@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZAshlee gets introduced to submission @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ashlee1.txt MRWADE46.STY BY MASTER WADE The following story is one I found in my grandfather's files shortly after my father's death. Why my father never shared them with me, I don't know, but I expect he also thought that he had managed to keep his interest in submissive women a secret, which he had in fact failed to do. I came across several of his adventures as well, which I will share with you someday. Hope you enjoy this story about my grandfather and Ashleigh. Ashleigh--1932 Part One It wasn't an ordinary Lincoln. Big Roy had spent more than enough on it to have bought a much flashier car, but it was important to him that it not attract too much attention. The casual observer wouldn't notice the burgundy leather upholstery or the walnut and ash trim that graced the inside of the big sedan, but Big Roy took great pride in the interior as well as the big engine that he had also had installed at great expense. When Anthony opened the back door the first thing I was aware of was the smell of all that leather. The second thing was her legs. The temptation is to say that after seeing her legs I don't remember much else, but thankfully for the preservation of life's significant moments I remember every detail. Her name was Ashleigh. She had been variously employed as a model and as a dancer prior to meeting Big Roy, and was now blissfully unemployed, but nonetheless quite busy. Those outside the family assumed Ashleigh to be Big Roy's wife and seldom saw them when they were not in the company of each other. The truth was that they had never married and that Big Roy treated her quite differently than one might his wife. Nothing could have please Ashleigh more, frankly. It was a comfortable life she led, much more comfortable than the life she had been accustomed to prior to her "selection" by Big Roy. She lived in more splendor than she had even dreamed of and found her every need supplied. Supplying those needs was no small job either. Thats where I enter the story. Ashleigh was important to Big Roy for a number of reasons. It was important in those days for a man of his stature to be seen in the company of beautiful women, and Ashleigh certainly was beautiful. When I first met her she was in her mid twenties. She was a tall, striking blonde, standing something over 5'10" in her stocking feet. Her hair was shoulder length and had a sheen to it that made it appear lustrous in any light. Her facial features were perfect and her body matched her face, every single body part wonderfully proportioned and remarkable in its symmetry. She never appeared in public in anything but the finest that Chicago had to offer and was guaranteed to turn heads wherever she went. Her experience as a dancer gave her a fluidity of movement that accented her beauty to the extent that it was difficult to take one's eyes off of her whenever she was around. She was, indeed, poetry in motion. To be seen with Ashleigh on one's arm was a statement of success which few men could match. She also served as the perfect alibi for Big Roy on numerous occasions, and he made sure that if there were murders to be done, as there often were, that he was by her side whenever that time came. She was always willing to do anything that would further Big Roy's "career", and often the offer of a weekend with Ashleigh was just enough to turn the tide of a negotiation in his favor. But as I entered the back of the big sedan on that late September evening all I knew about Ashleigh was that she possessed, without a doubt, the most beautiful legs I had ever seen. They extended from a black silk dress that was split up the side nearest me and were crossed in that wonderful way that so impresses men who can barely tie their own shoes. The slit revealed much of her luscious thigh, including a portion above the top of her stocking and one of the straps of her garter belt, which also appeared to be black silk. Taking off my hat, I sat next to her and nodded in greeting. Her smile lit up the inside of the big Lincoln and she politely extended her hand as she introduced herself to me. Her skin was as soft as that of a baby and in spite of the attraction of her exposed thigh I found my eyes glued to hers, the deep pools of green drawing me to her emotionally in a wildly sensuous way. "I take it that you know Big Roy?", she asked, as the driver drove away from the curb. "Everyone knows OF Big Roy", I said, smiling. "We met once at a party several years ago. I was, you might say, in charge of the entertainment for the evening." Her broadening smile told me that she had a very good idea what I meant by that. I had, in fact, been employed to provide some extremely submissive women for the enjoyment of some of Big Roy's associates. He had been both pleased and impressed by the quality and performance of the ladies I had provided. I had been extremely pleased by the income I derived from that and other evenings, especially in light of the fact that the women I provided were not "ladies of the evening", but merely women who wanted what Big Roy paid for as much or more than he did. It was only recently that I had discovered his knowledge of my lack of need to share the bounty of his generous payment with the women. "I like a man who is knows how to take charge", Ashleigh said warmly, placing my hand on her thigh precisely where the garter met the top of her stocking. I glanced toward the driver, unsure just how free we were to continue our conversation in the direction it seemed to be taking. Reaching to her right and pushing a button on the door of the big sedan, Ashleigh set in motion a solid divider which rose from the back of the front seat and completely shielded us from that portion of the car. Another push of a button and similar dividers rose at each of the back windows until we were completely shut off from the rest of the world. When the thick armor settled into its uppermost notches, small lights became lit at both doors and along the back of the seat in front of us. Reaching into her purse, Ashleigh removed a piece of paper which she extended to me. Unfolding it, I held it so that the light illuminated it enough for me to read it. "Mr. Wade", the note read, "I'm very much aware of your interest in women and the types of women with which you seem to be so successful. Ashleigh, in addition to being an extremely beautiful woman also has needs which I neither have the time nor inclination to provide for her personally. I would appreciate it very much if you would excercise your particular talent with her and if you would make every effort to see that she never wants for anything you can provide her. You may rest assured that you have my blessing and that you will be richly rewarded for your cooperation. Sincerely, Big Roy." "It appears that my services are again being required", I said with a warm smile. "Are you as interested in them as Big Roy seems to be?" "Roy assures me that you both understand my needs and can help satisfy me. I don't lack for men to fuck, I'm sure you know that. And anytime that I want a woman, Roy will provide that as well. My deepest needs are much more specialized than that, and if you can provide what he says you can, you'll never find a more interested woman than I am", she replied seriously. "I can tell a great deal about you simply by what I see in your eyes, Ashleigh, and there is no doubt that I can help you. There is also no doubt that if I do agree to help you that I will be placing myself in a very precarious position. Big Roy has the ability to shorten my "career" permanently with the simple nod of his head, and there must be no chance whatsoever that you will decide midway through our series of encounters that you are displeased with me. What kind of assurance can you give me that I won't be placing my life in jeopardy?" "Big Roy would be disappointed that you show such a lack of trust in him", she replied with a smile. "But I both understand and anticipated your concern, and I have something which I think will help to reassure you." Reaching back into her purse again she handed me a small envelope from which she took several photographs and a hand-written note. "These are some pictures of me with Tony The Greek and some of his friends. The note is from Tony, thanking me for the good time and assuring me that he would never tell Roy. If Roy ever knew that I had fucked for his biggest enemy I'm sure you know that he would have me killed. Take the pictures and the note, and if I ever disappoint you you may feel free to show them to Roy." "You surprise me in both your understanding of the situation and the extent to which you have prepared for our meeting, Ashleigh. If you apply yourself as diligently to obeying me as your Master we will get along well." Laying her purse on the floor, Ashleigh began unbuttoning her dress. The buttons ran to the waist of the beautiful dress, and when she had unbuttoned them all she spread the material open revealing a pair of breasts that could have been sculpted by an artist. They were conical in shape and so firm that they stood perfectly out from her chest, no matter what position she was in. The aureola were dark and large, silver dollar size, and at their center they curved upward into the base of her nipples with such grace that it was hard to say where they ended and the nipples began. The nipples themselves were almost half an inch long and stood proudly from the tip of her perfect breasts. When she had given me a moment to observe her naked tits, Ashleigh took the hem of her dress in her hands, and lifting her body slighly from the leather seat, slid it up her long legs, not stopping until it was gathered around her waist. The hand nearest me now guided her leg toward the back of the seat, knee bent, opening herself to me so that her naked cunt was totally exposed. She pulled the long black gloves from her hands slowly as I let my eyes roam over her ripe young body. "Talk to me, Ashleigh, tell me who you are", I said, evenly. "I'm a gangster's whore, Master. I'm a slut who will fuck anyone those in charge of me tell me to fuck. I need for a man to be in charge of me, to tell me when to fuck and who to fuck. I need for a man to make me do things, hot nasty terribly dirty things. You know what I need, Master", she said, sexily. "Oh yes, I know what you need, Ashleigh. I know what will make you tremble inside and what will make you beg for more. I know what will make your cunt juice run like a river from your hole and puddle on the seat beneath you. I know how to make you claw at your slut cunt with your fingers, so hot that you would do anything for a cock. Your holes were made to be stretched and prodded, to be dumped full of hot fuck. Your nipples were made to be pinched and pulled. Your ass was made to spank and fuck and use in anyway your Master so chooses. You long for the feel of ropes on your wrists and ankles, leather against your smooth skin, sperm in your mouth, cunt juice on your face. If there is anything you would rather feel than hot to fuck it is the feel of cum running from your holes and dripping off your naked body. You are indeed a gangster's whore, but as of this moment you are more importantly my sex slave and you will obey my every command. When you fail to obey and sometimes whether you obey or not you will be punished by your master. Your body will perform always at my command and in accordance with my every whim, no matter what I direct you to do or where you are at the time. You will, of course, continue to please Big Roy, and my rule over your whore body will aid you in that, but you will tremble at MY commands, whimper for the satisfaction that only MY mastery can provide you, beg to do MY bidding. Do you understand?" Long before I had reached the questioning portion of my response to her, Ashleigh had begun rubbing herself with both hands. Her fingers pulled at the lips of her now drenched pussy, opening her hole wide and spreading the hot fuck juice with trembling hands. Her clit had become hard and now stood firmly at the top of her mound where her hands brushed it, rubbed it, teased it, mauled it. "Oh, God! You DO know, don't you!?!? I do understand, Master, and I do need you sooooo very much!! Make me your slave...use me, use me, use me!!", she replied hotly, her fingers slaving away at the increasingly wet hole between her legs. As I watched Ashleigh fingering herself in front of me I thought of the many other women I had seen displaying similar traits of hunger and submissiveness to me in the past. Many of them became much less attractive physically when they became very hot, but Ashleigh displayed no tendency of that sort at all. In fact, her beauty seemed to increase if anything. With her mouth slightly open and her eyes partially closed in passion, her face assumed an aura of a wonderful mixture of great beauty and extreme heat. The movements of her body as she pleasured herself seemed to almost be choreographed for their effect on anyone who might watch, they were so perfect and graceful. I found my cock growing rapidly inside my pants and my desire to fill her with my seed grew in proportion. "Look at you, my little slut, pawing at your fuck hole like that. You're such a sex-hungry tramp, doing that in front of me. Perhaps I should just have Anthony stop the car and let some men crawl in and fuck you til they tire of you. Complete strangers who would just shove their meat into you and pump you until they spill their hot cum into you." "Yesssss, Master! Anything..I'll fuck anyone you say, give me cocks, Master, Pleeeeeeease give me cocks!" "On the other hand, it pleases me to just watch you. Perhaps you don't need cocks badly enough yet and I should wait until you are more in the mood." "Nooooo, Master! I've never needed to be fucked any more than I do right now! Give me your cock! Pleeeeease fuck me...look...look at my cunt and how empty it is!! Ohhhhhh, Pleeeeeease sweet Master, fuck me...FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!" She pulled her lips apart showing me the glistening interior of her cunt as she begged to be fucked. Her heat would allow her to leave it empty only so much longer, however, and with a deep sigh of resignation she released the lips and immediately shoved three fingers of her right hand deep inside herself and began humping them with strong thrusts of her hips. Her left hand moved to her breasts and began pulling and pinching at the nipple on her right breast. She shook her head from side to side, her blonde hair flying across her face as she fucked her own fingers in and out of her trembling pussy. Leaning over her I placed a deep kiss on her opened mouth and reached past her to the buttons on the door. When the divider seperating the driver from us had receded into its housing in the back of the front seat, I instructed the driver to stop the car at the corner. When the car came to a stop I opened the door and got out, instructing Anthony to drive Ashleigh home, and leaving her with a look of despair on her face and her fingers still franticly digging into the depths of her cunt. In spite of her obvious hunger and my increasing desire I believed the long term relationship that we were building would be enhanced by leaving her in her present state. I was right. My secretary screened her calls over the next several days, informing her that I would get back to her as soon as I could. Having served as my secretary and as one of my slaves for several years, Jane was familiar with this procedure, and by the end of the week was urging me to see Ashleigh again. "She sounds so pitiful!", she said. "I don't know what you did to her or just who she is, but if anyone has ever been ready, I promise you that she is!" I smiled at Jane's evaluation. I was sure it was correct, and I looked forward to being with Ashleigh once again. I told her to make an appointment with her for the following evening around 8:00. 8:00.