Chapter 25 As the walkway brought them into Jeffrey's apartment, Cheryl was tapping her pants, near the zipper. "Jeffrey? Where are you?" They ran into the room, zipping off the end of the walkway which Cheryl didn't bother to remove. In a panic, she unsnapped her pants and unzipped them. The sneakers she was wearing disappeared, and she removed her pants. She was about to remove her panties, when she remembered that she could probably speak to him. "Jeffrey?" Jeffrey awoke from a dream with a start. He reached over, expecting to find Cheryl in bed next to him. Boy, was it hot in here. But he wasn't in bed. Cheryl was nowhere to be found... Wait... It's wet... soft... all around... He realized, in an instant, that Cheryl was EVERYWHERE. On every side of him. Surrounding him. It was very exciting, and he became erect immediately. "Jeffrey?" Her voice was muffled. It was coming from down there, somewhere. He tried to answer. "Cheryl! I was asleep." Unfortunately, Cheryl couldn't find him to "magically" listen. Jeffrey bumped the wall of her uterus with an elbow. Cheryl put her hand on her abdomen. "Jeffrey... He's REALLY inside..." Deirdre thought this all most amusing. "Well, of COURSE he's inside. That's where you put him. I'm sure he's fine." "No, you don't understand... He's not in my vagina. He's REALLY inside. I don't know how to get him out. I can't see him. "No need to do that," Deirdre reasoned. (She was really getting into it, now.) "Cheryl, you HAVE the equipment. Just USE it. That should be no problem for YOU!" "Okay, okay. Help me off with this stuff..." Cheryl removed her own panties while Deirdre stood there wondering how to help. Cheryl pulled her shirt off, and sat on the floor. She lay back on the floor, spread her legs, and pulled her knees up. Then she sat there, not knowing what to do. "Now what?" asked Cheryl. "Just push", replied Deirdre. "Push from inside. Breathe deep." Cheryl took a deep breath. Her vagina squeezed shut. Nothing else happened. Deirdre took a closer look. "No, no... Don't squeeze, push. It's the other way." This time, Cheryl did it the right way. Her muscles contracted, and pushed Jeffrey towards the outside. He slithered through her cervix, propelled by her powerful muscles. Now she could feel him, sliding towards her more sensitive areas. Her cervix snapped shut after he was through. A few more pushes contracted her vagina. An instant later, Jeffrey slid from her body, landing on the floor right at her crotch. He was coated with a thick, shiny substance. Cheryl relaxed, panting not due to the exertion, but from her panic earlier. "Whew!" exclaimed Deirdre and Cheryl together. Jeffrey leaned up against Cheryl's leg. Deirdre reached between Cheryl's legs and picked Jeffrey up. He looked perfectly fine. Holding him up to her, she asked: "Want to go for another ride?" Cheryl wasn't watching. She was still staring at the ceiling. Deirdre, without waiting for Jeffrey to answer, which he didn't anyway, unzipped her own pants, and pulled her panties down a bit, and started to put Jeffrey between her own legs. It looked fun for Cheryl and Jeffrey, and she didn't want to be left out. Watching Cheryl extrude Jeffrey's body was exciting. Cheryl looked up for a moment, then stared back at the ceiling. "No," she said, "not now." Jeffrey grew to his former size in seconds before Deirdre could do anything. She couldn't hold him up. He yelled another "Ow!" as he hit the ground. "Oh. Sorry!", said Cheryl. "Let's go back now, OK?" Without waiting for agreement, she summoned the Device while still on her back, and pressed the STOP button. Then they were all back in their seats around the table. Cheryl looked at the display... it read "IMAGE STOP 3:11:21". Jeffrey took the Device and plugged it into the recharger. Chapter 26 The three of them went out for the rest of the afternoon. They went for a walk in the mall, played some indoor miniature golf, had dinner early, and saw a movie that they later decided wasn't worth seeing. Jeffrey drove them Cheryl and Deirdre back to their apartment. They both invited him to stay the night. After all they had done together, Jeffrey had no reason to decline. They watched some television, and finally, Cheryl and Jeffrey headed off for Cheryl's bedroom. Deirdre followed. That made things a little sticky. "Oh, Deirdre, it's you...", Cheryl yelped, as if she didn't know who was behind her. She turned around, just inside her room, holding on to Jeffrey. "Cheryl, you won't mind, just this once? After today, I don't want to be alone tonight. Oh... if you DO mind, I'll...." "No, Deirdre," spoke Cheryl in a disappointed voice. She really wanted the time alone with Jeffrey; but it was too early to make Deirdre's fears come true. She'd get over it in the morning. Cheryl would have Jeffrey all to herself for a long time. "It's okay. Let's just not make a HABIT of it, okay?" Deirdre nodded. They all undressed themselves quietly. Jeffrey got into bed first. Cheryl slipped in on one side, and Deirdre bounced in on the other, wrapping an arm around Jeffrey before Cheryl could. There was plenty of room in the bed. "Deirdre, are you... Well, Cheryl and I have an SBC between us..." Cheryl quietly answered Jeffrey. "She's got a general, Jeffrey. She's protected." Cheryl hadn't planned on Deirdre actually having Jeffrey, at least not in real life. There was something she didn't like about sharing him in reality. She was having worried thoughts about Deirdre's intent. Cheryl felt Jeffrey's hand on her breast. He squeezed it. He seemed very excited; she wasn't, yet. There was a good reason for it; Deirdre had one hand wrapped around his cock, which was growing at her touch. This delighted Deirdre very much. She moistened him with her own juices. Jeffrey was putting his efforts into Cheryl, not Deirdre. His hands found two pussies; Deirdre was wet, and hot; Cheryl was warm, but dry. He got a finger inside Deirdre, but he could only rub Cheryl on the outside, so far. She started breathing deep. She was opening-- he started a finger inside Cheryl, and she started moaning. It was intentional; Cheryl was letting Deirdre know that Jeffrey's attention was on her. He slid his finger deep into Cheryl, rubbing the spot that made her come before. Deirdre, who wasn't holding Jeffrey's cock anymore, rolled on top of Jeffrey. Her legs were in the right place; his penis was right between them. Her vagina swallowed his penis quickly. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling his hand out of Cheryl in the process, and really started to screw him. Jeffrey's eyes were closed, and his arms were wrapped around her. He was locked into copulation with Deirdre, as Cheryl did nothing but watch. This, of course, was too much. Deirdre had managed to press Jeffrey's buttons the right way. He was under HER control, and wasn't being nice about it. Cheryl grabbed Deirdre's hair and pulled her up, which produced a breathy "Ouch" from her. She bent backwards as Cheryl tugged on her. Cheryl slipped in front of her, sat on Jeffrey's face, and let go of Deirdre, whose head dropped into Cheryl's bosom. Deirdre sat up a second later, forced to let Jeffrey slide out. She took him again, sitting up exactly as Cheryl had done before. Cheryl looked like he was having a good time, though Jeffrey now had to tilt his head back every so often to breathe. Cheryl liked this better. His hands were all over her, his tongue inside. It wasn't as stimulating as his cock was, but that made it last longer. Deirdre was humping away again. She came, as Jeffrey did, and rolled off so she could lie down, Jeffrey's sticky come inside her, and her juices all over his crotch. Deirdre now had to watch Cheryl as she started coming. She was making it slow and painful to Deirdre. She sat there, pounding Jeffrey's head between her legs, for over a half hour. She'd come, stop for a moment, and start all over again. Obviously, Jeffrey was participating. What endurance! Deirdre was too tired. Cheryl and Jeffrey kept her awake. Cheryl finally got up, which prompted a "...finally..." from Deirdre, at which time she merely swiveled around, and sat on his cock, which had hardened again while he was licking her. She tasted better than Deirdre, Jeffrey thought. Deirdre tasted too sweet. Of course, that was not necessarily what she REALLY tasted like, but only what he had imagined, or either Cheryl or Deirdre projected. Neither of them would have known Deirdre's flavor, right? They made love now, in a slow, gentle fashion. Their rhythmic motions were actually pleasant to Deirdre, as the bed slowly rocked her. She still couldn't sleep. The pace picked up for a moment, and then, with a short scream from both Cheryl and Jeffrey, it was over. Cheryl rolled off to the side. They all slept very soundly. Chapter 27 When Cheryl and Jeffrey finally woke up, Deirdre wasn't there. They weren't in the mood for sex, though they cuddled for a while. They got up, and found a note from Deirdre thanking them both for a wonderful time, and telling them that she left early to go visit some friends. She had even picked up the apartment before she left. They took their time eating breakfast. Cheryl still looked sleepy. They procrastinated for quite a while before taking a bath, which, as one might expect, they took together, sitting in the tub for almost two hours, talking, and playing. When Jeffrey finally asked what Cheryl had liked best so far, she thought about it a moment. "Meeting you," she said. "Really. All the feelings I'm having are so sudden-- and I can't attribute them all to the Device." Jeffrey smiled. "What else?" "Well, if I had a choice, it was to be a man for a while. That's what I'd want to do again the most. All my life I've been female, and I only got to be a male for a couple hours. Didn't you like being a girl?" "Yes, Cheryl. I hope I don't regret saying this, but I'd do it again. In fact, I wish we could trade places in real life for a while. I'd like to see what it's like to be treated like a woman." Cheryl smiled, and then looked puzzled. "What's so different about real life?" "Well, it's different. For one thing, there are people in it besides those few you take with you. I can't get the Device to simulate other people, even if the new one IS programmable. I could have giant crowds, or other people at a distance, or a few up close that only do certain predictable things. But I've heard so much about how women are TREATED different, I'd like to see it. Have doors opened for me. Have a zillion guys wanting to take me out, and being able to say 'no' to all of them." "I hope you know it's not like that," Cheryl replied. "Not at all. Well, I mean not for everyone. First of all, unless you're really attractive," (Jeffrey smiled. She WAS really attractive.) " don't have guys crawling all over you even if you wanted them. And if you DO look good," (Cheryl smiled back) "the guys who ARE after you are after you because of your looks. Then you have to decide how to turn them down. It's so hard at first... and then you just feel MEAN about having done it. But you can't LOOK like you're sorry about it. But, I have to admit, I was going too far. I would have lost YOU if I had kept treating you that way. And you never made a move towards me. In fact, you were kind of nice." "All I know is that I'd rather have a SURPLUS than a SHORTAGE." Cheryl shook her head. "You forget, dear Jeffrey, that NOBODY wants to go out with someone who goes out with EVERYBODY. I know that's true for guys too, now." "I guess so. I'd still like to see for myself. For a while. But, I can't. You'd like to do the reverse, wouldn't you?" "Sure I would." answered Cheryl. "As long as you were my girlfriend. Actually... notice something lately? Now that we've seen the other side, we have a different perspective." "Exactly. I'd love you no matter what bodies we were in. This way, or the other way. Or just together." Cheryl's eyebrows perked up. She didn't say anything, though. Chapter 28 They spent the whole day together. They washed Cheryl's car, did the laundry together, and enjoyed every minute of it. Jeffrey felt that he'd be very comfortable living with her on a more permanent basis. Cheryl seemed unusually quiet and moody that afternoon. Jeffrey asked her why. "Oh, I don't know, Jeffrey. I haven't been away from you at all since Friday afternoon, and we have work tommorrow. I love falling in love. In the morning we go back to a regular existence. I can't get my mind off of it. I'm starting to hate this job." "Cheryl, we DO work in the same place. We aren't ever far away from each other. And after work we'll be together again. And what's so bad about your job?" "I can't do it right. There's too much politics, too many favors... and... Kevin." "Kevin?" Jeffrey asked. "Yes. The assistant supervisor in the records department." "Oh, THAT Kevin. Yes, I know him. What about him?" "I can't stand him. He's on the same employment level as I am, but treats me like an underling because his Dad is on the Board of Trustees. He's asked me to do things that even the janitor shouldn't have to do. He hates the fact that I was promoted to his level even if I'm in a different department. And..." Jeffrey waited, holding his breath at the suspense. Cheryl started whispering. "he's made it very clear that I won't get promoted until I... take him to bed." "That's impossible," Jeffrey said. "He wouldn't have the authority. And he'd get into big, big trouble. Why didn't you blow the whistle on him?" "With what evidence? How could I prove anything without a laserdisc recorder? And you KNOW it's impossible to smuggle a recorder into the records area. I'd even thought of inviting him out somewhere and THEN recording him, but he won't do it. He knows me too well. So, I just stopped talking to him. And I haven't gotten any promotions since then. Nobody will explain why. He's on my level, so he's part of the team that has to review me." Jeffrey thought a moment. "Sounds like he's called in a few favors from up above. He can't keep it up forever. Even with his ego, he's going to run out of favors sooner or later." "No, he won't," replied Cheryl. "He's only got to see that I stay in this position a little longer. Then HE'll get the next promotion, even though I've been here longer." Jeffrey thought again. Then his eyes lit up. "Ego. That guy's probably the only one on the earth who feels that he's superior just because he's a man. He'd kill himself if he had to live as a woman, don't you agree? Well, maybe not KILL himself..." Cheryl knew, instantly, what he was talking about. Jeffrey was exactly correct. They spent the afternoon arranging the Plan. They slept at Jeffrey's that night. Chapter 29 It was lunchtime at IDT. As with most companies of this sort, that meant about two hours where this part of the building was vacant. Jeffrey stayed in the Lab until everyone else left. Cheryl burst in shortly thereafter. "It's perfect," she said. "He's asleep as usual. He usually sleeps half the morning and then goes out to lunch, the moron." Jeffrey grabbed the Device (IDT's version) in one hand, and Cheryl's hand in each other. They went to Kevin's office. Jeffrey set the Device up outside his door, and then Cheryl took it, and quietly brought it into the room. She brushed the metallic circle on the device against a finger; this almost woke him up. She waited, then quietly opened his drawer, dropped something inside, and closed it. She then quickly stepped out of the room with the Device. "This way," Jeffrey said, pointing to the door to a maintenance room adjacent to Kevin's office. "In here." They quickly went in, and closed the door. "I turned the power up this morning. It should easily get through this wall. Where did you put the stuff?" "In the right bottom drawer. Next to his lunch. Got it?" "Ok, right bottom drawer." Jeffrey set the timer for ninety minutes, and set the box in his lap. "Comfy?" "Yup!" Cheryl leaned against him. He pressed "Start", closed his eyes for a second, and when they opened their eyes, the box was red. He made the box disappear, and got up. "We're in real trouble if we get caught, you know." Cheryl was determined to go through with it. "We won't get caught. Now let's get in there before he wakes up. You have to change first." "Ok, Cheryl. Help me out a bit, ok? I won't have a THING to wear." He grinned at her. She nodded at him. He closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating on the image they had agreed upon earlier. He started changing. The tingle in his chest grew, and two breasts started to swell under his shirt. Cheryl nodded approvingly. They stretched his shirt a bit; Cheryl started unbuttoning it. Jeffrey's figure changed rapidly. His hair grew much longer, and straight, like Cheryl's. There was a warm, light feeling between his legs that told him that the female parts were now in place-- it felt strange, but now a bit familiar. Cheryl put a bra on him, gave him a bright blouse, and, this time, a skirt. She kept on what she already had. Jeffrey didn't look a bit like Jeffrey anymore. He made a perfect female. Cheryl straightened him up a bit, brushing his hair back, adjusting the blouse a bit so that Jeffrey's nipples would show once they were erect. Then she gave him a long hug, her breasts meshing with Jeffrey's. It was unique. The noise of the door opening awakened Kevin, who was a bit upset at having been awakened as Cheryl entered. He squelched his anger when he saw Jeffrey enter the room. This other girl was beautiful, and rather unexpected. Cheryl went to his desk. She spoke in a sexy, yet businesslike, voice. "This is an old friend of mine." She looked at Jeffrey. "Sue, meet Kevin, one of the other assistant supervisors." Jeffrey held out his hand. Kevin kissed it. It was working. With Cheryl's coaching, he could now fool anyone. He smiled gently. Cheryl sat on his desk. She whispered into his ear. "She's a REAL good friend of mine. I knew you wouldn't mind having BOTH of us." Kevin's eyes lit up. He stared at Sue again, who was still smiling. Jeffrey was quite impressed with himself. Cheryl sat in Kevin's lap, and with her bottom could feel Kevin growing in his pants. It wouldn't be long now. She whispered to him again. "I couldn't stand being an assistant forever, you know?" Jeffrey walked over to Kevin now, behind his desk, and ran his fingers through Kevin's hair. He didn't like it. He had to keep convincing himself that it was really okay; he WAS a female for the moment, and as such there was nothing 'strange' about his actions. Of course, the whole thing was strange. He was generating pheromones now, that were wafting out under his skirt, and making Kevin more susceptible to the seduction. In minutes Kevin was on the floor, on a foam mat he kept supposedly for such occasions, and had pulled out of his drawer. Cheryl was right, Jeffrey thought. He WAS overly aggressive. He had already unbuttoned Jeffrey's blouse, and had his hands all over him. His nipples responded quickly to Kevin's hands. He had to keep Kevin's attention off of Cheryl, who was at this moment unzipping Kevin's slacks. She didn't take them off. She reached for her belt and started to unfasten it, and then nodded once at Jeffrey. Jeffrey, who felt comfortable as "Sue" now, swiveled around, lifted the skirt, and quickly sat on Kevin's face. He wasn't wearing panties at all. Kevin quickly nuzzled through the pubic hair to Jeffrey's cunt, and probed inside with his tongue. He was good, Jeffrey thought, but not as good as Cheryl. His mind floated for a second. He had to keep up with the script. He looked at Kevin, who reached for his breasts. "Suck me," Jeffrey said. "Drink my come." It sounded perfect. He sat up straight, burying Kevin entirely, and then dropped the skirt. The skirt hid everything from Jeffrey's waist down. He nodded once at Cheryl, who now finished removing her pants. Chapter 30 The skirt was was a great idea. Even if Kevin COULD have seen anything other than "Sue's" private parts at this instant, which he couldn't, the skirt would keep him from seeing the other things that were happening. He would never be allowed to actually see Cheryl's naked body. She didn't want that to happen, ever. Cheryl straddled him. In a well-rehearsed move, she quickly took his cock between her legs. Kevin made some noise, which was muffled by Jeffrey's cunt. Jeffrey closed his eyes for a second, remembering the second image they had discussed. When he opened them again, he patted Cheryl on the head. She panted a bit, and licked his hand with her huge tongue. Cheryl was now a golden retriever. Without speaking, he asked her: "You okay in there?" She replied almost instantly. "Fine! How do I look?" "Beautiful, well, as beautiful as a dog can be, I guess. How does it feel? We've never tried THIS before." "Fur is definitely warm. I'll tell you later. Let me screw him and get it over with, ok?" Cheryl, who was in a sitting position, held her tail still, and enjoyed the ride as Kevin plunged inside her, and out again. He was really into it, as Cheryl and Jeffrey both were. Jeffrey came first. Remembering what Cheryl had told him, he made Kevin drink a lot of come. Jeffrey's body shuddered, and his legs squeezed Kevin tight, preventing him from breathing, for the moment. There was no chance that he'd miss "Sue's" orgasm. When it was over, Jeffrey didn't get up. He rocked forward a bit so Kevin could breathe again, but wouldn't get up. He waited until Kevin started coming, then lifted up just a bit so Cheryl could hear Kevin: "Oh, Cheryl, you're REALLY good..." Cheryl wagged her tail a bit, brushing the inside of Kevin's legs. Finally, Jeffrey got up. Kevin's mouth fell open. The dog had obviously had a good time. Kevin turned quite red. He pushed Jeffrey out of the way. Jeffrey stumbled, but managed to regain his balance just in time to teleport Cheryl so that she, in her original form, was standing next to the door, leaving the image of the dog under his control. Cheryl opened the door, and Jeffrey had the dog, who was about to get smacked by Kevin, run outside. Cheryl closed the door. She had a devilish grin on her face. "You've called me a bitch enough," she said, still smiling, "that I thought you might like to make love to a one. By the way, if there are any puppies, you can keep some of them..." Kevin was on his feet, advancing toward Cheryl, threatening her. Jeffrey was worried; if he tried to hurt her, he'd have to do something that would ruin the show. Cheryl kept on talking, still smiling. "So, Sue, did he drink it?" "Every bit of it," Jeffrey answered. "I could feel him swallowing." Kevin knew it was true. He turned his attention to Sue, wondering what had happened. Cheryl continued, still grinning. "They have some neat stuff in genetics now. A viral-acting modifier, I think they call it. It invades your cells one at a time and changes one specific gene to another. It can't have any effect on Sue, but it was in her fluid..." Kevin turned towards Cheryl again. Jeffrey started the changes working on him. It made him suddenly weak. He took one more step and fell to the floor, his legs no longer able to hold him. Jeffrey rushed over with the foam pad and helped him onto it, placing a pillow beneath his head as if he cared for him. Kevin's voice wasn't working right anymore. With effort he managed to ask: "What... have you done... to me..." Cheryl was happy to answer. "Well, dearest Kevin, you'll be fine. There's just a temporary delay while your body repairs itself. You see, the women here have put up with you long enough. We felt that this was the best thing to do. I mean-- you can chase after the men now, but I don't think that will be like it was before." She started giggling. Kevin's voice was clearer now, but higher. He was feeling better. "Cheryl, WHAT DID YOU DO? Undo it or you'll be waiting on line for unemployment tommorrrow." With effort, Cheryl stopped laughing. "Sorry Kevin... I can't! There just isn't a way yet to replace X chromosomes with Y... And besides, even that wouldn't work if you've had the other virus..." Kevin's mouth fell open again. "You mean... I'm..." Jeffrey, still kneeling next to Kevin, brushed the hair from Kevin's chest. Kevin's figure was changing, and he hadn't noticed it. "That's right, Kevin!" "Impossible!" he yelled. "If we could do that I'd know about it. It's a trick." "You better tell THESE that, Kevin!", Jeffrey said, pointing to the elevated, dark circles on Kevin's chest. Jeffrey poked one with a finger. They were swelling a bit, but the breasts themselves hadn't started yet. Jeffrey wanted to make it slow, and thus harder on Kevin. "Shit!" Kevin jumped to his feet. He was shorter, and smaller. He ran to his mirror, and looked at himself. Breasts were in fact growing now. He pressed them with his hands, as if he was trying to hold them back. He couldn't. Cheryl pointed violently to her crotch, and then to Kevin. Jeffrey had forgotten to start the important changes. He nodded back at her, at which time Kevin's apparatus started to disappear into his body, folding inside out. The sensation took his attention away from his partially-mature mammary glands. He grabbed at his penis, trying to hold on to it. It slipped out of his fingers, and disappeared entirely into the vagina that had formed there. Another expletive came from his mouth. He looked back up to see that the breasts were now complete and final. All of the other changes had happened. He screamed once, and it came out as a very female scream, which made him scream again. Cheryl and Jeffrey smiled at each other. Kevin now looked up at them, with water in his eyes, and gave them the sorriest expression they'd ever seen on him. They would have rather seen Kevin's face with that expression, but just knowing that it was Kevin who was inside was