The Analyst by - Hal Chapter 4 She awoke with a start on a very comfortable bed in a darkened room. It took a few minutes to shake off sleep as she thought about the very vivid dream she had just had. Suddenly, Jan realized that it wasn't a dream at all. She had actually performed sexual acts on a stage before complete strangers (and, most likely on video tape as well). After her initial panic, she closed her eyes and thought back to how aroused and excited she had felt while it was happening. She began to accept the fact that she had loved every bit of it and knew that the applause and cheering had been directed at her performance. She also knew that she would do it again and the thought sent a thrill up her spine and made her tingle with both desire and fear. She couldn't wait to talk with Dr. Stevens about what she had been through (maybe, she did need a shrink after all), and somehow knew the doctor would understand and help Jan understand too. She really did want to understand why she was so excited by this desire to display herself to others sexually. As she was thinking, the door opened a crack and the light from outside made her open her eyes and look. Denise was looking around the edge of the door and when she saw that Jan was awake, she entered the room, closing the door behind her as she did. She came and knelt beside the bed and reached out to stroke Jan's hair (matted with sweat) and forehead. Denise smiled and said, "I wanted to make sure you were all right. Kevin was certain he hadn't hurt you, but when you passed out, we were a little concerned. I checked you for damage and everything seemed to be in order, so we decided to let you sleep awhile." Jan said, softly, "I feel fine. Just a little stretched and completely exhausted. I don't think I've ever come that hard or that long before. What will they do with the tape?", she asked, sure that there was one. Denise reached over to a nightstand near the head of the bed and lifted a video cassette which she gave to Jan. "It's for you to keep or erase or destroy as you see fit. I promise you there are no copies. Our club is into open sexuality, not coercion or blackmail. Dan removed the cassette and put it here himself so he would be sure no one yielded to the temptation to make a copy for their private collection. I'm sure every member would love to have it (I know I would!), but we have very strict rules about the privacy of members and guests." Jan was instantly reassured at having one of her main concerns resolved. "I just hope I don't catch anything." she sighed. Denise smiled again and lowered her hand to stroke lightly across Jan's nipples through the light blanket. "That's something else we are very strict about. No one comes here unless the board is absolutely convinced that they are free of disease. Dan had to submit a lab test for you before he could arrange for your initiation. You probably didn't even realize we he had taken a smear." Jan admitted that she didn't and tried to think back to when he might have done it. He had certainly had ample opportunities. Jan's nipples were beginning to stiffen under Denise's soft stroking as the woman kneeling by the bed continued, "The blood test was a little trickier, but Dan managed it. You can ask him about that if you want." Jan felt her vagina starting to seep a little and wanted to encourage Denise to continue her manipulations, so she slid the covers down to free her breasts and Denise allowed her hands to roam freely around the firm globes, pausing on occasion to lightly pinch the distended nipples, as she spoke. "You are now a full member of our group, Jan (if you want to be, of course). You'll have to sign a copy of the rules and a release form, but that's just a formality. I've never seen a new member turn on an audience the way you did and when Kevin started coming in your mouth, I think there must have been about twenty simultaneous orgasms in the audience." Jan felt slightly embarrassed, recalling the semen shooting into her waiting mouth and falling warmly on her face ("I HAVE to see that tape.", she thought), but Denise was kissing and licking her breasts, now, and she was having difficulty concentrating on her memories or the conversation. Jan pulled Denise's face up and tasted her mouth. The lips were every bit as soft as she had remembered and she forced her tongue into the other woman's mouth as far as she could. She thought she detected the slight saltiness of semen and assumed (correctly) that Denise had not been idle while Jan slept. Denise slid her smooth hand down Jan's firm stomach and into the bushy growth between her legs. She entered Jan with three of her slim fingers at once and did not pause until they were fully into her. Jan let out a gasp at the rapid penetration and the look on Denise's face changed somehow. Her voice was different as she spoke too, "You like it hard and fast, sometimes, don't you?" It was more of a statement than a question and Jan moaned out a long, low, "Yesssss..." as she was almost instantly grasped by the start of an orgasm. Denise stopped moving and said, "I don't want you to come, yet, my love." Jan wasn't sure how she could prevent it, but the release slowly subsided. When she had relaxed a little, Denise withdrew her fingers and added a forth to the tight bundle. She thrust deep into Jan's wet vagina and brought out another sharp gasp as Jan felt the woman's fingertips brush against her cervix. She wanted to come, but fought against the intense need as Denise worked her hand in and around Jan's depths. Suddenly, the fingers were gone and she felt empty, as though there was a vacuum where they had been. Denise stood and removed her dress, then climbed over Jan's face. For the first time, Jan was looking at another woman's pussy from a distance of not more than two or three inches. She didn't think she wanted to do this, but knew it was a requirement if she wanted Denise to make her come. Jan's hands went to the soft mounds of Denise's ass and pulled her forward so Jan's tongue could just reach the lips. Tentatively, she extended her tongue and licked along the length of the slit. The lips were very wet and Jan found that the taste was slightly tart, but not entirely unpleasant. Without warning, Denise pushed her hips forward and down and Jan found her nose pressed hard against the protruding clitoris. At first, she was afraid she would not be able to breath, but soon learned that she could suck in air at the sides of her mouth as she worked her tongue between the inner lips. She realized that Denise was literally fucking her face, her hips moving in imitation of intercourse with a man. Jan licked and sucked as best she could until Denise pushed hard against her face and started coming. Liquid was leaking from her vagina onto Jan's face and into her open mouth and Jan started sucking it into her mouth and swallowing as it came. Finally, Denise pulled away and knelt by Jan's side. She once again inserted three fingers deep into Jan and scooped up some of the fluid that was present in copious supply. She withdrew her wet fingers and brought them to Jan's face which was shiny with Denise's own fluids. "Now, taste yourself, and compare.", she instructed and the fingers were in Jan's mouth and she could tell the difference. She didn't know if it was because of her incredible sate of arousal, but she sucked hungrily at the fingers and found that she tasted wonderful. Denise repeated the procedure twice, the last time rubbing the liquid across Jan's forehead and into her hair. Then, she quickly inserted all four fingers again and started to work the hand in and out of Jan's vagina rapidly. She drew her hand out and when she started to push back in, Jan was aware of something being different. The hand felt much bigger and Jan realized that Denise was using her thumb as well. The other woman did not relent and Jan felt her entire fist stretching the entrance and working its way fully into her belly. Denise leaned down and said, "Come now, Jan." It wouldn't have mattered if she had been told to or not. It couldn't be stopped and she heard herself crying out again as Denise fucked her with her fist. Jan's hands went to her stomach and felt the large knot rippling the surface as it moved up and down the length of her vagina. Her body spasm'd and she was aware that she was screaming as wave after wave of her climax ran through her. She was half aware of Dan, standing by the bed watching as Denise took her over the edge and, once again, she drifted away to oblivion.