hotel floor as the elevator doors opened and her wish was granted. They went, undisturbed down the long corridor to the room, Sharon with her hands submissively cuffed behind her and her dress wantonly open. As soon as they entered the room, Sharon' cuffs were undone. "Strip.", said Mistress Dawn and Sharon quickly took off her dress and shoes. She was now completely naked except for her leather wrist and ankle cuffs. Her wrists were again attached behind her and she was told to stand in the corner of the room. Sharon moved to the corner and obediently put her nose right into the corner of the room. Her bound hands were visibly displayed behind her and Sharon was just staring to relax when there was a knock on the door. 'Damn! The luggage', thought Sharon. Her Mistress, of course, had been expecting it. Sharon heard the door open and knew that she was now on display for the hotel bell-hop. Her face turned beet red and an embarrassed little whimper escaped her lips. The door closed and now Mistress Dawn came over to her. "Spread your legs for me Sharon.", she said. Sharon spread her legs wide apart. Mistress Dawn's fingers slid down her bottom and under her to feel her wetness. "You like being displayed I think.", she said. "Don't worry, there will be much more of it while you are with me." Sharon felt a shiver go down her spine at the thought. Her legs were trembling as Mistress Dawn's hands teased her. She knew exactly where to touch the young girl to get her most excited. When Sharon was sure that she was just about to come, the fingers stopped. Sharon moaned in frustration but knew better than to ask to be allowed an orgasm. "We shall be starting your training with a spanking Sharon.", said the tall blond dominant, "Then we shall be going into the bathroom. Now come over here." Sharon turned around and saw that Mistress Dawn had laid out a few of her "toys" from her bag on the bed. Mistress Dawn was now sitting in one of the straight backed chairs of the hotel and motioned Sharon over. Sharon,'s hands were refastened in front of her so that there would be no impeding the spanking that was about to come. Sharon was pulled over her Mistress Dawn's lap and was ordered to spread her legs. She did so. The hand spanking was hard and hot and each smack left a sting on Sharon's bottom. When her bottom was red and hot, Mistress Dawn reached over to take the paddle. The paddling was also quick but very hard and Sharon had tears in her eyes by the end of it. Finally it was over and Sharon was allowed to stay over her Mistress' lap while she calmed down. Mistress Dawn's hands stroked Sharon's hot bottom and upper thighs. Sharon felt more turned on than ever. The feeling of lying across the warm thighs and the leather skirt of her Mistress was exquisite. The older woman's hands now moved a little lower, feeling the heat rising from Sharon's pussy. Sharon moaned out loud as two fingers slid deep into her. The fingers moved slowly in and out and Sharon found her hips humping them. Now the fingers trailed upward slowly and Sharon felt first one then two fingers forcing their way gently into her bottom. Sharon closed her eyes, savoring the sensations. Having her bottom penetrated was the most submissive thing Sharon could do and she loved it. Sharon's whole body was trembling on the edge of an incredible orgasm when Mistress Dawn made her get up. The tall blond stood up and quickly unzippered her leather dress. It was removed right away to reveal an incredible body. Her trim breasts were topped with long, wide, tight nipples, there was not an ounce of fat on her and to Sharon's surprise, her pussy was also shaved! "Kneel down", said Mistress Dawn and Sharon did so. Mistress Dawn spread her legs wide apart and Sharon could see that the spanking had turned her Mistress on also. She could see the lips of Mistress Dawn's slit glisten with her own juices. "Lick me slave.", said the older woman. Sharon felt her Mistress' hand on her head pulling her forward as she dove in to obey her Mistress' commands. Her taste was musty and sensual and it turned Sharon on to be licking her. Sharon licked up and down and sucked the already hard clit of her Mistress into her mouth. The older woman gasped and pulled Sharon into her harder. It didn't take long and Sharon felt Dawn's legs and tummy tighten as her orgasm exploded in her body. It seemed to go on for a long time and Mistress Dawn's hands kept Sharon's mouth tight on her pussy. Finally it was over and Sharon looked up to see her Mistress with a smile on her face. "Very good little slave.", she said, "Now it will be your turn." Sharon was led into the bathroom where she saw that an enema bag was already set up. Sharon's heart clutched again in trepidation of the treatment she was about to receive. "On your hands and knees Sharon.", said Dawn, "Now cross your arms and cradle your head in them. Keep your knees wide apart. Sharon felt the cool feeling of a lubricated finger slide into her as she kept her knees wide open for her Mistress. The thick nozzle was next and Mistress Dawn took delight in sliding it in and out for a while. Sharon felt the rush of water as the restraining clip was released and she felt her tummy tighten as the warm enema rushed in to fill her up. When the bag was empty, Sharon felt the nozzle being removed and replaced by the familiar butt plug. It was a full and tight sensation that she was left with. Sharon was ordered to stand up and Mistress Dawn immediately attached two nipple clips to her. Sharon moaned as each one bit into her nipple. Mistress Dawn pulled her out into the bedroom again and had her lie on her back on the floor. Sharon watched as her Mistress pulled out a long, thick double dildo from her bag and sat down in front of Sharon. Sharon watched as the gorgeous blond woman worked the dildo slowly into her own pussy. Then Dawn scooted down and adjusted the other end of the device into Sharon. Her Mistress reached down to grab the chain between Sharon's attached wrists and slowly but firmly pulled Sharon and her Mistress together until they were both impaled on the dildo! When Sharon's shaved pussy lips finally touched the pussy lips of her Mistress she gasped. The two women ground themselves together, back and forth, rubbing their hot juices into each other. For Sharon, the sensations were intense. Her bottom was still stinging hot from the spanking she had received, her nipples were being pinched and pulled by the tight nipple clamps and her bowels were filled with warm water. The butt plug in her bottom and the thick double dildo in her pussy filled her completely and now the feeling of her Mistress' hot pussy rubbing against her own was too much. Sharon cried out as her own orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks. Spasm after spasm racked her body and then Dawn had her second orgasm of the day and the feelings and sounds of her Mistress' orgasm set Sharon off again. She abandoned herself totally to the feelings and came and came and came. It was perhaps 30 or 40 minutes later before both woman had cleaned up and were now in bed cuddled up to each other. Sharon had been allowed to expel the enema but had her butt plug reinserted afterward. Her Mistress had told her that it would stay in until morning. Now, they were cuddled close to each other in the large hotel bed, both content. "You are the very best Mistress.", said Sharon. Mistress Dawn smiled. "Yes, and there is a whole weekend ahead of us!" STORY # 34 THE MASTER CHRIS COLLECTION PREPARING FOR THE PROM ________________________________________________________________ Tuesday started off very much as per usual for Marcie. She woke up, stretched and rolled over on her back. She considered rolling over again and sleeping late then she remembered; School was over for the summer! "MMmmmmm" she murmured. A wide smile spread across her face. That meant that she could sit around the pool all day. No wait, Mom had said something last night about going shopping. Well, that was ok too. Marcie got out of bed and looked at herself appraisingly in the full length mirror. 'She was in pretty good shape for a 16 year old.', she thought. Her legs were long and sleek and her tan line was just beginning. 'She would be dark brown by the end of the summer.', she thought to herself. Her breasts were firm 'B' cup size but, she loved her nipples best. Marcie had been blessed with extra thick, long nipples. They were a light shade of pink and Marcie would have preferred them to be darker but they were soooooo sensitive. She reached up and gave them a little tweak. The crinkled right away becoming hard and tight under Marcie's pinching fingers. She turned around and looked over her shoulder at the image of her ass in the mirror. 'My best feature.', she thought. She ran her hands over her smooth buttocks imagining that they were a man's hands. She reached down and held her buttocks lewdly apart exposing her pink anus. This was one of the most sensitive areas of Marcie's body. She would be mortified if anyone ever found out how much she loved playing with herself there. Marcie wondered what it would be like for someone else to touch her ass. She showered quickly and couldn't resist playing with herself while under the streaming water. He hand slid down to her lightly haired pussy and began soaping it. She let two fingers slide deep into her and moaned as she did it. Her fingers began sliding in and out in a delicious rhythm. Her left hand reached down to get soapy too and then Marcie let one finger slide slowly into her hot rear opening. The fingers in her pussy felt the intrusion of her rear finger deep in her body. Marcie shuddered and let out a little cry as she came. She then took her razor and shaved her legs and under her arms. She looked down at her puss and started slowly shaving her bikini line. 'Maybe she'd take the sun later.', she thought. She worked her way up her inner thighs and down her flat belly toward her puss. She was left with a tiny triangle of curly blond hairs. Marcie hesitated a moment and then continued. Her mom kept her pussy shaved and Marcie had often wondered what it would be like. She giggled as she removed the last of the unwanted hair. This was turning her on! Marcie and her mom drove downtown. Marcie was dying to find out where they were going but her mom just wouldn't tell. Finally they arrived at a small boutique in the fashion quarter. Marcie noticed the shop display was completely filled with lacy, sexy lingerie. She figured that her mom was picking out something sexy to turn her dad on that night. She already had a large collection of risque lingerie. They went into the shop and her mom led her toward the back of the store. The manager greeted Marcie's mother warmly, "Hi Janice. This must be your daughter Marcie." Marcie shook her hand and then they were led back to sit down in a large fitting room. "Marcie,", said her mom, "I know you're going to your prom next week and I've decided to treat you to something special. Laura and I are going to pick out some wonderful lingerie for you to wear on under your prom dress." Marcie's eyes opened wide. She had never owned anything that sexy before. "Now take off that dress and we'll get started.", said her mother. Marcie hesitated as she looked at Laura. "Don't be embarrassed Marcie.", said the store manager, "I've seen many, many women naked in here." Marcie slowly undid the buttons on her summer dress and pulled in over her head. She was left in her matching pink bra and bikini panty set. "Your bra too Marcie.", said Laura. Marcie blushed as she unclasped the flimsy garment and took it off. Laura and her mother looked openly at her firm breasts. Laura now took out a series of different bras. Each was more revealing and more risque than the last. Marcie blushed again as she felt Laura's hands adjusting the bra and moving her breasts in them. Her mother and Laura looked at each bra appraisingly, having Marcie turn this way and that as she modeled the flimsy garments. They finally settled on a push-up half-bra that left most of her breasts uncovered. It more presented her breasts than protected them. It was more daring than anything Marcie could have imagined wearing. She looked at herself in the mirrors of the room and she couldn't deny that the effect was exciting. Marcie was embarrassed that her nipples hardened once again as she looked at them. The nipples were completely on display above the top of the white lace. Both Laura and her mom noticed them immediately and smiled knowingly at Marcie. "OK Marcie, now take off those panties.", said Laura, "We're going to try on some stockings and garter belts." Marcie began to reach down and remove her panties when suddenly she remembered; Her pussy was completely shaved! Marcie turned bright red and stopped. "Uh, uh, couldn't I keep them on.", she stammered in a tiny voice. "Marcie", said her mother, "Do as you're told. Now, get those panties off." "But I don't want to.", said Marcie. Her mother's face suddenly took on a very stern expression. "You will remove those panties right now, young lady." Marcie's face was now hot and flushed. "Please, no." she whimpered. "Come over here Marcie.", said her mother in a no-nonsense voice. Marcie shuffled over to her mother's side. This was just how she sounded when Marcie was about to get a spanking. Surely she wouldn't get one here! Not here in front of a strange woman. Marcie soon had her question answered as her mother reached out and grabbed her wrists and pulled her over her lap. Marcie's embarrassment reached a peak and she felt tears welling up behind her eyes. Her mother grasped the waistband of Marcie's panties and pulled them down and off her long legs. The spanking started next and Marcie felt her bottom get hot under the stinging spanks of her mother. Marcie's face was hot and wet with tears when her mother finally stood her up. Her hands moved immediately to cover her pussy. "Put those hands down Marcie.", said her mom. Reluctantly Marcie dropped her hands to her side. Now her shaven slit was completely visible. She saw her mother smile as she saw it. Laura too was looking right at the exposed pussy lips. Marcie thought she would die of embarrassment. "Marcie, Laura will now finish your spanking.", said her mom. Marcie slowly shuffled over to Laura. Tears trickled down her cheeks in humiliation as she bent over the woman's lap. Laura took her time, readjusting Marcie several times until her bottom was in the best position. Marcie felt the older woman's left hand holding her firmly at the small of her back. Her right hand rested gently on Marcie's already pink buttocks. Marcie felt Laura's hand gently stroking her bottom in a soothing motion for a moment before the spanking began. Laura gave Marcie several hard, quick spanks then paused, her hand resting gently on her warm cheeks. The spanking continued like that for a while. Laura would give four or five spanks then pause to stroke the young teenage bottom gently. It was like no other punishment that Marcie had ever experienced and she had experienced many. After a couple of minutes, Marcie had almost gotten used to stroking when Laura's hand stroked gently down her cheeks and Marcie felt Laura fingers trailing delicately along her crack! They passed teasingly over Marcie's sensitive anus and continued down to her slit. Marcie shivered at the touch. It was soooooo exciting. Five or six hard smacks followed then Laura's fingers again glided down between Marcie's cheeks. Laura paused for a moment. "Open your legs Marcie.", she said. Marcie allowed her legs to fall open. Laura's finger slid lower and lower, all the way down to her clit which was, by now, soaked in Marcie's own juices. "Stand up Marcie.", said Laura. Marcie got to her feet slowly feeling the heat in her buttocks and a different kind of heat in her pussy. Laura looked over at Marcie's mom. "Janice, she's soaking wet.", she said. Marcie's face blushed red again as this was announced. "I think she enjoys being submissive." continued Laura. Marcie's mom smiled. "Yes I know.", she said, "She's been getting aroused for ages whenever her father or I have given her a bare-bottomed spanking. Marcie couldn't believe her ears! Here was her own mother and this strange woman discussing her most intimate moments right out in the open! Nothing more was said for the moment and Laura busied herself getting garter belts and stockings onto Marcie. They finally settled on a set that left Marcie looking hotter than she thought she ever would. Again she posed in the clothing, but this time the poses became more and more suggestive. Marcie willingly followed all of the instructions. She felt her pussy becoming more and more wet and every once in a while, she would notice in the mirror the glisten of her juices on her slit. Finally Laura ordered into the middle of the room and had her stand with her legs wide apart and her hands clasped behind her head. Marcie was told to remain in this position. "We're going to ask you some questions Marcie", said her mom, "and I want you to answer honestly and fully." Marcie's breathing had quickened. "OK", she said in a low voice. "First of all", asked Laura, 'When was the first time you masturbated?" Marcie's face turned red again as she stammered out her reply, "About two years ago." "How often do you masturbate?", asked her mother. "Almost every day.", said Marcie hesitantly. "What objects have you inserted in your pussy?", asked Laura. Marcie slowly listed her hairbrush, her fingers, a long necked bottle and a small cucumber. "Have you ever put your finger into your bottom?", asked her mother. Marcie looked at her mother in shock! She could barely get the word out, "Yyyyyeeeeess", she said. Laura and her mom smiled. "What objects have you put into your ass?", asked Laura. Marcie's voice was shaking as she told about using her fingers, the handle of her brush and a tube of lipstick up there. "Oh, I think we can do better than that.", said Laura mysteriously. The questioning went on as Marcie described everything sexual that she had ever done. She even the time that her boyfriend Bobby had almost taken her virginity at the beach. When they had finished asking everything they could think of, Marcie was flushed and almost panting. She had never been so turned on in her life! Laura left the room for a moment and returned carrying a small box. Marcie was still standing as instructed with her legs apart and her hands behind her head. Laura opened the box and leaned over to whisper something to her mother. Marcie's mom smiled and nodded her head. Laura looked up at the young girl "Turn around Marcie then bend over and touch your toes.", said her mother, "Laura is going to give you a special present. Marcie did as she was asked. She hoped that the present wasn't another spanking... Her bottom was already sore. Between her legs she saw Laura take something out of the box and begin covering it with some kind of ointment. As Laura turned toward Marcie, the object became visible as a small plastic dildo that was shiny with the lubricant covering it. Marcie felt Laura's fingers at her ass gently spreading her cheeks and then the cool touch of the object at her anus. Marcie gasped as the anal intruder was gently but firmly pushed into her body. She was panting hard when Laura finally let her up, the butt plug now solidly in place. Marcie could see that both her mom and Laura seemed excited too. Laura sat down again, leaving Marcie standing in the middle of the room. The sensation of having the plug holding her anus open was causing Marcie to tremble. She could feel her juices trickling down her inner thighs. "Now, Marcie", said her mother in a throaty voice, "Would you like to be allowed to come?" Marcie nodded her head. She was so hot that she was whimpering softly. She would do anything to be allowed to come. Then ask Mistress Laura to let you.", said her mother. Marcie turned to Laura, "Please Mistress Laura, please let me." Laura smiled at her, "Very well Marcie, show us how you can come. Play with yourself." Marcie dropped her hands to her soaking pussy. Her fingers found her clit hard and hot. Marcie was so close already that it only took a moment. She felt the orgasm start first deep in her belly. She could feel her tummy start to tremble and then she felt her bottom clamp down hard on the anal plug. Well, that was IT! Marcie heard a ringing in her ears and she sank to her knees as spasm after spasm racked her body. Each peak caused her to tighten on the butt plug again and each time she did, it caused another peak. As if from a distance, Marcie heard herself cry out again and again. It was quite a few minutes before she finally calmed down. Her body was covered in sweat and she felt totally drained. She looked up to see that both her mother and Laura had lifted their skirts and had brought themselves to their own orgasms! The two older women helped Marcie to her feet. They helped her with her dress, pulling it over her head and down over the sexy lingerie. Marcie looked up and asked if she could take out the plug from her bottom. Her mother smiled down at her, "No Marcie, you'll wear it until you get home. You're boyfriend is waiting for you there you know." A shiver ran down Marcie's spine as she wondered what further adventures waited for her at home.