Brittany III - Amanda's Conquest by Steve Jensen Ever since she was a little girl, Amanda occasionally got the urge to shed her clothing and present herself to the unsuspecting view of anyone from whom she could get a reaction. At the age of three, she would strip naked and streak through the living room whenever guests were over. When she reached five, her efforts were more subtle. She would come out in a pair of panties to say goodnight to everyone before bedtime. She would always feel a tingle of excitement when she exposed herself and the tingle became much more intense if she got even the slightest reaction from those present. This continued until she was seven. But because at that age it is much harder to act 'innocent' while parading around in front of strangers semi-naked, she went completely 'underground' in her efforts to show off her body to strangers. Then, she would single out an individual, almost always an older male. She would pick a place where it was almost impossible for him to do anything but watch her while she exposed herself. Like when the man came to cut the grass, she would stand naked in front of the window. He would stop and look, but was afraid to say anything for fear of being accused of seducing the little girl. Amanda got a thrill from the power she had in a situation like this. Then, one day when she was 10, she got a chance to really carry out her fantasy. The man from the power company came to the door to read the meter which was located in the basement. Her mom had just left for work and the standing orders were no strangers in the house when she was gone. But for Amanda, this was a day for breaking rules. She let the meter man, a nice looking man in his mid-30's into the house and showed him to the basement. She noticed the way he looked at her because she was still dressed in her P.J.'s. The man went down stairs and started writing down the numbers from the meter. The man was reminded by seeing the little girl in PJ's that he should have asked if there was an adult home before entering. But this was his first stop of the day and he didn't want to have to come back later that afternoon. Besides, he would be in and out in three minutes. Amanda stood over by the washing machine and, with the mans' back to her, slipped out of her P.J.'s and placed them in the washer. About that time, the man turned an saw her standing only in a pair of panties. Amanda tingled intensely all over when she saw the startled look on his face. The thoughts that went through the mans mind were a combination of confusion and fear. Shit, if he were caught in the basement with a little girl dressed like that, they would have his ass in jail forever. A cold wave of fear shrouded his entire body. Her mom could come down any second and catch them and he hadn't done a goddamn thing. Even worse, he had also violated company policy by not asking if there were an adult home before coming in to read the meter. Then he thought he better assess his situation. "Is your mom home?" he asked. "No, she is at work," Amanda said, wringing her hands innocently in front of her as she asked the question. He began to think that maybe this situation would turn out okay after all. He couldn't help but feel a little stir in his groin as he looked at the little girl standing there -- her bright red hair done in pigtails; freckles covering her round little face; big brown eyes giving her an air of innocence; her pail, skinny frame almost completely exposed to his curious gaze. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen a little girl naked, probably not since he was that age, he imagined. "Is there anyone else in the house?" he asked her. "Nope. I am the lady of the house now!" she exclaimed. "I see," the man said as he turned to fasten a new seal to the meter, "aren't you afraid of catching cold dressed like that?" he asked. "Nah, I usually go naked in the house when nobody's around," she said. "What about when someone comes over?" he asked. "Dunno. Never happened before," she replied, hands wringing. "If you promise not to tell anyone, anyone at all, you can go naked while I am here. I don't mind," he said. As he said it, he couldn't believe the risk he was taking. But the stirring in his crotch was too much for reason to overcome. And it was obvious that this little girl was enjoying what she was doing. "How old are you, anyway," he asked. "Nine. You mean you won't tell anybody if I show you my pussy?" she asked, pouring on an unbelievable amount of fake little girl innocence. Her hands were now apart, her thumbs hooked in the waist band of her white cotton panties in preparation of pulling them down. "Of course not. I would never say anything and you can't either. What's your name?" he asked. "Amanda," she said as she pulled the front part of her panties down below her hairless little mound. The man walked over to her to get a better look. It was obvious now that he had an erection. "That's a nice little pussy you have there, Amanda. Do you show it to the boys?" "Sometimes," she said, looking him in the eye and then looking down at the lump in front of his pants making it obvious that she knew he was getting a hard on. She went ahead and pulled her panties down all the way, kicking them off on the floor. "I don't suppose you have ever let them fuck you, have you?" he asked. He was pretty sure she was too young for that, but asking such a direct, personal and vulgar question turned him on. "Nah, I am too little for that," she said, still looking at his crotch. The man, noticing her interest, undid his belt. He asked her if she wanted to see his, knowing full well that she was going to anyway. When she nodded, he opened his pants and let them drop to his ankles. He unbuttoned the front of his shirt and let it fall to the sides so that she had a full frontal view and then pulled his jockey shorts down, letting them join his pants on the floor. Amanda was amazed at the huge erect cock that waved before her. She had seen boys her age and younger before, but nothing ever like this. The man began to stroke his cock as she looked on. Still standing up, she held her legs apart, opened the lips of her pussy to expose the moist pink flesh and massaged her tiny clit. The two watched each other masturbate for a minute or so before the man took the lead. He reached down and took the girl's free hand and placed it beneath his balls. She instinctively began a slow rubbing and squeezing motion with her tiny hand. He placed the other hand on his cock and guided it up and down the shaft as if to show her what to do. Her hand would not even close around the circumference of the huge shaft, but she obediently jacked him off. His hands free to explore, he placed one hand over her ass. The hand almost covered it entirely. With his middle finger, he found her anus and pressed ever-so-gently on and off as if touching a very sensitive button. With the other hand, he found her crack and placed one finger in her tiny hole up to the first knuckle as he massaged her clit with his thumb. Immediately, he could detect the sudden change in the little girl's breathing as her breaths shortened and intensified. Her action on his cock and balls reflected the feelings that were going through her body. He stopped the pressing on her asshole long enough to take his middle finger, place in his mouth and get is very wet with saliva. He used the tip of his finger to scoop up the huge drop of pre-cum that had formed on the end of his cock. Then he put his finger down directly over her asshole. This time he pressed steadily with his middle finger while holding her cheeks apart with the other fingers. The lubricated finger entered the little girls rectum in one smooth motion, stopping only when it had buried itself up to the second knuckle. She gasped at the sensation, but then almost instantly began a backward grinding motion causing the finger to slip in all the way. Amanda continued to move her ass in response to the fucking finger. The finger in her cunt matched the rhythm and the massaging of her clit caused her to loose control. She found herself in a firm grip on the man's cock caused mostly by the feelings that were overcoming her. She was jacking him off fast and hard when she felt an eruption boiling in his balls. She continued to squeeze them as he ejaculated sending semen splattering against her flat, pale white stomach. The man was out of his mind with the orgasmic sensation as he muttered "Atta girl. That's the way. Milk it for me you little kitten. Daddy's girl. Fuck me!" The filthy language turned Amanda on almost as much as the gooey semen that now cascaded down her stomach and covered her hairless mound. But the finger fucking of her ass and cunt left her defenseless against the orgasm that followed. For a moment she lost consciousness and her legs gave out. The next thing that she knew was that the man had removed his finger from her ass hole and had set her up on the washing machine where he was continuing his finger fucking of her cunt His finger, lubricated by his cum, was now all the way inside her. And she was jerking her skinny little hips up wildly as she plowed his finger deep inside her. As the man finger fucked the little girl, he was now jerking himself off. He had returned his cock to full erectness. Mandy reached down with one hand and massaged his balls as she lay sideways across the washer and dryer, still pumping her but up from the cold steel to hump his finger. He felt the urge to squirt his stuff arising again but this time wanted to go further with the girl. He pulled her to the edge of the washer and stood her up. Leading her by the hand, he made his way over to an old overstuffed chair in the corner. She climbed on it, kneeled over the back with her butt toward him and opened up her crotch. He was afforded a complete, unobstructed view of her cunt and her ass. He ran his huge prick up and down the moist crack plowing through the cum that had dripped down there earlier. Amanda started to spasm again. No one had ever touched her cunt like he was doing, rubbing his stiff cock up and down it. As her orgasmic spasms subsided, she felt an immense pressure against the entrance to her canal. He was pressing his huge organ into her! No way would that fit -- there just wasn't enough room. But she continued to press backwards and open her legs as much as possible to meet him. It was beginning to hurt a little and the man sensed this. He backed off a little while maintaining a steady pressure with his cock against her hole and then he stroked his cock. Within seconds, Amanda felt a fluid gushing inside of her. He was coming again and this time he was delivering his sperm inside the little girls cunt. The warm sensation of the semen splashing against the back of her canal made Amanda want to pee. But soon, after he had delivered his gooey load inside of her, he was over by the washing machine putting on his pants. "Thanks for the fuck, mister!" Amanda exclaimed. "Yeah, any time, kid," he told her as he climbed the stairs to leave. The man, now back in control of his senses, was both frightened and ashamed of what he had done with this little girl. After a few months, however, when he would quit worrying about the girl mentioning it to someone. He began to think about her, fantasizing about fucking her as he fucked his wife. They would meet again in the future. For the time being, though, Amanda had accomplished a personal objective -- to take control of an adult male and make them do things they wouldn't normally do. It was the control factor as much as the sex that turned her on. It was not until about a year later when the opportunity once again availed itself. Don, the boy next door was a handsome teenager, about 16. He had been asked to baby sit her for a few hours one day when her mom had to keep an appointment at the same time that her dad was out of town. It didn't take long for Amanda to get out of everything but her cotton panties. Then she nonchalantly took a position on the floor in front of the TV. She lay on the floor on her stomach, her head propped up on her hands. "Don't you think you should be wearing something more than that?" he asked. "This is what I always wear," she answered. Don had no sisters and had only seen girls naked on a couple of prior occasions. Both were older girls with whom he had went out on dates. He wondered what a girl this young would look like and he also wondered why this little kid was so aggressive about wearing next to nothing. He knew enough to be careful, though. It could be that this kid was just used to wearing panties and there was no big deal. It would have to be her move. At ten, Amanda had a cute, developing figure. There was only a hint of what would one day be breasts. Her red hair was now cut in a short pageboy style that accentuated her impish personality. Don watched her as she watched TV, her cotton panties stretched tight over her round little buns. He was feeling an erection coming on and was, in addition to being curious and excited about what he was seeing, was a little ashamed about feeling that way about a 10 year old girl. He shifted himself and moved his trapped, hardening cock to a more comfortable position in his jockey shorts. Amanda watched his reflection in the TV screen and new she was getting to him. "Great!" she thought. Once again experiencing her fantasy of exposing herself to someone and then have them react. She got up from her position in front of the TV and turned it off. She felt like pulling her panties off right there, but Don may be shocked or afraid of getting caught and tell her to get dressed. She didn't want that. So, she would play the game a little longer. She took a deck of cards from the cupboard and asked Don if he wanted to play. He said no, so she sat down in front of the glass coffee table and began to play solitaire. As Don was sitting on the couch across from her, he could see down through the glass. Amanda had her legs straight out in different directions. This caused the material of her panties to slide up her crack, giving the him a full outline of her hairless little mound. As he pretended to watch her cards in interest, his cock grew at the sight before him. He was almost sure that the girl was doing this on purpose. But she had been messing with the cards for a full five minutes without doing any more than teasing him in those panties. Hell, he was going to have to take a chance and say or do something to find out for sure. "Would you be more comfortable without those panties? They look kinda tight," he said. "Yeah, they are getting kinda small for me. I am going to go get some other ones." With that, she sprung up and dashed off to her room, coming back shortly with a half-dozen pair of assorted panties. "Which ones do you think would look good?" she asked, teasing the boy. Don, at this point, both excited and confused, wondering if she was teasing him or sincerely trying to select something to wear, was still not ready to make any bold moves yet. Besides, she may change in front of him. "I dunno, I guess those," he said, pointing to some low cut, pastel blue, cotton bikini panties. "Okay,I'll try 'em on," she said. but instead of changing in front of the boy, she went just around the corner. "No peeking," she said as she slipped out of one pair and slowly pulled on the other. But he didn't have to peek. He could see her reflection in the glass door of the stereo rack across the room. She was turned slightly so that what he saw was her naked profile. In a moment, she bounced back around the corner, her new blue panties tightly adorning her little body. The waist band was a full two inches below her navel than the other ones were, showing that much more of her flat tummy. Don's erection continued to grow. "Are these better?" she teased. "Come here and let me see how they fit," Don said, not believing that he had said it as soon as the words left his mouth. Within seconds, she was right in front of him. Don pulled at the waistband and leg bands as if to check the size. Then he let the fingers of one hand go beneath the leg band and find her crack. He massaged her slippery little crack with his finger. "What are you doing?" she asked. But she stood there and didn't pull away. "Well, I wondered if there was enough room in these panties so that I could play with your pussy while you kept them on, but it looks like they're too tight," he said. "Yeah, they are kinda," she said. In a single, swift move, she put one hand on each side of the waistband and pulled them down. Don removed his hand to allow her to slip them over her hips and then they dropped to her ankles. She stepped out of them, standing now naked in front of the boy. Don went to work exploring. He parted her hairless little mound and exposed her little fuck hole. He put a finger on her clit and explored it while he got close and looked directly into her hole. Amanda, now excited herself, moved her legs apart to make it easy for him to see. Don, deciding there was room, gently inserted a finger about an inch inside. Amanda's automatic muscle responses caused her cunt to tighten on it. Don got even more aroused feeling this and couldn't resist escalating the matter by talking to the little girl. "How old are you now, Mandy?" he asked. "Ten and a half," she replied. "If you were a little older, I would fuck you. You're cute and you would make a great lay. Some day some guy is gonna cram his hot stiff cock up this hole of yours and shoot his stuff inside you. Maybe when you're 13 or something I will fuck your little twat for you. Would you like that?" he said, his own words turning him on. "Is that what guys do? Have you done that to a girl before? she asked. "Yeah. Twice. It's great," he told her. "Why don't you show me what does a 'stiff cock' look like?" she asked him. Don hated to remove his finger but he had to get out of his clothes before his cock came through the material of his blue jeans all by itself. Standing up, the boy dropped his levis and underwear at the same time. Wanting to be completely naked, like Amanda was, he pulled his shirt over his head. Amanda stared at the huge waving monster that the boy had unleashed from its confinement. Unlike the meter man she had seen naked, whose body was covered with hair, this boy was hairless except for the triangle of pubic hair around his crack. His cock was big but not the throbbing monster that the man had had. "Wow, Donnie, you actually put that inside somebody?" she asked, knowing that all boys wanted to have the biggest cock around. "Yeah, you would be surprised how well it fits. You're just not old enough yet, but someday you will be able to take a cock like this all the way inside you," he told her as he sat back on the couch. "You might find some horny little dude your age to break you in. His cock wouldn't be quite this big." Amanda sat on the couch next to him, leaning back against the arm. She spread her legs to give him an uninhibited view of her crack. Don replaced his finger, but this time moved it in and out in a fucking motion. Amanda responded by grinding her hips slowly and pumping her butt. With the other hand, Don stroked his cock. "What are you doing? she asked "Jacking off," he said. "Why?" she asked. "Because I am horny as hell and this feels good. It makes me cum." "Cum? What's that?" she asked. "It is when my sperm comes out of the end of my cock. Just like it would If I was fucking a girl. That's the stuff that mixes up with the girls stuff to make babies," he explained. "Yeah, I wanna see that," she said as he pumped her with his finger. "Would you like me to shoot it inside your hole so you can see what it feels like?" he asked her. She did not want to tell him that she had already had that experience. She also had learned a thing or two in the last year. "Will it make me pregnant?" she asked cautiously. "Nah. You're still too young for that," he told her. "Yeah, that would be neat, I guess," she responded. Don removed his finger from the little girl and stood up. He went to the bathroom and got a towel from the hamper which he placed on the bottom cushion of an overstuffed chair. Then he led the little girl to the chair and sat her in it, putting her legs on either arm so that she was fully spread-eagle. He stood over her and stroked his shaft as she looked on. Amanda was overcome with curiosity and reached up to gently feel his swinging testicles. She gently massaged them and the boy masturbated even more furiously. Suddenly he erupted, sending a white glob of jism directly to the middle of her stomach. She was startled by his sudden ejaculation and intrigued by the splashes of jism that were now impacting her naked little body. As his cock continued to spew out hot sperm, Don lowered himself over the girl and placed his erupting penis directly over her hole. Before he could get his cock in direct contact with it, a wad of white pearly cum splashed down directly on her opening. He placed his cock directly on top of her hole and pushed ever so slightly so that the jism that was spewing from his cock would go deep into the girl's canal. Amanda felt the warm, wonderful sensation of the boy's semen spilling into her. It made her body tingle all over. She wished that he could fuck her for real, with his cock deep inside of her, flushing her little cunt with his boystuff. And then it happened. The cum that splashed the girls crack a few seconds earlier had mixed with her own juices to form a super lubricant. The slight pressure that Rob had put on his cock had caused the head to pop into the girls cunt. They were both startled. Rob didn't move any further for fear of hurting her. But even as his cock remained stationary, It continued to send torrents of cum into Amandas hole. The warm feeling relaxed the girl and caused Don's cock to slip in even further until it was about a quarter of the way inside of her. Amanda felt stuffed, almost as if she had to shit but her butt was too tightly closed to allow that. Even after Don's ejaculation had finished, his cock didn't go limp but retained most, but not all, of his erection. The reduced size made it even easier to fit into the girl. The sperm that had flooded her canal provided the lubricant needed to make a nice, smooth fuck. Don started pumping, ever so slightly. Amanda responded by wrapping her legs around his waist and slowly pumping herself into him. Don looked down at the little girl and couldn't believe he was doing this. He would have never done anything like this if she hadn't seduced him into it, but he could get in trouble, none the less. Thinking of the consequences and what he was doing, in addition to the fact that he had just ejaculated, caused his cock to shrink a little more. The girls pumping and fucking had sucked his now almost completely flaccid cock all of the way into her cunt. He could feel his balls against her ass. "I guess I don't have to wait 'til I'm 13 after all," she said, looking up at him with a smile. She put her fingers into one of the pools of cum on her stomach and examined it closely. "So that's what that stuff looks like," she said softly. The smile and the innocent way that Amanda played in the cum, without any remorse for what they were doing, caused Don's guilt about fucking the girl to subside. His cock, surrounded by the girls tight, warm pussy, began to stiffen. "Can you cum again?" she asked. Her talking caused her cunt muscles to tighten around Don's cock, even further speed up his erection. "Sometimes I can do it twice in a row, like when I am really turned on, like now," Don said, looking down at where his stiff prick had buried itself in the girls hairless little twat. "Fuck me, Donnie. And when you finish fucking me, I am going to lick your asshole," she told him. "Pretend I am one of your teenage girlfriends and fuck me." The filthy talk from the little girl made Don forget she was ten. His cock, now fully erect, filled her tight cunt. Were it not for the semen that was already lubricating her hole, he would have never been able to move in and out of her. But the tightness of her cunt served to milk the cum from his balls. Once again, he exploded, filling the 10 year old with his hot jism. And for the first time in her life, with a cock buried in her cunt, Mandy came. Her orgasm caused her entire little body to shake as the boy bounced up and down on her wildly. The slight pain that she had felt when the fully erect member had filled her cunt was now gone, given way to wave after wave of sheer ecstasy. And the warmness of the sperm that was flooding her caused her to relax even more, which caused the boys cock to sink in completely to the back wall of her cunt. When Don finally pulled out of her, cum flowed from her tiny hole and soaked the towel that he had placed beneath her butt. "Guess you are one well-fucked 10 year old," he told her. "That was awesome," she said. "You can baby sit me any time."